"They're saying he no longer has the ability to lead..." -Chuck Todd Well, there's the problem. The President is only supposed to lead the armed forces, but NOT the people and certainly not the country. That job was reserved to Congress, the House and the individual States as well as the People. We are the leaders, and the President is our servant. Period. This is exactly what I mean by perceptions becoming too extreme, we cannot afford to lose focus.
He doesn't care a bit about his popularity. He has and will continue to fundamentally transform America. I'm more concerned now than ever been with his "pen & telephone", not to mention a criminal Attorney General and an out of control bureaucracy.
You are exactly right. The day after the election, I said the gloves are off now. Nothing is holding this guy and his agenda back now. He will do as he chooses and no one will stop him because anyone who challenges him will be branded a racist. Aside from that, there is still a majority that are blindly following Obama. He does at least two fund raisers a week, who pays to go see him? Those are dangerous people also.