carry a full size buck saw? In the cold forests up here shelter and fire are a top priority, I started packing a "bucksaw" replacement blade with a couple of key rings in either end to create a full sized saw with local materials. Here's a NICE PAGE WITH DECENT pictures of the entire idea.:
I never carried a Buck Saw into the woods, I used one of those cheap Lowes or Home Depot (Japanese style) pull saws. Is a Buck Saw better (more versatile) than a pull saw? The ones I have are double edged, and have a much more agressive saw tooth pattern to them than the picture above. I wouldn't doubt that the buck saw is much faster in a cut than the pull saw.
Here ( google's amazing ) he's demonstrating it at 4:50 . these are the "cats ass" for limbs or fire wood. YouTube- bushcraft BUCKSAW