Rebirth of America

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by enloopious, May 7, 2014.

  1. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Every time you want to take from one group to lift up another, that is socialism. That leveling of a playing field, by force, not free market, that is socialism. Anytime you want to take what is not earned and give it to someone else, that is socialism. " from those according to their ability, to those according to their need " is more than a mantra. It's socialism.
    From each according to his ability, to each according to his need - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2014
  2. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    ...Or perhaps I have re-established the tracks I was originally on. I am not asking to be a leader. I am pointing out an opportunity that I feel we can take when it presents itself, before others instill a warlord or dictator or military regime... a third option if you will. I think it is important that we see this opening NOW before the blood starts spilling and frankly I don't think we can stop evolution. The mind will continue to grow and expand to new ideas. People accepted slavery before. Soon the idea of influence and controlling thoughts will be just as repugnant as physical slavery seems to us now. I think all of this will happen one way or another but I would prefer if it was at the hands of the people and not from the puppet masters, for their intentions are dubious at best.

    Things like war and peace will soon become outdated as personal evolution becomes the main focal point of mankind. Already there are people who think they have the technology to live forever. There are nanobots that can cure anything. There are implants that make us see better, platelet therapy to make muscles super strong, and stuff we can't even imagine all being hidden from us. Its a technology race just waiting to burst out in all directions.

    I can see where all of this is going, past the revolt, past the war, past the rebuilding, past the politics. My curse is that I can see all of the outcomes and paths that lay before us but to those who can't my perspective sounds "off the wall".

    There is no final solution but as for making America the common law abiding nation once again it is actually more simple than we all think and yet at the same time it is a very big hurdle. The answer is to simply change our view. A leap of faith. (We just lost half the crowd) This war can be won in our minds and thoughts. What an amazing and horrifying idea that is. All of the power is in our hands. The power of the IRS is even starting to fade and that is simply taking place in our thoughts and minds. People are supporting an end the fed campaign. Can you feel it? If you can then you might be one of the ones not paying. Can you say leap of faith?

    Like I said, I believe that we are on this path in evolution. It wont happen to all of us at the same time but it will happen. There's nothing we can do to stop it. Just as there is still slavery all over the world, not everyone is ready to evolve, but most of us will and eventually all of us will because we have no neanderthals (arguably) left in the world. People like Ghandi, John Lennon, Thomas Paine, MLK, etc were not powerful because of the things they did but because of the ideas they spread. They win battles in the hearts and minds with ideas that have substance and you don't need armies to do that. The difference between them and this idea is that they were individuals spreading an idea and you could assassinate them. This idea is sprouting in people all over and there is no one source to target to stop the spread.

    If we believe we are free then it will be so but we have to actually believe it. To many of you this will sound absurd but look at the power of it in our dollars. Dollars are backed by nothing but the "full faith and credit of the people of the United States" and look how much power is there. Look how many people believe in them. This is an illusion that only happens in our minds. They are just paper worth about 4 cents.

    Then perhaps we are on the brink of a new Socialism where we take from the rulers and give to the people. Does this form of socialism work for you?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2014
  3. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Is it right to take by force from any group and give to another? No.
    Is it right to defend against such an assault? Yes.
    Why does it matter who the victim is, to determine right from wrong?
    Did you create it, buy it, trade for it or receive it as a gift? No? It ain't yours. To take without permission of it's owner. is theft. Earn your own.
    If the people want Socialism, they already have the power to void this Government and start a new one. Our Founding Fathers made sure of that. That path has been available since the founding of our country.
    Your method, as stated so far, would insure a civil war, bloodier than any fought before.
    Even if such a plan had merit, by discussing it openly on an public forum, it is no more sensible than announcing a sneak attack by megaphone on a battle field.
    The other side knows exactly what you are doing, and would be completely stupid not to oppose it, by any means necessary, in it's infantsy.
    How many times have folks done the wrong thing for the "right" reasons? We call them liberals.
  4. Tevin

    Tevin Monkey+++

    Robbing from the rich to give to the poor is a tiresome old trope that has been beaten beyond death by liberals as an excuse to take assets from those who earned them to be redistributed to those who did not. That "the rich" in your example is the government does not change this dynamic.

