A Volcano has erupted in Southwestern Japan today. Japanese volcano erupts - Times LIVE Also a 5.1 quake just occurred off shore of Tokyo right on top of a three plate subduction zone. Critical New Quake Could Mean Impending Disaster For Japan, page 1 Magnitude 5.1 - OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
Wow.. Wow .. Wow... They upgraded the primary to a 9.0. That opened a 150 mile long, 50 mile wide rift in the ocean. How do you prepare for the dislocation of that much earth? Seriously.. how do you? how can you? And who knows what other "Crustal" activity is taking place RIGHT NOW. Stay frosty, people.
Awesome display of Nature's Fury! And we sad little Humans have the unmitigated gall to believe WE can cause major 'climate change' events. This all a part of Nature's cycles. There has been a LOT of tectonic and volcanic activity the last decade or so. Much of the ice melting and warmer currents are due to THIS, I believe - not paltry little Man. But when we build our cities on seacoasts and small islands, we must expect occasional disasters. On a related note, I just read elsewhere that they believe they have found evidence of Atlantis in the southern coastal marshes of Spain! Pretty much where Plato had it pegged.
It's like the movie 2012 is becoming reality. Geez, It's going to come down to your relationship with God, I suppose. Jesus, the best item in your BOB.
Yea, the Biggest, Baddest, Bad Breath Monster in the Japanese Culture.... Used to scare small children into behaving... and eating their vegetables...