how many of you could...

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by sasquatch91, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Which I've seen it you never know what the human mind and reactions will be when put in the situation live or die, then when you throw family into it we are all capable of becoming stone cold killer's. I have talked to numerous officer's and soldier's that have been shot or in a shootout. Because Im very curious about the worrior mind set and they all tell me they think of their wives and kids or their mom and dad's. How the news of them getting killed would hurt them or how would dad handle the farm what would happen to them. I have been involved in several on duty shoot outs the first thing that crosses my mind when I bust the door is my wife and little girl and my mom and dad getting older and what would they do. I tell all my boot's put a picture of you girlfriend, wife, kids, mom and dad wha ever in your hat, in your vest or in a pocket and if the $h!t gets deep and it hurts, your ready to give up take it out and look at it. Then explain to them how when it got rough and the pain got to bad you gave up on them. I have had several officer's come back over the years who had moved on to other places. Tell me that they ended up in a situation where they thought the end was coming fast and they took the picture out. They couldn't look at the picture and tell their family that they give up. They forced through it and I had one he carried a picture of me and said I chewed on him so much that when he looked at the picture he would have sold his soul before he would give up and prove me right that he was too weak to run with the dogs. Which I will say I am proud of that one more than others, he has fought for and taken everything he has got nothing was ever given to him. Good officer.
  2. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    i just hope she aint got a bigger gun or is a better shot than me!
    tulianr likes this.
  3. Rob Taylor

    Rob Taylor Monkey+

    I've never shot anyone in self-defense but I've been shot at by muggers, and I've had to fight to defend myself once or twice. I think I can shoot a home invader because I know thugs won't hesitate to shot me, but of course killing some kid is awful even if you don't have a choice.
  4. scrapman21009

    scrapman21009 Chupacabra Hunter

    While I have never been in that situation, I have been shot at, and knowing that no mercy would be shown to me, I would say that I am in the "shoot first, question later" camp. In a survival situation, when your family is threatened, I would try to live on a more instinctive reaction rather then spending time analizing wheather or not the perp will use deadly force. i am not saying it would be emotionally easy, but I WILL protect my house!!
  5. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    At the moment by their own actions they are an "it."
    STANGF150, Sapper John and Falcon15 like this.
  6. TerryLane

    TerryLane Monkey++

    Having carried a badge and gun for thirty five years now, I'd highly recommend a professionally taught course or courses. on personal protection. The several courses I've taken with Massad Ayoob have been very beneficial in dealing with the aftermath of a shooting that you WILL experience. Take care.
  7. Gorilla Joe

    Gorilla Joe Monkey+

    I'm a life loving person. I want to believe in the good of every person. But when it comes to my or my family's security, I will defend them both aggressively. I really wouldn't care if it was my own mother. The way I see it, once attacked that person has immediately crossed the line to become my enemy.
  8. cornbread

    cornbread Keeper of the Pone

    I would have to agree with Mr. Terry. If you have never had any type of training I would recommend to take something. There are a lot of good training opportunities out there.
  9. Dogfood

    Dogfood Monkey+++

    Well this is for sure the time to get your head around it long before you are on the spot. Training is good everyone should get some kind, but having the right mindset is something you have to look deep inside your own self for.

    I would think most people on this site fall into the "what if" category. I see it as the only way to be. How many of the "that will never happen" things have we seen in our own life time. I'm sure we lots more to come as well.
    BTPost likes this.
  10. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    That is a disturbingly appropriate observation. Those of us who choose to survive will have to get past that issue.
  11. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Personally when it comes to certain things, I take what I read online with a grain of salt.
    Wolfgang2000 likes this.
  12. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Back in 1968 ( high school days for me) I was being chased around my huge backyard by a "school friend"...He had a spray can of the then "chemical mace" known as "paralyzer" and intended to shoot me in the face with it, to see what effect it had (Ok, so we were a bit strange back then)! I told him not to try it, as I had my .22 single shot Savage rifle in my hands and I said: "I'll shoot you"! Well he tried and I did exatly what I said I'd do....He went down like a 90 lb bag of wet cement screaming: "You SOB, You shot me"! Yes I certainly did....BUT not with what he thought! All he suffered was a really large bruise and a helluva welt on his left leg, mid way up between his knee and his hip. I had made my own wax bullets from very soft birthday candle wax, not at all a solid lead bullet! He thought he was going to die, and was even madder when he discovered he'd live, to spray another day! So, he tried again! I went up on the side of the 6 foot high redwood fence, with him on my trail...He sprayed....BUT as some would say, "sometimes it's better to give up while you are ahead",...Not him! He aimed....He sprayed and continued right up to me, on the top of the fence....He got it right in the face, full blast, as the wind was blowing over the fence right onto him!
    He never forgot that episode of shenanigans we did back then....Many years later, in 1991, he wanted a replay of that day...( can you say STOOOPID?)
    I told him he did NOT want to try that again, I was fresh out of wax and my .357 would be a bit more unforgiving this time around....
    He has yet to forgive me to this day!
    (when you have to shoot, shoot,..... don't talk!)
    STANGF150 likes this.
  13. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    I wouldn't want to be in that position, simply because I would pull the trigger. I don't want to hurt people, no one I know who carries WANTS to hurt people, they just know that us not wanting to hurt people doesn't mean people won't try and hurt us. And if you're *stupid* enough to come after me and mine, I will ensure natural selection takes place, buddy!
  14. strunk

    strunk Monkey+

    I've been tested in this way a couple of times already. It was a situation where I advised a perp to GTFO and had made the hard line decision in my head, if they stand their ground or move forward, they are dead. In both cases, they made the smart choice and retreated with hands up. I experienced no sense of hesitation, and while the experiences were negative, the positive coming out of it was the reassurance that if I had to, I could defend myself (or home or family) with deadly force.
  15. Agfadoc

    Agfadoc Monkey+

    Without hesitation in a grid down scenario. In my mind, they would be considered just another animal, a pesky rodent or a dangerous bear. The thin veil of civility is shrinking, and my hesitation in a non grid down scenario today would only be the laws of our society and the boundaries that come along with it.
  16. Espada

    Espada Monkey+

    Unfortunately, lawyers have a knack for making "laws" mean whatever they want them to mean. That's why burglars who get shot occasionally receive reparations from homeowners they've tried to rob.

    Shoot. Shovel. Shut up.
    STANGF150 and Agfadoc like this.
  17. gmt48

    gmt48 Monkey+

    I have a great respect for life whether human or animal. Having said that, I do hunt with bow as well as gun for the food though the least pleasurable part of the hunt is the actual kill. However, if some human causes me to draw my firearm in defense of myself or my family, the last sound they will hear will be that of my .357 Magnum.
  18. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Actually, Unless you are shooting Subsonic Ammunition, the last sound the Bad Guy will hear is the sound just BEFORE, the projectile smacks him in the forehead, as it will arrive before the sound of the discharge will reach him.... ...... Might be a bit to technical... for some...
    limpingbear likes this.
  19. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Yep. Long range snipers have to contend with the projectile breaking the sound barrier, their weapon may be supressed to hell and back, but when that bullet travels faster than sound, CRACK...
  20. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Not in Texas. Castle Doctrine, baby.
    Sapper John likes this.
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