Woke-up to SNOW... and it's snowing harder and harder!!!! (<--family & I absolutely LOVE this sorta stuff, so please kindly disregard if ya don't appreciate this sorta thing LOL ha,ha) Just took a photo of the views (to share) from the front porch of our backwoods home..... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah just BEAUTIFUL! Other than that I also snapped up a bunch of "GREENHOUSE IN THE SNOW PICS" with all of the goodies growing within. It's kinda hard to see it all with the snow on top (low lighting), but we didn't want to dust it off as it's insulating our abundance of winter goodies/crops which have been feeding us so very well. I shall see if I have the time to post those pics below at a later date. Since I can't right now, and will also post 'em to share on hubbie's/my "Cheap Greenhouse Thread" for those who want to learn more & see our progress this season. Have a goodie of a day & bye y'all! Sincerely, Wildernessgal (who's happier than a clam.... he,he) P.S.- I don't recall if I had mentioned it before... but for those of you who don't have as much time and want to grow stuff in winter to eat, here's a quickie method we've experimented with. Ya know those clear over-sized plastic storage tubs that you can buy @ say walmart? Well those come in quite handy for a "QUICK/EASY GREENHOUSE". I've got a bunch of hardy KALE growing under some of those and they have been feeding us well with barely any care (just an occaisionaly watering), no extra lighting or heat to maintain it at all.... AWESOME to say the least! Bye bye for now...