Force Multipliers?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by C.T.Horner, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Nails and fish hooks are just plain stinkin NASTY!!!! Cheap too! I would not put them out though unless the world went to hell in a hand basket. I have lots of 6/0 and larger treble hooks as I manufacture Fishing lures. Lots of trip traps can utilize big fish hooks and Nails. Black powder is perfectly legal to own and so are black powder cannons. I use Single strands of fine copper wire as direct short igniters. I was into Pyro in the Rock and roll world building flash pots and flame throwers. I know how to use and ignite any type of fixed mine or cannon off a car battery. Its simple. Model rocket engines and engine ignitors can also be used to propel arrows, flares, and explosives. I had a home made rocket launcher made out of 2 inch PVC PIPE. We shot model rockets over a hundred yards and pretty accurate. I was thinking a D series engine to power a small copper rocket projectile loaded with black powder so when the engines ejection charge fires it ignites it. They are rated by seconds of propulsion,delay and size . For instance a D83 engine would be a large size D engine with 8 seconds of thrust and 7 second delay before the ejection charge fires. A D80 is used in twin stage rockets as there is no delay after the 8 seconds of thrust. A rocket can go a long way in 8 seconds. Also now we have Legal fireworks here in Michigan. Mortars can be used as weapons. Lots of stuff out there guys.
  2. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I saved all the mortar launchers this year from the 4th of July fireworks we had.... not sure what I am going to do with them, but saved just the same.
  3. Tevin

    Tevin Monkey+++

    Easy, effective, low-tech intruder alarm:

    Wire a common mousetrap as a switch: One wire goes to the spring, and other goes to a bare metal thumbtack placed so the spring lands on it when the trap is tripped.

    Mount the mousetrap-switch near a door or other pathway. Wire the switch leads to a bell, buzzer, light, whatever. Run a tripwire or string from the paddle of the trap to another fixed point. Situate the tripwire so it crosses the path or area you want to protect. You can wire several mousetrap-switches in parallel, connect them to the same alarm device, and protect more than one area at a time. The downside of the multiple-switch alarm is that it will not tell you which area has been encroached. Another disadvantage (multiple or single switch) is that the alarm can be easily disabled if the intruder knows it is there.

    As soon as an intruder hits the tripwire, the trap slams shut, completes the circuit, and the alarm sounds.

    This alarm is particularly useful for protecting contained small livestock (hen house, rabbit hutch) and/or food stores from predator animals at night.

    If the trap is breaks or is big deal, it's just a mousetrap.
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