How they broke into homes?!

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Yard Dart, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Do you ever wonder whether your home security system or “Beware of Dog” sign actually keeps burglars away?

    We did too. So KGW's investigative team sent letters to 86 inmates currently serving time for burglary in the Oregon Department of Corrections. The inmates were asked to respond anonymously to 17 questions detailing how they broke in, when the crime occurred and what they were looking for.

    What we learned could help you keep your home safe from burglaries.

    Below is a summary of the answers we received.

    1. How did you typically break into a home or apartment?

    Most inmates broke in through an unlocked door or window. Several burglars kicked the door open.

    “I would kick in the door rather than break glass. Loud bangs are better than loud glass breaking, plus you run the risk of getting cut,” said one inmate.

    2. Once inside, what was the first thing you looked to steal?

    Jewelry, electronics, cash and credit cards are all attractive to burglars. Inmates also added collectibles and guns.

    “NRA sticker on car bumper = Lots of guns to steal,” wrote one burglar.

    3. Where did you look for hidden valuables?

    Most burglars started by searching the master bedroom for valuables, then moved through the rest of the house.

    “Everywhere! From the stove and freezer, to the fish tank and toilet tank, book shelves and in boxes of cereal,” said an inmate.

    4. What time of the day did you prefer to break in?

    Burglars prefer breaking in early morning or afternoon.

    “Between 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm. Anyone that was home for lunch should be gone by then and most kids should all still be in school,” wrote a convicted burglar.

    5. Did home protection or security signs posted outside the home deter you?

    Burglars had mixed opinions about home security signs. Some burglars said it didn’t faze them. Others said they knew how to disable alarms or avoid setting them off.

    6. Did pets in the home, like a dog, make you think twice?

    If a homeowner had a big, loud dog most burglars would stay away. Smaller dogs don’t seem to bother them.

    “Dogs are a deal breaker for me,” said one inmate. “Big breeds, home protectors are the best to keep people out.”

    7. Did you typically knock on the front door before breaking into a home?

    Yes. All of the inmates who responded said they would knock on the front door before breaking in.

    8. If someone answered the door, what would you do or say?

    “Act like I was lost or looking for a friend.”

    “I would approach the resident as though they had posted an ad on Craigslist.”

    “Say wrong house, sorry and thank you.”

    “Ask if they’d seen my dog and leave.”

    “Sometimes I would wear nice clothing and print a questionnaire off the Internet and carry a clipboard and see if they could spare a moment for an anonymous survey.”

    9. If a home alarm system went off, what would you do?

    Most intruders said they would leave immediately if a security alarm went off.

    “I would try and turn it off or get the hell out of there,” said one burglar.

    10. If there was a security camera visible, would it keep you from breaking in?

    Generally, burglars agreed security cameras were a deterrent. But some said it also likely signaled there were valuables inside the home.

    11. Did lights on in the home make you think twice?

    Responses were mixed regarding lights on in a home. Some said it was a deterrent. But one burglar said the combination of lights on and blinds closed created an attractive location.

    “Would drive through upper class neighborhoods looking for many things, like porch light on with all window blinds close,” wrote one inmate.

    12. If you heard a radio or TV on inside the home, would you still break in?

    Most burglars feared someone might be home if they heard a radio or TV. They wouldn’t break in.

    “Absolutely not,” wrote a burglar.

    13. Would it make a difference if there was a vehicle in the driveway?

    As a homeowner, this is one of the best precautions you can take. Almost all of the burglars said they’d think twice if there was a car in the driveway.

    “Most of the time that is a sure-fire sign of someone being home,” wrote an inmate.

    14. What was you ideal target for a burglary?

    Burglars don’t want to be seen. They looked for homes with big fences and overgrown trees or bushes.

    “Home away from other homes, blind spots, older window frames, cheap wooden doors,” wrote a burglar.

    “Large trees, bushes or shrubs around the home, or very reserved and conservative neighbors,” wrote another inmate.

    “Nice home with nice car = A person with money,” another said.

