Some time back I posted that I was uncertain how I should feel with the news that my son and his wife would be having a baby. Here. Several of you made comments that helped me realize what I needed to do. I am posting this to let everyone know that this morning I received a telephone call that at 4:30 my time a 9 lb 7 oz package arrived. Mother and baby are doing fine. Papaw is wishing there was some way to actually meet this first grandson.
Jimminy Christmas, that's not a baby .. at 9#7oz, that's a big ol' bass! Congrats to becoming a Grand Pa and best wishes for future health and prosperity for the newly expanded family! w00t! We love babies!
My wife and I always say grandkids are the reward for not drowning our children when we were tempted... Congrats...grandkids are great
Naw, Savage makes a 20ga/.223 combination gun that would serve as a all around hunting, that could it needed, reach out and touch something. My Father has the .22/.410 version, but it is no longer made by Savage.
OMG, that's a BIG baby! So, you gave your son a cattle prod to keep the girls away when he gets bigger, right?
The last couple of days before the birth I found myself encouraging my son that he would be a good parent. I also had to correct information they had been given that their life would be over when the baby was born. I found my life started when my son was born. I had purpose. Like several of you said in the first post, I am providing advise as it is requested and staying out of the way when it is not. I guess I will do the same thing with concerning keeping the girls away.
Learned that with mine. It was a joke. The best thing you can do is tell them 'I don't care what time it is, if you need to talk, call me.' It did wonders for my oldest when she had her kids.