Along with the shot pouch and a good size bag of shot that could be a cool way to get some birds, squirles and rabbits and such.
Why was I born such a skeptical SOB? Some of my mis-spent youth was occupied with becoming a medium good shot with a home made slingshot. I really don't see the need for a gadget sight to make hits on squirrel size targets at 30 feet on a regular basis. The key remains (as it does with all sorts of projectile launcers) consistency of mount and hold and practice, practice, practice, along with a bit of stealth while walking in the woods. I think this could just be another gadgeteer guy hoping for a hit like the hula hoop was.
How true. One experiment was with an oak wye and a cut up inner tube. Good for 100 yards with inch diameter used ball bearings. Acceptable (minute of hogshead) accuracy. Took two of us, one to hold the fork (about 4 ft high) and one to pull the rubber and bearing.
Could always go with a 'Bigshot' from Sherills or some other arborist supply company. They are giant sling shots you mount on the end of like an 8' pole and put the other end on the ground and pull it down or could brace it on something else and pull it back. They make them for launching bags of shot that weigh around 1/2 pound or so over limbs in the tops of trees with a line tied to it so you can set climb ropes and stuff but they also work great when you get boared for launching walnuts 2 or 3 blocks.