    15. Did you ever do surveillance on your target?

    The responses were mixed. Some burglars did surveillance before a burglary, while others did not.

    16. If you did surveillance, what were you trying to figure out?

    Of those burglars who did surveillance, most agreed they were looking for the best opportunity to break-in.

    “Who lives in the home, what are their weekday schedules (weekends are too unpredictable), what they drive, is there a dog, a hidden key,” wrote one inmate.

    “What time the house would be empty and for how long,” wrote another.

    17. What is the one thing homeowners can do to avoid being burglarized?

    Burglars suggest homeowners make their property visible with good lighting and trimmed bushes and trees. You should get to know you neighbors and alert police if you see anything suspicious.

    “In my opinion, I think homeowners should always leave a TV or radio on,” said one inmate.

    “Get a camera and make it visible!” wrote another.

    “Put bars on your windows and doors, get an alarm, keep an extra car in the driveway, keep lights, TVs and radios on when you leave your home,” read one questionnaire.

    “Home alarm, know your neighbor so they can report suspicious people around the neighborhood,” said a burglar.

    Many of those inmates who responded were remorseful. They don’t want homeowners to be victimized.

    “Thank you for giving me the chance to help and give back something that will actually help people,” wrote on inmate.

    “I’ll never be able to give back the sense of security I destroyed but I can help prevent others from losing theirs,” said another convicted burglar.
    We asked 86 burglars how they broke into homes

    Food for thought. ;)
  2. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    So, close the blinds. put the car in the garage. turn on the outside lights and sit on the couch watching TV with the .45 at the ready... :D

    The JW's and I are good friends. They practice on me... :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2016
  3. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    I would rather see the answers from the Burglars who have never served time for plying their trade :)
    TnAndy, Dallanta, 3M-TA3 and 5 others like this.
  4. MarleneK

    MarleneK Monkey

  5. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

  6. marlas1too

    marlas1too Monkey+++

    my deterrent is a double 12 gage and a 45
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  7. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    This makes sense. Most of the burglaries that are advertised for those security systems show a break in at night but I think the 12-2 makes more sense.

    I wonder if you can get security cameras that are fake. The camera seems to be the biggest deterrent. Putting a camera up near the pitch of the roof would be seen but they could not reach it.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    You can. But, with the price of security cameras today, folks can have a nice wireless system. Smart phones make it possible to view your home from anywhere, too.

    I have motion lights and cameras. Funny thing, I actually had somebody spray paint one of my motion lights. Must have thought it was a camera. I staked a 2x4 with rusty nails into the ground where they would come again. Noticed it was disturbed, but never had a problem after that. Placed a camera high up at each entrance. Be sure to hide your hard drive for your system really well. I keep mine in a secure location. Nothing short of a plasma cutter will get to it. Security system is very loud, and multiple emitters (all with battery backups), so if they do break in when you're away, they can't find the sirens (and not likely to find all of them) before my neighbors come out and police arrive. I used to have booby traps in mind, but due to the legality behind it (firefighters, etc.) I decided not to use them. But, I did keep some large, very painful pepper spray tied to a spring trap/trip wire on the stairway (the one point they will always go), set off by a giant mouse trap to act as the spring. Pity I don't use that.

