In Case Of Emergency Radio Show

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Falcon15, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Imagine MY utter chagrin. HOWEVER! This last weeks show successfully recorded and it is going up.
    tedrow42, Motomom34 and ghrit like this.
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Just needed an extra Banana.....
    Falcon15 likes this.
  3. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will talk about dealing with a brown recluse bite without medical aid, tools you will need when SHTF, bugging out with disabilities, and why YOU need to rethink bugging out..

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
  4. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will talk about how ill prepared California is for the big one, skills for surviving a world without oil, and ways to be an amazing prepper!

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
    techsar likes this.
  5. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we have the return of a very special guest, Mathew Williams!

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
  6. Tevin

    Tevin Monkey+++

    I like your show but I usually can't listen live. Are you downloadable on iTunes or YouTube or anything like that?
    Homer Simpson and Motomom34 like this.
  7. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Good question @Tevin I just looked and I see March and one June show listed. @Falcon15 where are the recent shows located?
  8. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    The shows are not available due to a defect in the recording software. I am working to resolve the issue. Sorry @Motomom34 and @Tevin
  9. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we have the return of a very special guest, Mathew Williams!

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
  10. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will discuss the "golden hour", ways to find water after SHTF, water pasteurization, items to kick start your food storage, and how big a garden you will need to feed yourself and your family!

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:

    Radio KAOS | SHTF Series
  11. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will discuss items to kick start your food storage, ways to use egg crates, and non-food items that you should have on hand!

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
    Radio KAOS | SHTF Series
  12. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will discuss dirt cheap items that will be priceless after a major disaster, and what experts agree will be the cause of the next crash!

    Joining me will be my new co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
  13. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will discuss fishing to feed a family, uses for pine sap, and preparing when poor!

    Joining me will be my co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.
    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
    Radio KAOS | SHTF Series
    VisuTrac likes this.
  14. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will discuss items you need (besides your BOB) when you are evacuating, things you can do if people find out you are a prepper, and the best survival and prepping shows (and movies) on Netflix.

    Joining me will be my co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
    Radio KAOS | SHTF Series
    techsar likes this.
  15. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will discuss how the movie "The Martian" exemplifies survival, 10 ways to use egg crates, safe canning of food at home, and preparing for SHTF if you travel internationally.

    Joining me will be my co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.
    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
  16. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will discuss foods that should not be canned, the reality of going gray (gray man), using a camper or RV as a bug out potion, and low profile weapons to add to your arsenal.

    Joining me will be my co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.
    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
  17. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will discuss Using a camper or RV as a bug out vehicle/shelter, myths about canned foods, home defense weapons, and a look at SKS rifles as a budget option long rifle.

    Joining me will be my co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
    techsar likes this.
  18. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will discuss the rising tensions with the Russians, possible outcomes of a conflict, and how to prepare for the possibilities ahead.

    Joining me will be my co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.
    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
    techsar likes this.
  19. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will discuss the minimum things you need in case of nuclear war, the dangers of nuclear war - myths and facts, psychological preparations for nuclear war, and storing fuel for the long term.

    Joining me will be my co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in to the new chat room located on the page:
    ghrit likes this.
  20. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Today on "In Case Of Emergency", at 5PM (Eastern) we will discuss the upcoming election and the possibilities of violence and how that will affect us.

    Joining me will be my co-host, a complete novice, non-prepper, Tony D'Ateno!

    In Case Of Emergency is a show for preppers, beginning preppers, and with preparedness in mind. The show airs LIVE on Sundays on Radio KAOS, Revere Radio Network, Ras Radio, and Salty Talk Radio!

    Tune in to support the prepping community, as well as to get great information.

    The call in number: 281-766-7609

    To tune in, head over to my website and click play! Also, join in the new chat room located on the page:
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