How many of you fantasize about TEOTWAWKI?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Akheloce, Dec 17, 2009.

  1. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    I'm not really a 'cat person', but on occasion I find a kitty that gets along with me. My sister's old orange tabbycat "Football" was one such - we were buddies. Broke me up when he died - kitty leukemia or some such. He had been "The Million Dollar Cat" to me - she spent a lot of money keeping him alive. But he was suffering - it was a blessing when he finally went.
    Dragonfly, I don't envy you this. It'll hurt.
    But I could not let it impede the family's preps either.
  2. Capt.Reynolds

    Capt.Reynolds Ya...NO WAIT!!!!

    I always figured that if I am watching Foxy News and the bombs start falling or all of the electronics fail or a comet sneaks up on us; I am just going to go upstairs and take a long nap. Partly because there will be a lot to do, but mostly because *IT* finally has happened. As horrible 'it' will be, the waiting and not knowing will be over.
  3. Sherman

    Sherman Dog Eat Dog

    I guess you could call it fantasizing. I run thru scenarios in my mind as to how best handle a given situation. I grew up raising our own goats and chickens and wood stoves for heat, being poor has taught me to be pretty good at gettin by on nuthin. *sigh I do hate goats milk.... Do I yearn for simpler life yeah you bet.
  4. CPT G

    CPT G Monkey++

    For the individual it would be horrible. I don't fantasize about it but I do think about it a lot. I grew up and live in rural Arkansas, with a bit of world travel in between. There are still enough of the skill sets needed to live a minimalist existance here. What I think of are similar in nature to Dragonfly's security concerns. I lived in Germany for four years while in the Army. One thing that always struck me was how one drives down a road and is in the "country" and then *bam* there is a city or village and just as quickly, the country again. None of the sprawl we have in the U.S. Why? in a word, bandits. The imediate TEOTWAWKI scenario would be greousome. A lot of people, even some who think they would make it, would become victims of those clever (read evil) enough to forage in groups. Eventually, individuals who wish to live of their own hard work will band together and address the security issue of making it. The American ideal of individualism is grand but is dependent upon a certain level of security. I am by no means endorsing any type of communism or socialism though.
  5. fmhuff

    fmhuff Monkey+++

    Lots of TEOTWAKI going on today. Watch the news, it won't be pretty.
  6. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    In the past few days, I have slept very little...
    Seems I have created my own worst case scenario.
    I placed ad's on JWR's survival blog, "finding others" area.
    Now, I am worried about those I do not know, nor met and maybe never will in this life.....
    I had over 89 emails since I started my ad's back in 2009.
    Of those there were as always, the strange ones...
    The one's that hit me the worst, are those with small children...there are a LOT of people out there with very small ones....from 6 months to about 2-3 years.
    The parents have just began to see the light ( not that I'm right, and maybe as crazy as anyone else!) and have determined that they need to get away from the cities....( better late than never I suppose)
    They have from: a few, to a good selection of preps.
    Few of them have a vehicle setup or in any shape to go "off-roading" like where my place is at.
    It tears things apart in a short hurry!
    They need a place to go, have no idea of what they are doing, and yet they have this great feeling of "urgency" to depart asap!
    With being limited by only 4.5 acres, it's tough to say no!
    I can't take them all, and God knows, I would If able!
    At his time, I would have to provide them with shelter, firewood, a wood stove, or propane and a propane stove/heater, and water supplies, just to get them thru to March or April. Those that said they could come and live in tents, I had to say NO...You can't. It gets heavy wet snow, and they will collapse on you up there. Right now the snow has stopped as of last night, or this morning....I haven't heard a word from my caretaker today...That bothers me considerably! It is now raining and will continue at least fro a wekk, adn in Phoenix we are expecting a heckuva wind and rain storm to blow in as of Monday, if not sooner.Up there it gets muddy. I mean it -get 9 to 12 inches deep. It is almost impossible to walk in, it's dangerous to try to drive in. My guy was taking another local to town today to get a new u joint he snapped the past day, while loading and hauling his firewood up there.
    It can be a nightmare for us, and we have the equipment, and constantly add to what we may need....
    Most don't and have no concept of what they are about to "step off into".
    It's frightening....
    And now, I have created a problem, where I have to take on myself the responsibilities of anyone I allow up there.
    Having been a father myself a few times (8 maybe 9 ?) I can't remember anymore!
    It's like being in the delivery room again....!
    I'm scared out of my wits about this!
    Some replies were from people my age, (older), and some as young as 19, and every age in between.
    I can see this area to be good for a younger generation , "IF" they have some common sense about them, and have come from a rural or maybe a farm background....
    I'm not in good shape anymore, and few I know could take on that place...
    How does one determine and decide who will make it and those that can't?
    I have no calculator for that one!
    Some peole do ok, with the right mindset, like the older pioneers had...
    Others move out there and soon they find they can't do this type of life.
    Some have been reported to have "lost it", in that they got a bad case of Cabin Fever and went amok.....Some have died up there, freezing or by exposure.
    I can't take that on. I'm just too old to handle that responsibility...
    ( I may soon need a "keeper" myself!)
    Now back when I was 19, full of pi66 and vinegar, and thought the world was my oyster and I could do anything, life was easier and I was far more confident....
    Honestly, today, I'm scared!
    ( There is a lot of unoccupied lands up there and it could take hundreds in areas and no one would even see each other, but that's another story)
    If I say yes, come over to my land, I am then responsible for them and I'm too old to raise any more kids! Yikes...
    Ok, I'm open to any and all suggestions!
  7. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    My first inclination is to tell you to delete that e-mail account and pretend the whole thing never happened. You never know about the background, history, or intent of strangers. I would not make them my responsibility. It reminds me of something my dad told me long ago. Back in the late 70's or early 80's he was driving his one ton and pulling a goose neck trailer so he pulled into a truckstop for food and fuel. He was sitting there talking to this fellow at the coffee bar and this guy tells him he needs a ride to some town up the road where my dad was heading. Well Pop thinks this guy seems really nice and clean cut so offers to give him a ride. Once on the road he finds out he just got out of prison for murder. Needless to say my dad was a little uneasy the rest of the trip. You just never know who and what someone is and what type of baggage they carry.
  8. Sherman