    I also pity the fool to break in when I am home. [reddevil]
  9. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    There are many great cheap camera solutions out there. I use the Nest cameras in a couple of locations. You can program a motion box using their software, to trigger an alert and picture of what tripped the camera, to your cell phone/email. Plus it has two way communications, so you can talk to the thieving bastards.... letting them know you will be breaking into their home soon if the cops don't get them first. ;)
    Ura-Ki, Gator 45/70 and Dunerunner like this.
  10. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    A good reminder of the Grey Man rules..... never may garner attention you don't want.
    STANGF150, Dallanta, Ura-Ki and 3 others like this.
  11. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    We've got security cameras, but the only 'valuable' I'm protecting in the house is the 4leggers. We also have neighbors that we keep informed of when there is to be no one on our property for any reason. And I leave videos or music playing on my computer sometimes when we leave, but more for our animals' peace of mind than as a criminal deterrent. We have a locked gate, and the driveway is long with nothing obstructing the view between us and the neighbors.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  12. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    When I comes to being a grey man, I am a major fail. Yes, I have an NRA sticker and a Trump sticker. I am unsure if it is my nature to be a grey man. I try, I have read about it but I always go back to my normal being.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Also REMEMBER, If you have Security Cameras that you use for Home Protection You better have a VERY Good FireWall, or VPN to secure your incoming Internet Connection, because the Russian & Chinese Hackers will blow thru anything that is NOT Totally Secure, and leave with ALL your Online Data, in their Electronic Pocket..... World to the Wise....
    Ura-Ki, chelloveck and Yard Dart like this.
  14. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I have harbor Freight cameras that are functional .
    My brother has a much more sophisticated system that actually has caught burglars and helped process conviction.
    Cameras should be real and high enough to make it difficult to disconnect however I have back ups so more than one is monitoring the place , one camera in view and one hidden.
    I have one articulated on a remote turret, that is dual lighted facing my chickens area and I play with that one often .
    Ura-Ki and chelloveck like this.
  15. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Great post! All of the points were basically common sense. I would add one other one which is quite - well - paranoid. I always answer the door with a gun in my hand IF I do not know the person. I live in a rural area, in the boonies, and if someone gets in the house they could kill us both and no one would be the wiser especially since shooting on one's property is totally legal here so you do hear gun shots from time to time. Anyway, if I must answer the door (I always look first) with my right foot against the door and my right hand with the Glock is hidden behind the door aimed at the individual at chest height. I know, sounds whacko's a dangerous world. If they start nonsense then I will shoot straight through the door. If there are more than two males that approach the door it is the same routine except I will not even consider cracking the door. My wife is not allowed to opened the door unless it is someone she knows. Living in rural America is wonderful but one must understand that no one is there to protect or help you so you're on your own.

    The other thing we do is all valuables go into the gun safe when we leave: laptops, guns (have two loaded and placed around the house), anything of value. First, they don't know about the safe and, second, most crooks don't want to take the time to open it.

    BTW Fake security cameras do work. As do signs that state the house is alarmed and under surveillance. I can attest to both and have used them in a crime ridden country that makes this one look like a joke. There are too many easier marks if they see something like this.
    STANGF150, Ura-Ki and chelloveck like this.
  16. runswithdogs

    runswithdogs Monkey+++

    38kg German shepherd & a 110kg Mastiff....

    I wish they'd try breaking in, it would cut down on the feeding bills.....:cautious::p
  17. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Sit at home with the blinds closed and my flintlock lock.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  18. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I've got a racist rottie here. Hates men and hates anyone non-white. I didn't raise her to be a racist .. she was born that way. The meter readers now call and ask that the dog remain indoors as they are on their way to check the meter. I will admit it was kind of funny when the meter reader was in a tree after missing the 3 big "Beware of dog signs" as they nonchalantly opened 3 closed gates oblivious of the dog barking and growling on the front porch.

    I think head phones/ ear buds are going to be the demise of the current generation of young people .. that and cell phones/texting.
  19. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    I lock my back gate so it can't be opened by inept people. Unless someone wants to rip down the fence with a truck and chain.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  20. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Great posts all round! I use the 4 legged roving alarm system quite extensively! IF some one manages to make it through a heavy locked gate and gets to the house, they have to deal with the Big guy in my avatar and my Wiley Golden Retriever! LOL Seriously, the golden is the alarm, and the Neuf is the muscle! And they will not take treats from strangers EVER. You can not hand them a raw steak unless they are with me and I say it's ok! They do not trust any one and are very raciest, like posted before, I didn't teach then that, they were just born that way! And for those that think a Golden wouldn't bite, I might have to post pictures of what my golden did to a stranger that snuck up on us a few years ago!
    Yard Dart and Thunder5Ranch like this.
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