Life as you know it !

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Nadja, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    *end of NOAA tables*
    These measurement systems may be inadequate for the year 2010 thru 2012 events.


    Sunspots - Solar Flares - Solar Storms - Solar Max: Historical

    The September 1, 1859 Event:
    On August 28 numerous sunspots occurred (sunspots are regions of intense magnetic fields). These magnetic fields can intertwine and result in a violent release of energy (called a solar flare). Solar flares were observed from August 28 to September 2. On September 1, the Sun released a massive cloud of magnetically charged plasma called a coronal mass ejection (CME). Within hours, telegraph wires in both the United States and Europe spontaneously shorted out, causing numerous fires. Auroras were documented as far south as Rome and Hawaii. Additional auroras occurred at the South Pole. The 1859 Event was an unlucky combination of three factors. The CME was extraordinarily fast; the magnetic fields were extremely intense; the magnetic fields were in direct opposition to Earth's magnetic fields. This combination overwhelmed the Earth's magnetic field, allowing charged particles to penetrate into Earth's upper atmosphere; thus creating the havoc.
    A March 1989 Incident: A lesser solar storm caused the Canadian power grid to go down for over nine hours. Resulting damages and loss of revenue estimated in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
    A 1994 Incident: A solar storm caused major malfunctions to two communications satellites.
    Other storms have affected systems ranging from cell phone service and TV signals to GPS systems and electrical power grids.
    ** end of extract **
    The 1859 Event happened due to the resulting electrical discharges brought on by the Sun’s penetration into the Earth’s atmosphere. Consider all the technology that the Sun has to play with today…
    *end of NOAA tables*
    These measurement systems may be inadequate for the year 2010 thru 2012 events.
    hank2222 and TheEconomist like this.
  2. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Well no matter what it was around here it would only be loss of power and communications . Two springs on the property so water is taken care of .After finding out what happened (no matter the cause) the family would be headed in this direction and with only 10 miles to cover that should happen within a day or so. After that ,we take one day at a time .
  3. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    larryinalabama likes this.
  4. Dogfood

    Dogfood Monkey+++

    I think you hit in on the head, more of a set of goals than a plan. The world is a dynamic place and a big elaborate plan is only good in you know how each step will play out I for one have little to no clairvoyance. It's best to understand your needs both short and long term think on your feet and be flexible.
    Alpha Dog, tulianr and Cephus like this.
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    There is a very LARGE difference between a Solar Flare, of ANY Magnitude, and an EMP Device, in Air Burst, and how these two things, effect electrical, and electronic, devices. Solar Flares can cause orbiting SATs to Fail, No question. They can effect LF/MF/HF/VHF Comms by disrupting the Ionosphere, on which these Frequencies, depend on for Long Haul comms. They can, in Massive Cases, effect Electrical Transmission Lines because those are VERY LONG Antennas, and do interact with the Earths Magnetic Field, which can induce significant Over-voltage conditions at the ends of those lines. What they can NOT Do, is burn out Electronic Chips, Radios, do damage to Silicon Wafers or cause the Magic Smoke to leave Generators, and their Electronic Voltage Regulators, or Mechanical Voltage Regulators, used on Older, and or small Genset designs. The Induced Electromagnetic Fields, just don't get big enough from Solar Flares, to cause this kind of destruction, UNLESS, the devices are connected to VERY LONG wires. On the order of Tens to Hundreds of MILES, The earth will always have significant effect, of the adsorption of the Solar Impact, on the surface due to it being a very good shield for the non-illuminated side, as well as the Atmosphere does have a significant Adsorption of Solar Particles emanating from our Sun.

    EMP Pulses, on the other hand, are much more likely to cause the destruction, mentioned above, IF, and this is a very BIG IF, the devices are inside the EMP Pulses, Main, Near Field, Discharge Area. EMP Pulses are WideBand in nature, and Propagate significant distances, but are subject to the Inverse Square Law, just like ANY Wave based ElectroMagnetic wave. They also do NOT go around corners, or over mountains with any great degree of significance. They are a more line of sight, and this is why EMP Weapons need to be detonated at ALTITUDE, so that the effects are wider spread. Any shading caused by buildings, mountains, valleys, and other natural, and man-made, structures, will have a significant effect, on the Power Density of the EMP Pulse, depending on distance, direction, and amount of shading provided, at any one location. Since these can't be determined before the actual device is detonated, there can be no definitive determination, as to what any such device would do, in any situation, without defining the above parameters. A foot of earth, is an effective shield, for ANY
    Electronic Device, that is NOT connected via a Transmission Path, from above the Ground, as is any Faraday Cage, or similar container.