    If the assets were acquired via illicit means, then there are courts and/or elections for that. There is no "new Socialism," only dressed up versions of the the same old tyrannical socialism. Giving the government (or anyone, for that matter) authority to seize property in order to enforce some random ideal of making life fair for everyone, all the time has been proven a failure over and over and over.

    In a system where there are no winners and losers (socialism), there is, in the end, only losers.

    That is the main flaw of liberalism: They believe as an article of faith that the only way to lift the poor up is to bring the rich down.
  5. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    "Socialism only works until you run out of other people's money,"

    Margret Thatcher.
    (The Iron Lady)
    Mike, Tevin and Motomom34 like this.
  6. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Good. That's the way it should be, although calling the government 'people' is quite a stretch.
  7. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Loved that song
    pearlselby likes this.
  8. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Another good song she did "One tin soldier"
  9. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Well, with majority rule, the majority choose what we got. Good, bad or indifferent, that's what we deserve as a nation. Do i like what we got? Nope. But it's the one we deserve at this time.
  10. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    I don't deserve this. I didn't vote for him, I didn't raise the idiots that voted for him, and I am an independent person, not needing his minions to tell me how to shit, where to shit, and when to shit.
    pearlselby likes this.
  11. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    :4.5s: I hate to say it but you are absolutely correct. We got what we deserve. We seem to be a nation where many have lost their sense of pride. Many look to Hollywood for their moral compass. We have allowed our education system to start brain washing our children to the extent that now 2+2=5 as long as you can explain why. The nice conservative class is just that, nice. Horrible at game playing, devious behavior and willing to accept things that go against their principles. Many just wanted to live their life and prosper. I think the first push back that gave the heads up, we are here and will stand was the Chick fil a day. As the PC crowd tried to destroy a business because the owner chose to speak his Christian beliefs, the conservative Americans got in line, the ones that stand by the Constitution and believed in free speech for all. No screaming, yelling or vicious, nasty behavior, people stood for hours to buy and sandwich and show support. As much as people want the conservative class to rise up and loudly take back their country, they will not. That is not who they are.
  12. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    But it is who we need to become
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I unfortunately don't believe that we can go home again, back to a better time. We have gone too far down the path. Can't turn back or put the genie back in the bottle.

    We have to teach our children well. Teach them what we know, so they can teach their children and so on. So that they will be ready for what comes.

    It won't be while our grand parents are still alive, probably not while our parents are still alive, maybe not even while we are still alive. Alive and awake we are. Too likely to cause TPTB trouble. They will wait, until they think that the human spirit is dead.

    Teach your children well, so that they may become and do what we'd wished and knew we should have low those many years ago.
    Motomom34 and Mike like this.
  14. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    I teach history as I have learned it through my grandfather, my father, my own life. I teach them truth. I know things like the atomic bomb drop on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima saved millions of lives, both American and Japanese. My father's life was one of those as he was a Marine in the Pacific in WWII. I remember when the Smithsonian was going to show the Enola Gay as a war crimes exhibit. I was one of many who took them to task. So many things, so distorted. And now Hagel is asking the military to relook at transsexuals serving. WTF!!!!
    Yard Dart likes this.
  15. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

  16. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    And other people call them conservatives. If you are still playing the liberal/conservative game you ARE part of the problem.

    The prior video shows the lengths they will go to to control all of us. This just hints at the amount of money, power, force, work, etc that it takes to keep us all under their thumb. That is a lot of work and very easy to break free if you do it right.

    And none of us deserve majority rule. Quoting some old saying that the people get the government they deserve is part of the mind control. So are sayings like nothing is certain but death and taxes. Sure theyre easy to believe but not true.
  17. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    The last page or so worth of posts I see people who are defeated. People who want to hide in their house polishing guns, quoting old philosophers, getting ready for something but not even knowing what. People who have accepted the programming and who feel helpless. You ALL have the power in your hands but your heads are off in la la land when you could be doing something, doing anything to fight back! There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. This saying is an example of the mind control. There are millions of memes just like it. Check out the previous posts if you don't believe me. You don't run from them. You don't hide from them. You run straight at them and you shout your intentions as loud as you can because our intentions are noble. Our goals are freedom. We have nothing to hide. I was stuck in the mindset for a long time that we needed to hide from them when we did nothing wrong. This is like when a cop drives by and you feel guilty but have done nothing. Stand fast. Be brave and mighty forces WILL come to your aid.

