Oil/Gas Well On Prospective Property

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by OzarkSaints, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    I'm sorry if you think that I was picking on you...I wasn't, and it wasn't my intention to look like that. What I was (sarcastically) trying to convey is my opinion that oil companies, pharmaceutical companies, banks and governments can not be trusted! Just because they have money to pay for any sort of "independent research", that doesn't mean that we should trust them! Does it make any logic that it's impossible for any of their toxic chemicals to reach your water or soil, and subsequently poison you? What I'm saying is that I do not trust any of them, because I'm aware that they don't give a damn about people! None of their "researches" is going to make me discard my logic and reasoning. Even if I'm wrong, I'll still be safer than the people who trust them about any idiocy they "research".

    Once again, I'm sorry if I have offended you, it wasn't my intention and I deeply apologize.
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