My daughter has never heard me laugh so insidiously as when i found these and began searching madly for local training on gyrocopters. Sport Copter gyrocopters low level flying‏ - YouTube I think I'm going to skip getting a new car. I should also mention that soon i feel i am going to be broker than i am right now.
Good Lord.!!! Did i see one of these do a 360...! These are Insane...and I have been flying in Helicopter's for over 30 year's...
Ah screw the BOV this would make a great recon tool or if equipped with a nose mounted gun, an excellent surprise. Let see, kit plans, purchase mast, rotors and propeller, store in barn .. muahahaahahhahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah hahahahahahaha haha ha oops. Sorry, back to your regularly scheduled Monkey Bizness.
ive been lookin into gyros for about 4 years workin on a simple easy design i can make myself aiming for decent speed, quietness and mileage
Look here: Gyroplanes, Gyrocopters, Autogyros The Honeybee is a very modern, well thought out design. It is also an ultralight, if built properly. Download the PDF's and study the heck out of them. Ultralights do not require registration. Get flight instruction, though. It will be tough, as there are few autogyro instructors around. Gyros are great, just slow- having a flat plate area the size of twin barn doors. But sometimes, that's all you need. I think it's safe to say that a lot of us monkeys are pilots, and have thought about gyros from time to time. I am no exception. All I have to add is to study the plans, have a place to build that is close, and don't waver. Or else you will wind up with a pile of expensive aluminum that is only worth scrap price.
I remember these being offered by "Benson" in Tucson, Az...a "few" years back...( 60's) And then the James Bond film with "little nellie". Short takeoff and landing areas and fairly safe....I'd love to have one of these....(Wallis WA-116) A "past" employer here has 2 of the "Acrostar's Mini Jets". One in aluminum and one in frp and carbon fiber. Also used in a James Bond film... I wouldn't get in one of those things!
DUDE! So awesome, I told my wife I want one. The top propellers aren't actually powered, do I understand that correctly? The rear propellers provide the forward movement, and the air spins the top props which keep the altitude? Am I right?
Only on the first two. The third Vid is a real helicopter with powered Rotor. Visu, I can't wait to get home and show the third Vid to our local Bush Pilot. He has a Hughes 200 now, but that third one is going to blow his mind. Wonder how much the fellow has into it?
Bruce, If i had to take a guess. It's about 100 for plans, 6k for the engine, probably 2k for the prop and tail rotor. maybe 5k for materials, 3k for controls/gauges Maybe around 20-25K total if you don't include the massive qty of hours (those are free right?) or buy a nearly complete kit or air worthy (out of my budget) I'm seeing that a powered rotor is not going to be my bag. saw too many 'Stuck Pedal' incidents for my taste when investigating. I just like the A/w 95 as it looks like it is missing substantial parts. Gyroplanes are a lot less expensive / complicated. Fewer powered rotating parts and bearing to fail at in opportune times. I found an abandoned kit from the late 80s for 4k w/o engine 5.5k w/ engine. Unfortuantely it is a high thrust model and for stability reasons I'm gonna pass. I really like the gyroplanes. Some hypo versions can cruise over 100mph. and seem way safer than helo or fixed wing, IMHO. There seems to be a number of pilots in OH that are gyroplane certified and are offering lessons/training. best part is, if the wife said i could figure out how to pay for it. I could do it! Awesome. I know i can build it. So, it's just a matter of finding someones abandoned kit (recent straight line thrust model) or purchasing the plans and start to collect the parts to build. While hovering would be cool, I like the idea of being in autorotation all the time. Plan is to: catch a ride on a gryoplane pick the pilots brain if i'm still not scared shyteless take the FAA GyroPlane Mechanics Course Find plans or abandoned kit build it then fly it.
I flew on an ultralight one time. We were up near Ocoee river doing some rafting a little place offered flights. It was a great time. I told this story to trained pilots later.... they said I was crazy. Maybe in hindsight, flying with an "uncertified" pilot in a garage built aircraft was dumb... and I paid him. The safety brief went something like- "If anything happens to me and we are crashing, pull the chute handle here. Just remember that we will probably going to float into power lines."