Cache network....

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Tango3, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. poacher

    poacher Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I've been talking with Gillman about this for awhile. The thought that he came up with, and I'm really starting to like. Rather than you taking your gear and giving it to someone to store have people here buy a rifle and 300rnds of ammo. Say a Mosin or a Enfield. They aren't expensive rifles the ammo is dirt cheap right now (compared to 308) and they are effective. That way it's your rifle to lend give or whatever and everybody knows what they are going to get.
    That way if I'm stuck in OR. and make it to Quigs he may throw me a Fal. If I've never used one I won't know how to adjust the gas port. But by making it a standard issue everyone can get one play with it and become proficent with it.

    As far as how far out to look at needing to contact people I'd say it depends on what your travel is. If I routinly went to OR or N.Va then you could bet on it that Quig and Ghrit would be contacted by me. If I don't leave the state then those in Ks would be all I need to contact. The only other thing would be if you are going on vacation. Take the moment to figure out who is the closest to where you are going to be and PM them with name, phone number and veh. as well as code phrase.
    Really would suck to make it thru an emergency get out of the city you are vacationing in drive up to the other monkeys house and get dropped by them.
    Well lets hear if this would fly and how we can tweak it.

    Take care Be safe Poacher.
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I have land in Tennessee on a lake with plenty of game and a deep well. My primary residence is on the Gulf coast of Alabama and I have additional housing here and a very large and secure storage area, not to mention , a fleet of sea-going vessels that are always stocked. I still have my shanty-boat in an out-of the way place in Northern Florida. I maintain transportation and enough supplies at each of these locations to support a small group of families for several weeks. There are defensive arms available at each location, should they be required, but are not generally accessible and definitely are not the center of focus. The company I work for keeps housing in FL, TX, MA, MIN, ND, AL, LA, and CA that is available at my discretion and always well stocked with supplies. MY F&F network has additional locations in MO and ARK. I haven't mentioned any resources outside the US but suffice to say, I spend most of my professional life in other lands.
    The major obstacle to maintaining a network of resources is in establishing a secure means of communications. In this day and age, every form of communications are listened in by someone but this becomes academic when there is no way of determining who is talking, only what they are saying. We solved this by using the walmart variety of pay-as-you-go cell phones purchased with cash and activated with the names of various historical figures. They can listen but don't have a clue who is talking and voice scramblers are really not very expensive, if a more secure conversation were to ever be needed.
    I used to occasionally invite carefully selected people to participate in our group but experienced a melt-down several months back that moved everyone recruited in the past year into a dead-end. I am sure we lost some really good folks there, but there is no real way of determining who or how we were sold out.
    The lesson learned is simple; the internet isn't the place to avoid unwanted attention. Make your plans face to face.
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    That is exactly the thing I've been thinking about. There ain't no way these days to maintain a secure, private networking of comms without serious computer power for generating crypto. We cannot do that for obvious reasons. However, there are now enough of us that the arrangements and code phrases could be passed hand to hand if/when the need becomes plain. At least that is so in CONUS, or at least regionally. (Sorry Bear, but we'll have to figure out a way to get you in the loop. We will, I am sure, come up with a way. Seems to me that I've never seen a fedex or UPS envelope opened, but I sure have seen USPS items inspected.)

    Poacher, I like the idea of a standard arm, the advantages are pretty obvious. The question is which one? Or more particularly, what ammo; there are far more weapons that can fire a given caliber than particular arms to select. The other side of that coin is familiarity with a particular platform as you are thinking. At the sure and certain risk of pointing out the obvious, some of us are barely able to feed one gun, much less two of different flavors.

    That said, I like the AR platform, mostly because that's where I am today. If/when we get to a concensus, I'll find a way to pick up one of the selected arms and get familiar with it.
  4. poacher

