So I have been playing around with Chrome OS. It is really fast, but really limited because it is just a browser OS. Here is a link to download the latest and greatest Chrome OS image to give it a try. You have to follow the instructions on their site to properly load the image. I use the lime build for the additional hardware support. Has anyone else tried it?
I've been wanting to get a low end netbook to give it a run on. There is no way I could use it on a desktop but for what a netbooks POU is IMO I think it sounds like a perfect match.
How you like that Mini overall? I'm no fan of Dell but the Mini series looks like about the best put together netbook on the market.
My Baby Acer-1 is lightning fast with the standard Chrome OS. Without it was slower than dog sqeeze on a cold day. It's an OK little computer for the $179 I payed for it. I also added a $30 Chinese external DVR,DVRW,DVD,CDR,CDRW,CD player/burner/drive,and an $18 32gig SDHC that were both purchased on Ebay NIB. The next add on will be a 2TB external hard drive,for pdf storage. Matt
Would seem some sort of cloud based storage solution would be better unless you really need all 2TB available both with and without an interwebz connection. Just seems like once you've added the bulk of an external optical drive and external HDD to the equation you may as well be lugging a fullsize laptop.
OPSec says, Cloud Based Storage means someone else can snoop around in your business... and IF, or WHEN, the Internet goes down, someone else has all your files, and you do NOT... Much better to keep them PRIVATE and In-House.... .... YMMV....
My .pdf collection consists of readily available .mil manuals so I've got nothing to hide. I have most cloud based, but also copy's stored locally as well. I was just speaking with regard to the philosophy of use of a netbook being ultra portability, carrying around a pair of bricks in addition to the netbook itself makes little to no sense.
Point taken. However, the cloud also holds ID that is traceable to you. Be guided accordingly with what you store in the cloud.
My burner/DVR is the size of a two disk DVD movie case. It,My Acer-1,a micro Cobra 100watt inverter,a blutooth dongle,my cords,some software disks,and my over air TV converter all fit in a nicely in a compact baby laptop case. The whole set up,case and all,with several 2TB external drives will fit snugley in my full size laptop carry case,or one of my ammo cans. I DONT TRUST CLOUD BASED STORAGE OF ANYTHING!! The net is not OPSEC by any means,and if it goes down,"POOF"your saved data is gone. As far as why I would I would want that much storage.Follow this sticky thread I started,and you might understand: My list of FREE pdf download sites. : PDF's / Downloads - SHTF Survival, Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Forums Matt
HOLY SMOKES Postal that is quite the collection! I agree with not trusting the cloud, that's why I have backups stored locally. I just use the cloud for mobility and tether to my Android. Of course I wouldn't store anything I'm worried about security-wise that way but for my purposes I'm not concerned. When you mentioned 2 TB external I pictured the giant Seagate I use for DJ/Karaoke purposes and there's no way I'd want to lug that around daily. It weighs close to if not more than what my 15.6" laptop weighs.
A 2TB external hard drive now is smaller than one of the Harry Potter hard cover book's,and can be found for around $100,or less on sale at WalMart,or Ebay. Matt
Yeah, mine is a huge not really portable Seagate FreeAgent that requires its own power source. I wasn't really concerned with portability when I bought it though as it is lugged around with 4 Peavey Dual 15" PA's, 2 Peavey 18" subwoofers, and assorted other heavy sound gear.
Chrome OS and Chrome Browser both phone home to Google frequently. If you're so equipped, you can see this in action by plugging a Linux box into a network hub (not a consumer grade desktop switch, but a hub... there is a difference!) and sniff the packets going in and out of an idle machine running Chrome OS, or a machine running any OS with Chrome browser running but idle. If your privacy is a concern, might I suggest looking at Tails OS?
Hows the performance? I would think that the privacy would come at the expense of a serious performance hit unless you used a USB 3.0 stick and USB 3.0 equipped PC.
There are multiple performance bottlenecks. But this is not an OS you use to play games. This is an OS that you use to enhance (but not guarantee) your privacy. With that said, boot up time from a USB stick is acceptable but nothing like booting from a hard disk. You can install Tails to a hard disk but I'm not sure why one would want to. The other performance hit is Tor itself. You can pick a fast exit node, or you can take the luck of the draw. The most secure sites are the hidden service sites (in the .onion top level domain) and they can be quite slow to connect to. But the traffic between you and the site is invisible outside of the Tor network beyond your encrypted connection between your computer and your Tor bridge node. So your ISP can see that you're using Tor but not much else.
Can you still use it minus tor? Like say in place of PenDriveLinux with a normal non secure internet connection?