How did you make yourself stronger today?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by SeptemberMage, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Iguess the best way to describe my condition is like a clydsdale, at 6'2" and 275 it still tends to surprise most folks what I can lift (working type lifting, not to great at form lifting) and while Im pretty worthless for speed I can plod along with or without a load all day long.

    I think that the biggest thing in reguards to survival is recognizing your strengths and how to take best advantage of them as well as that what type of fitness works or dont depends on the situation. Like was mentioned the fast guy can run away better than someone like me (or overtake someone running from them) and in general get around the need for extream strength. On the flip side I for instance could (and have) lift logs to build a cabin by hand, throw rubble from a colapsed building and bulldog a 500+ lbs bull and make sure that if someone runs fast enouph to catch me... well Ive always know I wasnt gonna out run much so try to make sure dont have to run.

    So basicly as long as a person is realistic about their strengths and figures out how to compensate for their weaknesses then it tends to all depend on the situation. If Enouph and I were both in a situation where we had to outrun a fire or some such then unless I set a backfire so could set down and let the fire pass he would likely make it and I'ld likely be screwed. If we were both trapped in a cave in and had to move bolders out of the way to escape then unless he had good levers or some such I would likely fare much better (if I have to lift it up to move it then 500 lbs starts getting heavy but very doable, over around 700 I pay for it later, if can be rolled or lifted one end at a time then it goes up a lot).

    Oh and about all Ive done this week other than tromping around the woods trying to shoot a deer and a few repairs neglected while I was away for the last couple months was that I went out and cut a week or so worth of wood and hauled it in today.
  2. endurance

    endurance Monkey++

    I'm generally a cardio monster. I generally race 6-14 moutain bike (MTB) races a year. I got into 24 hour racing for a while. I only tried one solo event, but even duo'ing an event means racing like hell for 60-90 minutes, resting for 60-90 minutes, then repeat until you've been doing it around the clock. Now I coach cycling on the side with some sports psychology and nutrition counseling, too. This year I took it easy without racing, but still managed some epic rides (try 35 miles over 12,000' Georgia Pass, spend the night in a condo, then back over the next day if you want a challenge).

    I started running again, but once again got fouled by stress fractures. In 1997 I was training for a marathon and while I managed to finish, I was on crutches for two weeks after the race. I had stress fractures in my left foot then, now it's my right. Damn, this growing old thing ain't for sissies, is it now?

    I'm blessed with a cyclist's body. In other words, legs like an ox, upper body like a 9 year old. :p

    Despite my level of activity, I still struggle with cholesterol. Genetics certainly doesn't help at all. I keep it controlled with meds, but one has to wonder, how long after I'm off the meds will it be before my first (and potentially last) heart attack? There's only so much we can control in life and the rest is up to God. I can only do my part.
  3. enough

    enough Monkey++

    Alright, another endurance nut enthusiast!. ;)

    Your post brings up and interesting scenario. For those that may be taking to much higher elevations, are you training yourself for that altitude?

    We don't don't have that much of a change in MI, but I thought I'd throw that out there.

    Endurance, do you coach all disciplines of cycling, or just mtb? I'm on a winter layoff of the bike right now, but I'll get back on the trainer after the new year, and would love some critique of the training plan. Cycling is my most under trained aspect of triathlon, but I regularly finish at or near the top of my age group on the bike. I'd like to dominate it next season. :)
  4. enough

    enough Monkey++

    Its a good thing I like poultry ... :lol:

    I will not pushing around a bull, anytime soon. [gone]
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I know off topic, sorry; just can't help myself --

    You sure you aren't pushing bull all the time anyway?
  6. enough

    enough Monkey++

    Now that, sir, is very funny!
  7. enough

    enough Monkey++

    Well, I've run every day for two weeks now. I'm starting to feel a couple little creaks in the joints, but its mainly a lack of stretching afterward. I also swam at lunchtime today.

    I think I'll up my core exercises from 100 per day to 200. That should help to put the hurt on.
  8. enough

    enough Monkey++

    I know you aren't all sitting home, eating bombons! :)

    I've upped my core strength exercises to 200 per day. I think I'll stick to that for two weeks and see how the body likes 300 per day.

    I'm still running every day, with 8.5 miles on the trail this past Saturday. It was about 20 degrees, with 15 mph winds, and driving snow coming in. It was awesome! :)

    I'm nearly up to 100 pushups in a sitting, but far from 100 straight.

    The body is adapting to the new training stresses very well. I need to reinstall that pull up bar in my basement rafters.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    No bon-bons, but still resting up for the Big Push, if next week ever gets here.
  10. enough

    enough Monkey++

    Still? [rofllmao] No time like the present!

    What is this "big push" that you speak of?
  11. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I managed to workout everyday last week, a combination of cardio and core strengthening exercises. I will repeat this week, adding in a couple of core exercises.

    I am only going 25 minutes on the treadmill, but that's enough to wipe me out completely, hopefully after this week I'll bump it up some.

    I am, however, being VERY mindful of what I am eating.
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Away from the Christmas dinner table. :D My cousin is a hell of a good cook. Then, will need another big push (or two) to get myself off the TV watching couch and to the fridge for anther beer.
  13. dutterman

    dutterman Monkey++

    I did the kettlebell yesterday, i'm headed to the gym for some treadmill benchpress and push-ups right now.
  14. enough

    enough Monkey++

    Excellent work!

    If you took walking breaks on the treadmill, do you think you could go a lot longer? For example, if you ran for 9 minutes, then walked for one, could you do three cycles of that for 30 minutes? Give it a try. You can even try sorter intervals of 5 minutes or so.
  15. enough

    enough Monkey++

    Last night was a masochistic run, of the climate type. Sleet, freezing ran, slippery roads, high winds ... it was awesome!
  16. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Actually, that's what I'm doing :oops: I am using the "fat burner" program on the treadmill. It's a 20 minute program, and I jog an additional 5 min. The program goes through different speeds and inclines. When I am on the elliptical machine I do something similar. I go as fast and as long as I can, the slow down and recover, then repeat.

    I really need to get back into the step aerobics class. I did that a couple of years ago and dropped weight almost instantly. *sigh* It's just hard to focus when you're the only guy in the class.

    Anyway, I've also started some new core exercises, trying to keep things new and invigorating so I don't get bored and stop working out.
  17. enough

    enough Monkey++

    Its called HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training. I love it.

    You can do it with all sorts of movements. I've done even done it with a 2x4. How is that?

    Well, I laid a 2x4 on the ground and started jumping over it.... :)

    Keep up the good work.
  18. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Then there is Super High Intensity Training. (Turn the 2X4 on edge.) [ROFL]
  19. enough

    enough Monkey++

    You are funny. :)
  20. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member


    That's what I was thinking
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