SHTF shaving

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Falcon15, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. oldsoldier

    oldsoldier Gadget Master

    Man does that bring back memories, sure does show my age. Back when i started shaving the "ole shavin mug" was all we used along with a gillette safety razor. haven't used one in thirty years. Now in an emergency I've used bar soap and a disposible razor. Although I do have several dozen packages of disposible razors powdered shaving cream and such in our emergency supplies.
  2. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Next step is the straight razor. Safety and disposable razors are a limited commodity. I was taught how to shave by my grandfather (using modern razors), who gave me the mug and badger brush in the video.
  3. oldsoldier

    oldsoldier Gadget Master

    Falcon..... Your a braver man than i am I'd most likely cut my own throat if I tried to use one of those LOL
  4. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Brave, perhaps. The wife uses the words "stupid" and "crazy" to describe my "bravery" most times.
  5. azprospector

    azprospector Happy Desert Rat

    Learned to shave with a straight razor as a teenager and haven't used anything else these 60 plus years. My beard varies in length depending on the temperature. In the heat of the summer, it goes away (mostly - shave about once a week), in the winter it gets heavy. Helps keep my face warm in the snow. As long as the wife, dog and a few other critters around us don't start complaining I see no reason to change my habits now.
  6. Sherman

    Sherman Dog Eat Dog

    I'm an old school shaver, its the best shave ever and much cheaper than disposables, less razor burn. Damn electrics just bind up on my beard, really hurts to have an electric razor stuck on your face.
    I use the old gilette safety razors, regularly use one from the 40's and a 1961 Fatboy (adjustable). I buy Feather blades in bulk. I have shaving soaps, key ingredient for shave soap is clay. But I use barbasol for the convenience, I stock up when its on sale.

    I have a clay pot you fill with hot water and it warms the shave cream like a double boiler. Alum block for nicks, Geo F. Trumper skinfood (rosewater, glycerin) aftershave or Pinaud clubman.

    I should be good as long as long as my blade supply lasts. I will consider learning the straight razor.
  7. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I enjoy shaving; it gives me time to pamper myself and enjoy a very pleasent respite. I use a soap and brush under a hot wet cloth for several minutes to relax my beard. I have a selection of razors that get rotated each day, never shaving with the same one twice in a row, as the edge must rest to recover. Proper stropping is essential to maintaining a razor. Razors must be washed and dried after each use and stored properly. A properly prepared razor will stay sharp for many months, if properly maintained but eventually, will require honing. I recommend a two-sided 8000-4000 grit water stone for this. It is not a complicated proceedure to learn, although many folks just send their razors to be sharpened. Proper shaving is a bit of a lost art and requires a certain skill set.

    INRICK Monkey+

    no need to shave lol
  9. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    I'm another one that enjoys a good shave. I quit using Gillette Fusions when the price of the cartridges got to $3.50 each, and the quality deteriorated so badly that I only got 3 shaves out of one. Good Gillette double edge razors are cheap, and so well built that they can get passed down through generations. Good double edge blades are cheap, 15 cents to 50 cents each, and each will give you several shaves. Shaving soap is cheap, around $1.50 for a puck of Williams or Van Der Hagen. A good shaving brush can last for decades. They don't take up much room, making it easy to store enough to last you a long time. Once you try good hot lather from a puck of soap, you won't want to go back to using canned goo on your face!
  10. Maxflax

    Maxflax Lightning in a bottle

    I'm clean shaven. Any good soap will work in a pinch.. and I stockpile several packs of double safety razors from Costco.. the 72 ct packs

    I usually shave at the end of a shower, I remodeled my bathroom completely and put a shelf with mirror into the tile wall (I'm a master tile setter)
  11. oth47

    oth47 Monkey+

    I did the brush and mug bit for a long time,but never had the testicular fortitude to try a straight razor.Now I shave in the shower with the same soap I use for washing.I'm keeping my brush and mug,though,hot showers may become a thing of the past..boy,I hope not!!
  12. snowbyrd

    snowbyrd Latet anguis in herba

    I am now sporting a goat-tea. Some say I look like a goat and I do drink tea, when I have no 'sudz'. [booze]I use a straight edge, brush & cup. Best shave one can get. Sure gets rid of the shakes in the am, 'specially around the breather pipe. Never have cut myself with it.............yet.............20yrs or so. You really need the strop, use it everytime, a dull razer is worse than a dull knife, used them too. The wife still won't let me do her legs tho', hey if I can do my face why not her legs? [fight2]
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    haha, kind of comical, and true to an extent...but I reckon a few around these forums wouldn't appreciate that sentiment since they are exceptions to the rule. I have personally found most women to be a waste of effort to train, but there are always a few who remind me of their potential. Women have a high threshold for pain, and they can become excellent spies. And in a SHTF situation, they offer to men a little common sense and decency when the barbaric nature kicks in. It's not all a losing situation, and I know I can't speak for anyone else, but I would choose a woman with potential over most men for certain situations.

    But anyway, this is a bout shaving. Sorry to have gone a bit off topic.
  14. JaxShooter

    JaxShooter Monkey+

    I love my double-edge razors. My current daily shaver is a 50's Gillette SuperSpeed.
  15. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    Good choice, I shift between 3 razors, a Merkur 1904, a Merkur 23C, and a real pretty gold Gillette ball end Tech, but I like Super Speeds too.
  16. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    i shave my head so i been stocking up on bald guys head shaveing gel and regular shaveing soap and replacement razor heads for my neva for men electric razor and fusion razor blades for the regular shaveing of the face after the event ..

    so i figure a regular fusion blade last about of month when shaveing and keeping the blade clean and dry and should last about the month before i need to replace the blade ..

    so i been stocking regular bath soap and shaveing gel soap and other accessories for my shaveing needs to last a for a while ..
  17. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    Since i shave my head and face because of the grey and going bald in spots so it thought it would better to just shave it off and hideing the fact that hair can used as a weapon againest you in a fight ..

    I have been stocking up on the items i will need for long term shaveing after the event in the following area of supplies

    -x-fusion razor blades for the the face
    -x-tubes of bald guys shaveing gel
    -x-tubes of bald guys pre-scub gel
    -x-bars of shaveing soap
    -x-philips neva for mens electric razor replacement shaver blades
    -x-cans of lube for the electric shaver for a once a month shot of lube to keep it working after cleaning it with the brush and damp cloth

    the trick with the fusion blades to make them last longer is to dry them with a towel after useing ..make sure you put them under the water for a couple of seconds and shake the razor under the flow of the water to make sure it get the crud cleaned off the blades and then dry with the towel unit to and put up to farther air dry before use again and get alot more use out of the blade ..

    my blades last about a month before i have to change them out and i go to costco and get the griant package of them once a year to put into the supply for need at a later time frame

    The Philips neva for men electric shaver works great on the head shaveing because of the flexable head blades allowing it to float over some of the spots on my head to shave the stubble that i have from the everyday grow of the hair ..
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