    Very little is KNOWN about how exactly this EMP Senerio, will be played out, simply because much of the Empirical Data, just isn't available, to be tested and modeled. The only REAL DATA, come from Above Ground Testing done in the 50s-60s, and those were banned, by International Treaty. That Data was NOT well documented, and mostly, deduced from events, that happened in the same timeframe, at some distance. The Real ANSWER to EMP Effects is that "We just do NOT Know" because some things were observed, but since the actual EMP Pulses were never fully documented, the predicted results, are by definition, at best, Informed Wild-Assed Guesses.

    ..... YMMV....
    ColtCarbine and hank2222 like this.
  6. weegrannymush

    weegrannymush Monkey+

    Hi Nadja Well, broadly speaking, we are not too badly off....we live in the country with an acre of land with a tiny creek running through it. We have been buying in extra food for about a year and have maybe 4 - 6 months supply of food, not enough of course, but being added to weekly. Some water stored. A woodstove and woodpile for auxiliary heat and of course, can be used fulltime if we lose power. One thing I dont seem to be able to keep ahead of though IS the TP! It seems to vanish like the snow at 90 degrees! I have been home-dehydrating foods and have a good supply but worry about storage times, some sources say only about four months, while others seem to imply that dehydrated foods (home-dried) can last indefinitely. However, I know that our efforts although they have been hard to do, are just a drop in the bucket. But nil desperandum is my motto and since it's not just a life-saving project, but is an engrossing hobby, I will keep on with it so long as it's possible to do so.

    My grandson is going to help with gardening this summer and I'll put up as much as I can. As far as defence etc. goes, though, I cannot do anything about that - we will be sitting ducks. But I'm not just trusting in my own strength (which is minimal anyway!) but in the good Lord who has always been there for me and will continue to be. As my wee Scots Grannie always said: If something is meant for you, it will not go past you. And that applies to both the good and the bad.
    oth47 likes this.
  7. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    Plan B RIP
  8. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    First I would secure this residence and property because as more people relize they don't know what has happen fear set's in then comes panic.
    Then I would brife the family on what is going on and have them start their list for emergancy plans. I would try to collect as much water as possible, I do have 30 days on reserve gal jugs along with 6 months of food not counting what would be on hand from normal monthly stock.
    I would then try to set up my radio to get some type of info on the situation and whats taking place around me. I would pull the family into the safe room which is one of the back bed rooms we have worked on. This would keep what light we have to use low key and not draw attention to ourselves, It is also in a location we can defend the house. I dont think I would make radio contact or signal anyone at this time just to see how things are plaing out and dont know who is listening. From that point I would start planing on what, where and how.
    larryinalabama, BTPost and Cephus like this.
  9. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    Good Scenario to prompt thought.

    Once I had determined the scope of the power outage, I would

    (1) put the WaterBob into our bathtub and fill it up. Also, I would fill other containers with water, while we still have it.

    (2) I would break out the Rocket Stove, crank radios, crank lights and make sure that loaded weapons are at hand for everybody at home. We have a decent supply of candles and matches, as well as firewood, so those are pretty much covered.

    (3) Following the above, I would walk 1.7 miles to my local grocery store and see whether I could buy any food that does not require refrigeration. Also, any likely OTC meds that would be helpful. This would also enable me to see how others are responding and whether they are treating it like a standard power outage or whether there are signs of panic---that would kick up my reactions dramatically, if I detect signs of panic.

    (4) check the newscasts on the radio to see what is being said. I'd evaluate whether the content of the newscast seemed valid.

    (5) keep my family's profile low while we hunker down at home.
  10. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Alpha Dog, while you do have a starting plan in mind, are you going to be able to stay in your current residence indefinately ? If not, have you planed where you would go and how you would get there ? If the grid or even the economy were to go down and not back up, gas, food and things like that would be almost non existant from the first hours,. Look at Florida when even a chance of a huricane is coming in, how fast all the stores empty out and the mad crazy people trying to get gas. Imagine that is how it would be in most parts of the country.
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  11. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Hedger, unless you are very young, long long arms, you cannot carry much in them like groceries. Not to mention drugs. What over the counter drugs do you THINK you might need ? Hard to fathom what may or will come in the future and unless you have an entire drug store in your back room, Murphy's law says you will have everything but what you really need. Things like that when a problem arises could possibly be traded or bartered for. Food, water and fuel would be the main problems if camping out in the old homestead me thinks.
  12. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Now , for all you people that think if this type of thing were to happen, and are still planning to stay at home in urbanville U.S.A., what are you going to do for procurring future food, water and oh by the way, waste disposal. Lets leave defense out of this one as I don't feel comfortable talking about that type of thing on the net.