    Sherman Dog Eat Dog

    Not to be too mercenary, but you cant save the world. If someone has resources or skills that would be an asset to you, then you **might** consider them.
    You then would need to eliminate from consideration anyone that could cause drama or conflict in your new family.

    Clearly define your expectations and conditions. Can they accept your rules w/o debate?
    What are they willing to bring to the table?
    Maybe think of it this way rather than you helping them, select people that will HELP you.
    Strong arms and backs for chores, hands that can grow food, cure sickness, mend bones and clothes. You have an opportunity to hand pick the members of your community.

    Choose carefully...
  9. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    3 more down today, and I erased 92 emails from others!
    I have decided that it's best to wait and see....
    I agree, you cannot be too careful today.
  10. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    While I often romanticize about a simpler life, I do not look forward to what's coming. The pain involved during the Malthusian contraction will be tough to bear.

    My vote is for the .gov to stall the collapse for another 100 yrs so me and mine will be long gone.
  11. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Unfortunately, I am of the opinion that this government as well as many of the past could care less about your vote. [stirpot]
  12. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    I guess "simpler" is relative. I just want to be able to enjoy life without the man "in my pocket" at every turn or tugging my strings when he feels god like. I want my wife to be able to stay at home and raise the kids on a single income without having to struggle to make ends meet on my paycheck.
  13. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I suspect TEOTWAWKI will be a very ugly and dangerous place if it comes to be. We/you/I will not be living in a outdoors utopia but will struggle from meal to meal (after the initial period is over) as well as with other day to day survival issues.

    I have thought about it and done what I can but I certainly do not "fantasize" about it.

  14. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I'm scared that I will NOT be able to feed my family, much less myself.
    Even with good land, and isolated, there is a lot that can and more than likely will go wrong. (Murphy's and O'Briens laws)
    No guarantees, no refunds, no do-overs!
  15. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

  16. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

  17. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    ^ This.
    I think this is the reason we have so many mental and physical health problems.
    But life is not a bowl of cherries.
    If we shed these problems for a more primitive existence we gain a whole new set of problems.

    I like to think that after getting over "the hump" - when the chaos dies down and those left have learned to cope - there will be a renaissance of sorts. But maybe that's just fantasy.
  18. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    You think? I found exactly what is shown on that video on NASA site. Unless we have two Venus planets in our solar system, there is an intruder behind the Sun...And who is Nancy Lieder? I saw the video and went to check, and it is all true. I compared the Stereo Ahead and Back images and in ahead images you can see Venus and Mercury, but WHAT is that on the back pictures...And why is it emitting CME???? Planets do not emit CME! Only stars of any kind can emit CME!!! There is something definitely not right here!
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Nibiru collision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    "She states that she was chosen to warn mankind that the object would sweep through the inner ----"

  20. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    LOL...OK...that Nancy girl is a loony...but that still doesn't explain WHAT is that thing on the behind stereo shots...and NASA site just IGNORES the CME spewing object! And they nicely explain that at the ahead stereo picture we can see Venus, Mercury and Mars (although Mars is so small I didn't see it)...And yet they ignore HUGE body on the behind image???? Any explanation of that?
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