Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Waydah, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. BlueDuck

    BlueDuck Monkey+++

    Look at it, like its a challenge. It will be. Some will make it and survive. Some wont.
  2. Waydah

    Waydah Monkey

  3. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    In contrast to the two, an EMP is likely to be localized depending on the altitude it is detonated.
    A CME can span the whole earth and be far more devastating.
    That being the case it is unlikely that anyone will be capable of helping with repairs in the future.
    IMO it is foolish to assume electronic resources will be of any help, hard copy will be worth pure gold.
    Those with hard copy will hold the key for the new world, knowledge for sale.
    Do you know how to work steel ? do you know how to make steel ? do you know where to find steel? Can you transport raw materials? make a furnace and handle the smelting process?
    When clothing wears out, can you make fabric? can you weave fabric? can you sew? can you make/restore parts on a sewing machine? Can you operate a loom?
    During the middle ages, a family adopted a skill and everyone participated somehow, making clothes or shoes or all the other things we depend on.
    But if all this information is on a fried fire stick, or no computer to read it, where does that leave you?
    Are you hedging all your bet on the faraday cage?
    IMO experience is the best bet
    IMO pictures and books are the second-best bet.
    Electronic storage is a very vulnerable option.
  4. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    FEMA is a joke! In the aftermath of hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, etc., when thousands of people are surrounded by total devastation FEMA tells people to log on to their Website, to like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, etc. and fill out a form! These people have no internet service, and no cell phone service...nothing, and they will get little immediate help! That is why WE need to be prepared to take care of ourselves, and not depend upon any government agency in any situation!
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
  5. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    I'll admit that I have a faraday cage (55 gal. drum) full of electronics (computer, DVD & CD players, TV, 2-way radios, VHS player, tape recorder, CB-radio, solar powered calculators, small solar recharging panels, night vision, FLIR Thermal scope, solar battery charger and rechargeable batteries, solar powered radios, etc....hell I even threw in a couple of old cell phones) all sealed up and ready for SHTF. However, I also purchased a shitload of books from Hamilton Books and I'm gonna get more! Also, I spend a lot of time in the public library and our local college library, and I have a list of books that I plan on "borrowing" if the SHTF. I have CD-ROMs with back issues of Mother Earth News, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, National Geographic, World Book Encyclopedia, Webster's Dictionary, etc., stored inside the faraday cage.
    arleigh and sourdough145 like this.
  6. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I know that there are folks the down play these things but the way I figure it ,if it doesn't happen we got spares .
    With inflation we've already saved a bundle.
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    Stumbled across this while looking for old schematics.
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