    But, if you really want to survive long term, how are you going to do it. Especially living in the Burb's ? If those are your intentions, do you have a plan for a garden ? Water collection and don't forget the septic tank . Now, if you plan to do all of that , do you have the room for it ?

    If you plan on a garden which most will I think, how are you going to keep people from seeing it and stealing everything you scrimped water to grow ?

    Take a sheet of quadrulled paper, walk out your back yard and measure it. Use on square for 1 foot of dirt space avail. Now, plan on what and how to grow it. You can put a septic tank in the front yard if you wish. Let them steal that. Also, if you already have a garden, you know how much water you will need. Can you collect enough for your family and the garden and sanitary needs from your roof ?
  13. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I do have a bug out plan along with a small fuel reserve. To make to my location and a small amout of fuel at the bugout location to last a atleast three moths and longer if used with care. As far as cooking I have one of the old cook stoves I got from my grandparents when they passed. In perfect condition it uses wood or coal, it bakes bread and you can cook anything on the top of it you can on a regular electric stove. Plus Im working on a brick cooking pit. The property has a good supply and I keep a good size garden there during the season. I plan after the initial shock starts to wear down to bug out. Or if presented with the right time and info before the news was to spread giving me time to load up supplies at my residence.
  14. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Alpha Dog has a plan that is workable. What about the rest of you out there ? Do you just think about this type of thing while your on the forum or do you think about it more all the time ? How many of you have a real plan and even better have it on paper and all of your family are knowledgable on it ? If you were to bug out , do you have a job assigned to each member of your imediate family ? Even the little guys can have small jobs assigned to them, increasing in responsiblity as age comes about.
    Cephus and Alpha Dog like this.
  15. irayone

    irayone Monkey+

    Please expain the items needed for solar flair, solinoid, plug wires? I have old cars 73 and 86..Whats needed for cars? How do I store batteries and devises to be protected ? I have solar power with batteries. Please explain negitive ion generator?
    Sorry I am learning and greatfull for all the experiance this site has taught me.
  16. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    As for being on paper I keep now its 4 binders one is a medical, with the medical alot of prescription can be converted in animal med and legal to purchase along with plant and other medical. The second and third one's is Survival tactics I have collected some from on here and other places and the fourth are all the info on my weapons, equipment, how to make different weapons and maps of my area and surounding areas. One thing about the maps if you live in the city you can also get sewer maps poss a safe route of travel. The first 20 pages are 4 plans of action one bug in primary and one secondary the other to are bug out.
  17. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Alpha Dog, you seem to have a very workable plan. I would ask you about the plan to use the sewer pipes as a way to get out of the city. I would only use that as a last ditch option if all else fails. BUT, then we get to yet another problem. Portage, that is to say, do you have it planed that if you had to leave your vehicle what to grab and go with and what to leave. ?
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  18. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    We each have a three day pack we have with us at all times, if we had to bail on the vehicle it would get us to the bug out location. I would try to hide supplies left behind, once I regrouped I would consider returning later to recover them if still there. I should have put that about the sewer being last choice. I really don't have that option I live in a rual area. I do have them for a couple of near by cities just incase I had to enter them to scavage without being seen. Or If traped in the city it could be used to avoid the hords.
    Sapper John, Nadja and Cephus like this.
  19. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Alpha Dog, once more your thinking seems to be pretty well thought out. I commend you on your forward thinking.

    Good that you already have a bug out location and it is not far from where you live. Is it stocked for the long term ? If so , great.

    Added note, is that for all you out there that are planning to bug out, do you have an end destination, and if so, is it stocked ? Do you rotate your supplies as often as possible. In other words do you store what you already eat.

    I am putting this out there as I see a lot of threads going to more of days of our lives. This is a prepper site, and to me means that all of you are here to learn and teach each other what will and what will not work. If you really want to survive the major event, then like Alpha Dog, you need to start planning how, what and where you want to be.

    I really have no solid idea of what will be coming for sure, but most likely it will be our economy going over the cliff. Dollar is worth less on a daily basis, more and more things coming from China instead of here, less jobs, more debt to give the dependant class more of what they don't deserve. If the economy crashes, then most people will not be going to their 9 to 5. After no money is not an incentive to work harder to share with the lazy. That would be the downfall of our country. Could we recover ? Anybodys guess, but I don't think so. Get it now, and don't just randam buy , plan your buys.
  20. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I agree I think it will be the econemy and with that will set a whole new war and form of survival. The ones who are dependant on the system along with the sheeple pushed with fear and needs will hand what is left over to Big Brother and the Blue Helments. At that point the only way to stay off the radar and survive is plan to be self supported or you will either starve or fall in the line with the masses.
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