Handy Farm Devices and more

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by chelloveck, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    The following link is to a web page with a cornacopia of practical farm devices that can be made with basic carpentry and elementary metal fabrication and blacksmithing. They are devices developed by farmers prior to the 1950's the contents include;

    [FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times][/FONT]

    Contents by Chapters

    [FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times]1. Workshop and Tools
    The Farmer's Workshop
    Running the Grindstone
    A Homemade Anvil
    Making a New Tool
    How to Make a Shaving Horse
    A Convenient Farm Horse
    A Wire Splicer
    Serviceable Homemade Level
    To Make a Handle Stay On
    A Tool Box Requisite

    2. The Steel Square
    Lumber Rule
    The Brace Rule
    The Octagon Scale
    The Miter Box
    Truing the Square
    Making a Straight Edge
    Stair Stringer
    The 47th Problem of Euclid
    The Rule of 6, 8 and 10
    Plotting Angles

    3. In and Around the House
    The Step-Saving Dumb Waiter
    Rack for Preserves
    Transforming a Washstand
    Homemade Dresser
    Kitchen Window Cabinet
    To Let in More Light
    A Barrel Cradle
    To Protect Baby from Hot Stove
    A Box for Clothes
    Scoops from Tin Cans
    A Homemade Folding Table
    A Homemade Butter Worker
    Home Cheesemaking
    Cutting the Curd
    Pressing and Curing
    Washes While Reading
    Tread Power in the Dairy
    A Lamp for Cooking
    Hot Water All Night

    3. In and Around the House (part II)
    How to Cut Bread Even
    Homemade Water Cooler
    Keep Food Cool in Summer
    A Cooler Dummy
    An Outdoor Closet
    Homemade Refrigerator
    Iceless Butter and Milk Cooler
    A Ventilated Pump Platform
    Cleaning a Well
    Dog Power for Pump
    Filter for Cistern Water
    A Handy Water Filter
    Delivering Mail by Trolley
    Beauty in a Barrel
    Storage Bin for Vegetables
    An Inexpensive Cellar
    Clothesline Up and Down
    A Clothes Horse
    A Toilet Closet
    Revolving Cellar Shelf
    Water Supply for Farmhouse
    Installation and Operation
    Experience with Water Supply System
    Warning Against Fire
    Where to Hang a Fire Ladder

    4. Barns and Stock
    A Handy Feed Basket
    Make the Horse Eat Slowly
    Stalls Better than Stanchions
    Good Ties for Cows
    Handy Calf-feeding Device
    Management of Kicking Cows
    A Handy Milking Stool
    The Ever Ready Stool
    Cheap Milking Stool
    Keep Stools Clean
    A Useful Stock Cart
    How to Stake out Stock
    Feed Box for Field
    Cheap Sheds of Straw
    Feed Trough for Sheep
    A Novel Feed Rack
    A Wheelbarrow Sheep Trough
    Packing the Fleece
    Easy to Handle Heavy Hogs
    Heating Water for Hog Killing
    A Farm Slaughterhouse
    Keep Pigs out of Feed Trough
    Movable House for Breeding Sows
    Well-arranged Hog Lots
    Handy Pig Catcher
    Stairs for the Barn
    Hang Up the Lantern
    Arrangement for Weighing
    A Barn Windlass
    Grain Box Easy to Empty
    Easily Constructed Grain Bins
    A Convenient Barn Truck
    Takes a Man's Place
    A Handy Bag Holder
    A Corn Husking Rack
    A Homemade Feed Cutter
    Saw Root Cutter
    Homemade Cabbage Cutter
    A Substantial Driveway

    5. Poultry and Bees
    Feeding Dry Ground Grain
    Keeping the Water Clean
    A Watering Rack for Hens
    Drinking Fountain
    Folding Chicken Roost
    A Good Poultry Nest
    Two Coops from a Barrel
    A Box Chicken Coop
    A Low Poultry Run
    A Portable Chicken Coop
    A Homemade Brooder
    Movable Brooder House
    A Very Cheap Henhouse
    A Daylight Chicken Catcher
    A Simple Hawk Trap
    Scare Away Crows and Hawks
    Practical Hives and Hive Making
    Device for Extracting Beeswax
    Self-feeder for Bees

    6. Garden and Orchard
    An Iron Hoop Trellis
    Plant Supports of Barrel Hoops
    A Folding Trellis
    Easy Way to Pole Beans
    Trellis that Stands Alone
    Protecting Newly Set Plants
    Making the Hotbed
    Making Permanent Hotbeds
    Heat for Hotbeds
    Cold Frames and Their Management
    A Hand Garden Cultivator
    A Convenient Garden Stool
    Watering Seed Soil Made Easy
    Catching Owls and Hawks
    Moving a Large Tree
    Transplanting Trees
    Homemade Fruit Picker
    A Truss Ladder
    Orchard Ladder on Wheels
    Convenient Sorting Tables

    7. Field and Wood
    Portable Hay Derrick
    A Wire Tightener
    Fence Wire Reel
    Safe Way to String Barbed Wire
    A Boxed Stone Boat
    A Homemade Road Roller
    An Old-fashioned Drogue
    A Ditching Scraper
    Bridge for a Small Stream
    Dam for Farm Pond
    Sowing Seed Evenly
    Berry Crate Carrier
    Handy Loading Device
    Rack for Hauling Fodder
    Pulling Fence Posts
    One Way to Pull Stumps
    Simple Land Measure
    Storing Water
    Getting a Supply of Fuel
    Simplest of All Camping Tents

