Notice there was no mention of firearms--heaven forbid that we protect ourselves with those awful "smoke poles". Why they might become "self aware" and began an uprising or revolt.
A couple of things I noticed: When they were running out of the building, I thought I saw a "No Gun Zone" sign on the door, garanteeing the shooter a target rich environment. The girl in the breakroom has a classic victim mentality: Just kidding about that one! I'd hope the womenfolk around here are a bit thicker skinned...
actually it was for the Houston PD AND DHS iirc. DHS footed the bill, erm, We all footed the bill.
This might be relevant here: It might be wise to carry a piece in your back-pocket. I do this when I go for walks around my house for this exact same reason. I figure if someone pulls up and asks for a wallet, I'm going to give them a frontal lobotomy.