It's been exactly 27 days since I began the diet, and I weighed in at my doctors office on the same scale I weighed in on 30 days ago. I've lost 15 pounds. My blood sugar is perfect/ so diabetes is under control. And I haven't taken my medicine for a month. Blood pressure was the same. And I haven't taken my medicine for a month. You may think I'm trying to sell low-carb products here.... but I feel great! I haven't felt this good physically or mentally for a LONG time. I have more energy, I sleep better, everything is better. So in under a month, without ever going hungry, and without hardly ever excercising (although I had planned too, I'll be honest), I've eliminated the 4 prescriptions I was on, and am on my way to losing considerable weight. My pants are fitting much looser already I'm pretty happy about all this
Wow! What are you eating specifically? I wanna run this past a few vegan freaks and make them wig out
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, Ruzz... I don't check the blog that much. I updated specifically what I've been eating in the next post. hehe.... Yeah, I'd think that to a vegan, I must be the antichrist