Massad Ayoob Pers. Def. TV..... Rant On!

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Blackjack, Feb 6, 2007.

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  1. falnovice

    falnovice Monkey++

    Massad Ayoob. This man/subject seems to come up on the forum every couple years. As far as the shooting community is concerned he is a material expert and a use of force expert. He does get called for trials, and the information he teaches regarding Use Of Force at LFI should be taken as gospel......primarily because the court do.
    However, Mas as a gunfighter is an unknown quanity. He has been a RESERVE Capt. of a six man police department in a small village in NH. Anyone with experience with LEOs should immediately realize what a bullshit position that is. Not only a reserve is such a small department....but a reserve Capt.........c'mon. Mas is NOT an active LEO, and has never been to the best of my knowledge. He has never been in shooter situation, he has never arrested anyone, he has never had "a go around" with a suspect.....he has a title and nothing more. He lends him credibility as a gunwriter. It has always been that way.
    Mas as a comp shooter.....well, to the best of my knowledge he IS a very good shooter. But he also padded his record by setting up "LEO" shoots and being the only one to compete in certain catergories. Five shot snub comes to mind.
    Mas as a is entertaining and there certainly is some good info to be had, but as others have mentioned there are plenty of instances, including the Miami shootout, where he got some very basic factual information wrong. There was a LEO online, prehaps TFL...I can't remember....that shared his experience with a Mas write-up of his shooting. Long and the short is Ayoob got the names right, and that is about it. He tells the story as it suits him for the point he wants to make.
    Massad Ayoob as a boob......that is an old one. It comes from Massad's "hands on" approach when working with women students, something he was more well-known at one point. Some trainer coined the expression Massage A Boob, and it stuck.

    Massad is not the end all be all that some say he is.....but he does have plenty of good information from years of observation and research.

    My two cents.
  2. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    I think that probably sums it up pretty well. I'm not even questioning his gunfighting skills/techniques, just his hand to hand teaching.

    btw.... welcome to the monkey falnovice.
  3. kenpofan

    kenpofan Monkey++

    Techniques must be practiced and refined to your skill level.
    I can't say for a fact that all I've taught and learned over these 25yrs is
    going to work each and everytime used. I adjust my tactics to the situation and the individuals I'm dealing with.
    Mas is a fine outstanding person trying to show a technique in a 5 minute block on TV.. I for one don't agree with that approach, but he gets asked to do so and paid for same. I'd like to be so lucky.
    A flashlight IMHO..would be best used for light and finally as a instrument of enlightenment. [lolol]

  4. Stillwater

    Stillwater Monkey+++

    I have several friends on LAPD that derisively call him, Massad's a BOOB...

    The ABOOB was on a small village police force in an eastern state. There were six members on the police force and he was a captain... Woo-Woo for him...

    He has used BS to parlay himself into being an expert at testifying at trials.

    If you want to see just how a big a Boob he is, read his report on the Miami FBI/Bank robber shoot out... His description of the event doesn't resemble anything like the official report on the event...!

    I agree with my friends assesment of his credibility...!

  5. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    Well this has pretty much been beat to death but I will add my [2c] I have read some of his articales but have never seen his vidios/shows. From what I have read I was not impressed. [dunno] Now I never was a LEO but I was a USN hospital corpsman stationed with a speical ops capable Marine unite. What I was taught I have used and I'm still here to tell the tale. I have used the stuff I was taught outside of the millitary as well and it worked so I'll stay with what I know works. [dunno]

  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Yup. Locked.
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