Maryland finally hit the $4 a gallon mark for 87 as a statewide avarage. only $.08 short of our record high from 2008. Guess it's time to oil up the bike chain
I know a lady that saved up her BI-LO fuel perks. She drove down to South Carolina and filled up for $2.98 per gallon.
I save up my Bi-Lo Fuel Perks too. Last time I used them I had $1.50 off. So my then $3.50 a gallon gas was Much Cheaper. An my truck a dang Super Tanker at the Fuel Pumps!!!
As long as people still have jobs, they will drive. I don't expect to see serious outcry until we break the 5.00 mark nationwide. (including Oklahoma) Cali will be way above that before low price locales break the next century mark. But once it does, all bets are off what will happen next.
The increase here has been 15 cents a month since 2012/01/01. 6,18 per Gallon in BC Canada , if you get the correct amount of volume there giving for what they charge per Litre. Going to Washington pad next week , then I'll see whats there. Know 5 Neighbour houses around have been left / vacated .. Should be an eye opener again. Sloth
I am betting (no I don't do petroleum futures, and I am totally out of stocks), that gas hits $5 average between May 30th and July 4th, 2012.
w00t! With oil prices dropping. Local generic gas station is down to 3.69. 40 cents in 10 days. time to fill the vehicles.