New Flu

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by tennprepper, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I read your post and thought.... I don't want to go to the Drs. but then I recalled why we have this thread and the loss of your wife's friend. I am a Mom, wife, and employee and I don't have time to get sick. So I guess I need to go get checked cause those two that exposed me are quite ill now.
  2. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Viruses die outside a body after only a week or two on surfaces. They vary, but need moisture to live. They are, however, passed from hand to hand (Literally) very easily.
    To show just how easily, and how quickly, I will relate what should have been a simple job.
    On a college campus, one of many jobs was to repaint the hand rail in a simple stairwell. The building had several and elevators, do this was not a high traffic area, but the paint was industrial and required no less than 24hrs to dry.
    We painted, posted signs warning of wet paint everywhere, and went on to other jobs. We returned to clean up. And remove the signs, but found hundreds of handprints in the wet paint! We repainted, after stripping the damaged paint off, posted more signs, and roped it off with caution tape, and went on to other jobs.
    We returned to clean up, and found several dozen handprints that had to be dealt with yet again. We did, and finally posted a huge sign that had paint thinner and a bag of rags hanging.from it. The sign read "the signs are for those of you who can read. The thinner and rags are for those of you who can't read."
    It took a full week to paint that one stairwell railing, and that was just one surface. Had an infected person handled that railing, it would have been passed to every idiot who followed them.
    Wash your hands often, I do.
    Gopherman and mysterymet like this.
  3. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    I am constantly washing my hands. We also don't go into the outer limits...I mean the outside world, much. At home the hand washing depends on what I do. Sometimes I just rinse with water, sometimes I use soap. I always use soap when cleaning the litterbox, after going into the chicken coop, before I prepare food, etc. Just plain water is for stuff like when I'm handling different items for making some food. I am starting to try and wash the doorknobs after doing serious icky stuff(like the litterbox) as well.
    kellory likes this.
  4. tennprepper

    tennprepper Monkey+

    The hospital here has now opened two wings that have been closed for years because they are so full
  5. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    35,000 +/- die from various strain of the Flu every year just in the USA alone. Right now my wife myself and my 12 year old are all suffering from a nasty little bug!
    It sounds like a staggering number, but it's based on a lot of long term studies.
    Usually the deadlier strains are target specific, age, gender, or underlying conditions. Occasionally there appears a variety that is indiscriminate, those are the ones that are the most scary!
  6. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    We were warned of an increasing death rate, since what I saw was both local and national news I find it hard to believe that peole feel like the death rate was being covered up.

    We took the quad duty type and have been innoculated for pneumonia. If the Canucks want to die then I guess that is their choice. but the reports are saying the youing (under 35) are the refusing section.

    Momie ain't around no more to tell them to take the shots so they wil die.
  1. HK_User
  2. john316
  3. HK_User
  4. Motomom34
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  6. Motomom34
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