    What we are really having trouble with is figuring out what is being brave and noble and what is not. The phrase socially acceptable was used in one of the responses. That is the worst phrase on the planet. Who cares what is socially acceptable! If the whole world is crazy are you going to become crazy too just to fit in?! That is the worst idea ever. Then you truly deserve the government you got. NO we need to stand up and know whats right and wrong because we have brains to think, muscles to work, and hearts to feel. No matter what the rest of the world is doing you don't change to suit them. You do what you know is right and you shout it from the top of the roof tops and LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Demand the government we want but in order to do this you have to have your own standards. How can we all hold those in positions of power to a higher standard if we don't know what those standards are?

    The people we all admire and follow and think had these amazing sayings and views on life that were worthy of remembering throughout history were willing to fight and to die for freedom but they were also willing to kill those who would enslave them. Look at the Samurai, the Romans, the Spartans, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, etc. When the slaves in America were freed they created the gun laws to prevent them from going out and buying guns and killing all of the slave masters. Why? Because that is what the slave masters would have done. What the slave masters didn't know was that the slaves had Stockholm syndrome. They were so happy to be free that they forgave their masters even though they had every moral right to kill them. The saying "an eye for an eye" was created to prevent violence. It was created so that people wouldn't kill your family, children, relatives, cousins, etc and so on. An eye for an eye was the compassionate way to get justice saying that you can only kill those who have killed.

    I am not saying that we should resort to violence. I am saying that we need to know what is truly fair and what is appropriate. I am saying that we need to learn the moral rules that have since vanished from the face of the earth. Where and what are they?
    Quigley_Sharps likes this.
  18. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I would counter that. We do deserve majority rule, simply because we allowed it to happen. The problem is going to be getting back to a republic instead of a "democracy" that currently exists, de facto. Death is indeed unavoidable, but taxes are not. All one needs to do is convince the population that fee for all service (schools, road and bridge use come to mind) is the way to fly. Good luck with that. Maybe there's an alternative I don't see.
    Mike likes this.
  19. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Force does NOT come to folks because their hearts are pure, and Right is on their side. Force is applied. It is used, stored, released, it does not come from nowhere.
    "Slaves had Stockholm syndrome." Some did, some did Not. Blanket statements are almost always wrong.
    Slave owners were NOT safe from freed slaves. Many were killed by slaves, exslaves, and free blacks and runaways. ( historical fact)
    One moment you revere the constitution, (written by old dead guys) and the next moment it's ignore the past. You are inconsistent.
    You do, very much, sound like a French Republican. You parrot the same kind of "throw off you chains" kind of rhetoric.
    I consider the Founding Fathers, as friends I never met. They founded a nation through a blueprint that is still unrivaled today. I honor them for that, and will defend their works, through the means they devised.
    Bravery? These men gave up property, money, family they would never see again. They spit in the eye of a king! They founded a nation that had no equal, and no template. That is bravery.
    Noble? What is noble, and how does it relate to your thesis? Titles of Nobility, are something you would want to ban, Noble-men, were indeed the elite, and clearly your enemy, so how does it fit your plan?
    Noble may be claimed by both sides in nearly any fight, just like claiming "God is on our side" ( which most every combatants since the concept of God came to be, has used.)
    You despise The English, yet you paraphrase Admiral Nelson (captain then) " I've noticed a smaller force can beat a larger force by going straight at them, with pluck and daring! To throw your entire strength into the fight, to dare all! Your foe will pause, and once checked, he is beatable!" ( paraphrased from memory).
    I value my dead philosophers. more so than firebrands. One can explain death by theory and conjecture, the other only by empirical testing.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  20. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    it's evolution of control. Evolution is not changed by evolving. Something will have to bring it to a head (read revolution). Will it be us? Our kids? Grandkids? Stay tuned. Then again, not sure if it's going to be televised.
    enloopious, Mike and Yard Dart like this.
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