Hello from Israel.

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by KnifeSurvival1, Apr 12, 2023.

  1. Hey everybody. My name is Danny. My interest in martial arts and knife defense has brought me to the forum. As a result of many knife terror attacks which happen where I live, I tried many knife defense techniques and wanted to share what worked the best for me with people who are interested in the subject.

    I would be happy to expand my knowledge about other topics of survival of which I know very little.
    MM... that's all. If you have any question I would be happy to answer =)

    Some people asked in the comments. I already started a thread about knife defese:
    Realistic knife defense against 100% resistance demonstrations. Combat sports based.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2023
    Yard Dart, duane, techsar and 7 others like this.
  2. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Welcome aboard! Glad you found us.
    KnifeSurvival1 and sec_monkey like this.
  3. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Welcome to Survivalmonkey, Danny! In our cities there are many issues with sucker punching the unsuspecting or elderly, there was a recent knife attack which left several people dead and preparing and being ready to defend against any attack is part of survival in today's world. Glad you found us and looking forward to your posts.
    techsar and sec_monkey like this.
  4. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Welcome from Alabama! Always good to have members from outside of the USA to give us their take on things...that even includes that guy from Oz.
    techsar, SB21, KnifeSurvival1 and 2 others like this.
  5. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Shalom! Aloha & e komo mai.
  6. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Make a post and share your story.
    techsar and sec_monkey like this.
  7. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Shalom Tov, @KnifeSurvival1 !
    Welcome to our "indeterminate" Tree. Is a mighty oak, or is it Olive or fig tree. The longer one hangs about from it's comforting limbs, the more it determinate it becomes to each of us.
    Here is hoping you hang about in it's limbs for a long time.
    duane, techsar, oldawg and 3 others like this.
  8. ForumMonkey

    ForumMonkey Monkey

    Welcome to the site!

    YES! Please tell us where you obtained your training and how effective you believe certain techniques are based on what is in the news there locally.

    I spent 25+ years living on the South Side of Chicago, but most of the South Side is not a combat zone. There are hot zones on the West Side and South Side and most people who do not live there stay out of the bad areas.

    I used a small folder to keep 5 guys from kicking me to bits a decade ago, and they arrested me for self defense. There is no such thing as self defense in the USA unless you have deep pockets for lawyers and/or live in a very conservative state.
    duane and KnifeSurvival1 like this.
  9. survivistal

    survivistal Monkey

    Aloha bruddah. You should get yourself a birthday gift like this Pohl Force MK-10 6.5" in Damascus. Guaranteed to get the jin out.
    SB21 and KnifeSurvival1 like this.
  10. Thanks everybody!

    Here is the thread I made about knife defense:
    Realistic knife defense against 100% resistance demonstrations. Combat sports based.

    Forum monkey - I was an Israeli youth national champ. My most common throw was "Sumi Gaeshi". When I saw it used in MMA with a kimura grip to throw and submit opponent I began to think about the subject. Stuff which MMA fighters/ wrestlers/ submission grappalers/ Krav maga practitioners showed me during life was also included. I just tried the majority of the existing techniques against a knife.

    about how good the techniques are- if you have a physical and technical advantage over your opponent, then your chances to stay alive are better than "extremely low".
  11. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Also, don't even think about fighting "fair." Sparring is awesome. But just know it is not the same thing as real. It sparring, you can be pretty sure you won't get hurt badly most of the time, so intensity level is not equal. Sparring is usually not dirty. And most sparring is not full speed, full power and with live weapons. Thankfully.
    Yard Dart, ForumMonkey and duane like this.
  12. I agree with you. But even in the most "minimal rules" underground MMA/ Vale tudo fights stuff like biting and eye gouging isn't allowed. it's the closest you can get to reality. What works the best under such circumstances compared to the alternatives will also work best compared to the alternatives when the dirty stuff is allowed.
    ForumMonkey, duane and Hanzo like this.
  13. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Any training is better than no training. And rules are in place for a reason. We can still train our minds to look for opportunities though. I’ll give you an example. I was sparring with a classmate where he had a knife and I was unarmed. When I was able to trap his knife hand, I saw an opportunity to break his leg at the knee. Obviously, I did not do it or even make a move to simulate it, except in my mind. I suspect many martial artists, shooters, etc. go through that kind of mental exercise.
  14. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Welcome to the tree Danny.

    When somebody talks about knife defense at the range I have them try a reverse (and range safe) Tueller Drill. The "attacker" puts his hand on the shooters shoulder. When the shooter feels the hand leave his shoulder he picks up his firearm and fires a shot at his target. Usually my attacker, running away from the firing line, has jumped the fence and is in the parking lot before the shooter can get a round off. That's 50 feet or better before the shot.

    Looking forward to reading your thread.
    SB21 and ForumMonkey like this.
  15. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Welcome aboard ,, what part of Isreal are you in ?
  16. Qwertyportne

    Qwertyportne Monkey

    Welcome to the Tree, Danny. I'm new myself and can tell you this is the best survival forum I've ever participated in. You'll experience what I call "best" as you proceed. I carry pepper spray and a folding knife for protection when I hike and when I bike. My first defense is the pepper spray and I hope I never have to resort to the knife. One, because I don't really know how to use it, and two, I hate the sight of blood -- especially if it's mine!
    Hanzo likes this.
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