dangerous propaganda

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by sec_monkey, Sep 12, 2021.

  1. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2021
    3M-TA3 and duane like this.
  2. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I've been seeing classic Maoist propaganda techniques showing up in social media. It's not so much pushing socialism as it is preconditioning to be receptive to the technique. The hallmark is a straw man combined with shaming and virtue signalling. I see it on both sides of the political spectrum. Here is an example:
    I've been working from the oblique on these as to squarely expose them will cause a defensive reaction. Instead I respond along the lines of

    "I have to wonder what the point is of this meme and other memes that combine straw men, shaming and virtue signalling? It won't convince a single person to get vaccinated or to wear a mask, but will instead make that person defensive and resistant.
    I have convinced a few people to get vaccinated, but I did so using patience and respect. When asked I provided facts and information, but never made a personal attack."
    Basically, trying to bring awareness to the manipulation without causing them to become defensive. It's all over the place and the purpose is to soften us up as they trun uo the heat, so we will accept at some point what is unthinkable today.

    BTW the real message of the meme is about social compliance, not about vaccinations. It's really quite clever in design.
    Ura-Ki, DKR, Thunder5Ranch and 5 others like this.
  3. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Yep, the Chinese and the USA are engaged in a war, the only question is at what stage it is and in what form the battle is occurring. It is at least occurring on the stage of world influence and which country dominates as the worlds leader. Then there is the economic and geopolitical struggle for dominance, and which form of government is to serve as the template for development. Or is becoming ever more obvious, for the redevelopment as the struggle between the mature countries and the less or failing ones. Some countries that have been inhabited for 5,000 years, Syria comes to mind, now are in such turmoil that it is in chaos. Some thing or someone is going to fill that gap. USA has had little luck, Russia has basically turned inward again. That leaves China and the radical Muslims as the remaining agents trying to fill the gaps. So far the Muslims have been the big winners with the old supreme leader coming a distant second.
    oldawg, Altoidfishfins, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  4. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

  5. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    The PsyOps are strong in America and you are right it is conditioning. Look at everything that is generally accepted today that was unthinkable 10-20-30 years ago.
    duane and 3M-TA3 like this.
  6. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Neither party has a dominant position in our present society and neither one has a platform that would be chosen by the majority of the voters. While this also true in most of the rest of the world, we do not have the custom and the political system is very stacked against the formation of additional parties. Thus the usual moderating effect of an alliance between two or more parties to find a solution to this problem in at least the short run does not exist. History's luck with one party states, USSR, China, Pol Pet, Royal Rule without a counter balancing legal system, much of the third world with their dictators, should convince us that is not the way to go.

    Thus each party is doing its best to become the dominant party and is willing to do almost anything to become that party. This in our present system requires that at least the appearance of getting the majority of the vote for one election. This as DKR indicates may well take a form of a warfare waged in the mass mind and the schools. The American Revolution could not have taken place without the "broadsides" and the Committees of Correspondence that allowed the "rebels" to by pass the King's control of the media. This was replaced by Hitler and others with a very careful use of the film and radio to convince the people that they were the chosen ones, this for a time morphed into TV as well. In modern times, either the lack of a mass media, China, or the resistance of the existing party to give up power has lead to the reeducation and social contacts being used to perform a run around the media solution. It would appear in the US to be a combination of reeducating the students, applied social pressure and a control of the new social media in which a "star" may receive 20 million "views in a day. We are well towards an end of the old social system at moment, a combination of racial, generational, economic class,etc, is rapidly destroying the old order and its symbols. No real viable replacement has been offered and it may lead to either a civil war or a war of extinction before a new solution is found or the order reclaimed.

    Biden or his handlers seem to have selected the issue of vaccine as their flash point as it is the only internal problem that they think they have any control over. We are in a very dangerous period of time, they have promised everyone but the rich everything, all to be paid on credit of course, and the limit on the credit card has to be reset some time in October and the Republicans have basically so far told the Democrats, if you want to spend the money as you wish, you take responsibility for the debt. If the Democrats are forced to do so, they own the coming inflation or recession or whatever, and would likely pay for it in 2024 if an honest election were to be held.
  7. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    It really isn't one party or the other. The threat is external and designed to do two things: 1) pit one side against the other (shaming/dehumanization/emnification) and 2) condition the target audience to accept authority against freedom. If you look at the example I provided at least two of the caricatures are classic CCP depictions of Occidentals and Selfish Citizens.The origin of the meme is almost certainly the CCP.

    Internally, each party is reactive to what the external threat achieves and seems to be blind to its presence and effectiveness. Until they can identify and leave reactive mode and become proactive and unification oriented we will continue to weaken until we are lost. This infiltration to create division is at many levels; social media is just one.
    Thunder5Ranch, madmax and DKR like this.
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