    8. Gates and Doors
    Keeping a Gate from Sagging
    An Easily Opened Gate
    A Gate that Never Sags
    A Cheap Gate
    A Simple Farm Gate
    An Easily Regulated Gate
    Gate to Overcome Snowdrifts
    A Time Saver
    Keep the Gate Open
    Good Bars for the Farm
    Durable Floating Fence
    Fence Across a Stream
    Temporary Sheep Fence
    Fastening Heavy Doors
    Hold the Barn Doors Shut
    Fastening the Stable Door
    Homemade Door Latch

    9. When We Build
    Important Points in House Building
    A Very Convenient House
    Building a Block House
    A Practical Round Barn
    A Well-Arranged Barn
    A Handy Small Barn
    The Farmer's Icehouse
    Location and Building
    Framing the Icehouse
    Ice and Milk Houses Combined
    Small Greenhouses
    Material for Construction
    Set Glass in Warm Weather
    Covering with Hotbed Sash
    Wire Fence Corn Crib
    How to Lay a Floor
    An Inexpensive Veranda

    9. When We Build (part II)
    Concrete on the Farm
    Mixing the Cement
    Making Concrete Blocks
    To Operate the Machine
    Blocks of Different Shapes
    Another Style of Mold
    Regulating the Height of the Blocks
    Filling the Molds
    Mixing Cement for Brick
    Reinforcement for Concrete
    Making a Frostproof Cellar
    A Summer Cool Room
    A Concrete Smokehouse
    Laying a Concrete Floor
    Making a Concrete Walk
    Cementing a Cistern Wall
    Special Uses for Cement
    A Time-honored Handy Device

    [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times]10. Worth Knowing[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times]
    Freezing Ice in Blocks
    Saving the Seed Corn
    Rack for Seed Corn
    Drying and Keeping Seed Corn
    Weight Lifter
    Strong and Simple Wagon Jack
    A Jack for Heavy Wagons
    A Cheap Wheelbarrow
    A Wheelbarrow Cheap and Strong
    How to Hang a Kettle
    A Snow Plow
    Temporary Smoking Device
    Homemade Heater and Cooker
    Use for a Tough Log
    A Handy Wood Splitter
    How to Split Wood
    A Pulling Hammer
    Mounting the Farm Anvil
    Sorting Potatoes Quickly
    Handling Potatoes Easily
    Cutting Seed Potatoes
    Another Seed Potato Cutter
    How to Test Seed Corn
    Reading the Results
    Killing Insects in Grain
    Binding Pins for Hay
    Combined Drag and Harrow
    How to Handle a Rope
    Tying Some Useful Knots
    Carrying a Barrel Made Easy
    Harness Clamp

    10. Worth Knowing (part II)
    Substitute for Pipe Wrench
    Market Wagon Conveniences
    Carrying Butter to Town
    To Sharpen Scissors
    How to Paper a Room
    Choose Judiciously
    Paste and Tools
    Trimming and Cutting
    Hanging the Paper
    Practical and Economical
    The Farm Blacksmith Shop
    Why the Shop Pays
    Blacksmithing Not Hired Man's Work
    Horseshoe Lever
    How to Paint Tin Roofs
    Preserving Wood
    To Preserve Shingles
    To Render Wood Fireproof
    Fireproof Wash for Shingles
    Petrified Wood
    How to Season Wood
    Bleaching Wood
    Wood Polish
    Furniture Polish
    Size Stains
    Dark Wood Stain
    Red Stain for Wood
    Liquid Glue
    Cement for Metal and Glass
    Cement for Broken China
    Cement for Crockery and Glass
    Mending Glassware
    Armenian Cement
    Japanese Cement
    Roofing Preparation
    Fire Kindlers
    Mending Pipes with Water On
    To Join Water Pipes
    Welding Metals
    Grinding Tools[/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times][/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times][/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times]Handy Farm Devices - Cobleigh - ToC [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times]

    Their homepage has a mine of useful links also

    Small Farms Library - Journey to Forever
  2. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Thank you Chell, I will be adding this to my prepping bible. Some things I knew about, there are some great pieces of info in here! Again, thank you!
  3. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    Great resource! Now to hunt it down in pdf format...

  4. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    I will print it all off in PDF tomorrow if there is some way for me to load it up on the site, to prevent ling degradation...
  5. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

  6. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    Thanks! [boozingbuddies]
  7. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Thanks Falcon

    Thank you Falcon, that will be a must have reference for many people.....no need to reinvent some of the wheels already invented by pioneers well before our time
  8. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    No problem guys, we use Adobe Pro at work and it is a neat function. I can print literally anything I want direct to PDF. I have transferred this to my "secure" Thumb drive which will go into my faraday box. I have also printed it and given it a home in a 3 ring binder for my prepper library. Thank you Chelloveck, for the find!
  9. oth47

    oth47 Monkey+

    This book was one of my Christmas presents last year,lots of entertainment even if I never build anything out of it.I recommend it highly.
  10. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Like Life Insurance

    It's like life insurance.......it's there when needed......just don't lose the policy document.
  11. oth47

    oth47 Monkey+

    Another good book to go along with this is "Homemade Contrivances and How to Make Them" by Skyhorse Publishing,621 pages of..well,homemade contrivances.1001 labor saving devices for farm,garden,dairy and workshop.This was also last years' present,but it may have been birthday,don't remember.Again,lots of info,well worth the read.
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