    poacher Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Good point on the feeding and care of one let alone two different rifles. I just checked Gun Broker for a 303 Enfield. Looks like most of them are about 300 with a few for 170. On Sportmansguide they have a 200 rnd bulk pack 303 ammo for 33.00 plus shipping. So worst case we are looking at 350.00 total. Now thats not chicken feed but it's not the cost of a AR with 200 rnds.
    The plus of this type of rifle is that it's very close to a 30-06 in ballistics, it's easy to load and with it being a bolt action it's going to be hard to mess up. It's also fairly short and not overly heavy.
    Down side is it's a bolt action rifle.
    Well more later.
    Take care Be safe Poacher.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Had a brain faht earlier today. Why are we even considering common calibers? Seems to me that the common ones will dry up in the event of an event. Less common might be beneficial, say like, oh, pick one. 7.62X54? 303 as you mention? Swedish? Might be a bit more expensive, but is apt to be available when 308 or 5.56 or 30-06 are proscribed.
  6. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    7.62 x 54 is a great caliber and the venerable Mosin Nangant can be had almost anywhere for under a hundred bucks. The Draganov is on the upper end for those that really want to reach out there and touch someone with multiple speed-dialing.
  7. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    saw a mosin? M44(?) carbine in gander mtn for $150. SHORT, light76zx54 bolt action did I say it was short? kinda crude but sweet like a barmaid don't know how a 762x54 would bark outta the carbine but it would certainly save your cookies if the fuzzy wuzzies were chasing you down the trail.
  8. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I vote for the Mosin Nagant. Either the M44 or the M38 version. I prefer the M38 bayonet-less carbine. Nice, short, quick into action. Yes it is a bolt action, but it reloads quickly and it is extremely cheap. I have three. You can get easily get them for $100 or less, and the 7.62x54 is really, really cheap. $40 for 440 rds.
  9. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I picked up a m44 a while back and am thinking about getting another couple of Mosin Nagants, especially the pre 20th century ones as they are C&R and show on no lists.
  10. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    Well, from experience, let me fill you in........ OUCH! Kicks like a biatch! Ok, I may be overstating it a little, but next to the Mauser k98 and your Enfield it kicks pretty frickin hard. It gets uncomfortable rather quickly. That said, it is a fine weapon. I think if I do get a bolt action battle rifle, it'll be an Enfield though, very sweet shootin. I've got a soft spot for the Krag Jorgensen as well. Caliber 30-40 krag, used in the Spanish American War, and by some countries up into WW2. Not nearly as fine a weapon as the Enfield, but very cool anyway.
  11. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I do not feel like the recoil is that bad from mine. Then again, if you want to reduce the recoil just add a pad to the stock. Now what it does do is put out an impressive amount of flame out of the barrel. If they don't get hit by the bullet, they will run out of fear of being roasted "1944 Pacific style"
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I have a Krag. I'd take a small bet that kick for kick, the Krag carbine will boot the butt off an MN for recoil. I love it all the same for flame, smoke and destruction. (That said, it's beginning to look like MN is headed for the top of the pile for the tribe's common weapon.)
  13. gillman7

    gillman7 Monkey+++

    I have a C&R, and SOG has M44s for 54.95 if you buy in lots of 5 rifles the last time I checked. I will look again, and post the price. If some of you are interested let me know. I can not sell them as a dealer, but if I am trying to better my collection, I am allowed to trade and or sell them to others.....

    I am in and out right now, kind of have a little family crisis going on, but I will check on them and follow up if anyone is interested. 7.62x54 is pretty cheap in spam cans also.
  14. weapons_762

    weapons_762 Monkey+++

    good idea , if you live close enough to one another, i still think buring things in different locations would be better for most, but then again i 'm a newbie to this
  15. gillman7

    gillman7 Monkey+++

    OK, I looked it up. M44s are $64.95 if you buy 2 or more, and Mosin 91/30s are $64.95 if you buy in lots of 5 or more. If you want less than these, just add $5.00 more each gun. Also spam cans are $32.95 for 300 rounds. This does not include the shipping. I am thinking of buying some to cache locally.
  16. poacher

    poacher Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Ok to touch on this again I'd say at this point MN is looking like a hands down winner on the unofficial official SM give away rifle. So that being said is anyone wanting anything else thrown into the mix to be considered? I'll admit I'm partial to the 303 brit but the MN is alot cheaper and ammo is very affordable right now. Well whats the general consensus?
    I've got my money out ready to spend for the SM rifle. Just let me know what it is.
    Take care Be safe Poacher.
  17. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I have been following this and agree that it is a good idea. I don't have a MN but am willing to pick one or two up. Especially with the after market stocks available and the scope mounts. My only contribution would be that SKS's are really cheap right now too. I have seen them in Shotgun News for around $130. A little more than the MN but a semi with lots of after market accessories.
    But I'll go with whatever group standard agreed on.

    Gillman, if you want to go in together on some Mn's and ammo let me know, I'd go in with you to get the discount.
  18. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    There is a case to be made for SKS as well as MN. But the chances are that the MN will go under the radar better than an SKS. Gillman, I can go in with you on a group buy if it saves at least the shipping cost, otherwise no point. [touchdown]
  19. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I also have been thinking about the SKS. For one I have a nice little supply of 7.62x39, and two it would give me an excuse to buy another rifle. [winkthumb]

    That is an excellent price on the M44s. I would pick up some more but I think three for now is enough.

    I also think that the Yugo 8mm could be an option. My local shop has five or six of them for about $125. The 8mm is also really cheap.
  20. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    .303 shoots nice ,surplus is cheap but but new factory ammo is ridiculously
    ( in my mind) expensive: $16-$22.00 /box of 20.That's why the m44 looks pretty good and7.62x54 seems to be available...around here..
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