Ol' Remus...ice age…...next year....sunspot..Climatologists

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by john316, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. john316

    john316 Monkey+++

    Woodpile Report

    “Ol' Remus offers his opinions as-is, where is. He rarely cites support for his opinions so they are, in that sense, unwarranted. He comes by them largely by having lived and watched and listened rather than by argument or persuasion. His opinions, not having been arrived at by debate are, therefore, not particularly vulnerable to debate. He entertains opposing opinion but he feels no inclination, much less obligation, to discuss or defend his own. Whatever usefulness or amusement readers may find in them is their own business.

    The article in the Express upload_2016-10-12_8-30-41. , "Earth heading for ICE AGE as sun goes blank: Analysts reveal shock SUNSPOTS discovery" is sensationalized old news.

    We're in an inter-glacial warm period—known as the Holocene epoch—of the Pliocene-Quaternary Ice Age, which began over two and a half million years ago. This ice age has produced several waves of glaciation and retreats. The last ice sheet retreated 10,000 years ago. Incidentally, evidence has recently been cited upload_2016-10-12_8-30-42. that Mars is also in between glaciers. Imminent renewed glaciation is, or was, the working forecast used by the CIA and their Russian counterparts. The long-term evidence says the warm up peaked in medieval times and we're on the wobbly edge of a precipitous plunge. Climatologists will commit only to "some time in the next 1,500 years". Fair enough, "some time in the next 1,500 years" includes next year. We'll know when a new "ice age", as they're popularly called, begins. It's a true runaway effect. In it's first phase, ocean levels drop many tens of feet, perhaps in a decade or less, as snow relentlessly piles up on far northern land masses. Before it's over, sea level will have dropped well over three hundred feet and the colossal snow pack will have become mile-high ice sheets advancing over much of the northern hemisphere. A new glacial period is the worst of it, but even persistent small dips in average temperature can be dramatic, the "Little Ice Age" of 1600-1850 being the most recent. It correlates to the Sporer, Maunder and Dalton Minimums, i.e., extended periods of low solar activity. As yet no compelling case has been made for causation, nor is the correlation robust or straightforward. The close association can't be denied however, even if the mechanics remain elusive. The sunspot chart below is the latest one issued by NOAA. Notice the lower highs and lower lows, coming in even below the predicted values. “

    see the nice sunspot chart
    Jeff Brackett and T. Riley like this.
  2. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

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