So It's Better to Leave the City on a Bike than Stay in Your Stocked City Home During TEOTWAWKI?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ED GEiN, Feb 28, 2017.

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  1. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Making plans for an unknown traumatic event is probably the most difficult thing to do having no real time experience in the world collapsing.
    "Dad" has always been there to help you out of a jamb, and now the prospect of facing life without dad to help you through it is terrifying.
    It is for most folk .
    The burden is on " you " to be " Dad " and it's a whole different world than he faced, you now have to face .
    I know folk that fear the unknown, and simply give up when they peek at these issues, from the safety of the key board and their bedroom door.
    Is the surgeon evil, that removes the cancerous tissue from a body ?
    There is selfish and immoral evil in this world, that would destroy all that is good.
    The fearful are too afraid of being recognized and afraid of making a difference to take it down .
    Running away sounds good, if you have no plan to help or make a difference ,but running away to what ? to find a whole lot of other people that have run away as well ?
    I am as much an escape artist as the next guy, probably why i've had so many different jobs all my life. no regrets though.
    At some point though a stand has to be made, and there is guaranteed to be serious conflict at that point.
    Be it a bully on the street, or a gang wanting you home, when will you say, " NO MORE GIVING IN ! " .
    Democrats and liberals have no appreciation for what made this country great, and are after tearing it down to the ground.
    Hiding is only letting them do what they want with or with out obama or hilery.
    Post shtf every other country the world is going to take shots at us to take us down for sure, including those that already have sleeper cells already planted with in. .
    If I can make a difference in the lives of those that survive that hope to make a difference in the future , i've done enough,
    Motomom34 likes this.
  2. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I'd start with this - if you can't or won't leave the city, at least see if you can relocate as far from the center as possible, and if possible at the edge near whatever route you would take for a possible bug out. I'm currently right on the edge of a major metro area, literally 500' from farms and cows right along the road that would get me the hell out of Dodge if needed. Within the year I AM headed to parts rural.

    Next, where ever you decide to stick it out, do an assessment of your neighbors and neighborhood. There is a great thread here on SM about this this, but am unable to locate it. Basically you draw a map of your neighborhood and start listing information like names and then color code to identify the people you think will be assets, threats, etc. during SHTF. I went a couple of steps further and developed a security plan as to where we coud set up check points as well as oversight, etc..

    Get to know these neighbors well. If SHTF happens you won't survive alone for very long. You will need to work with them for everything from security to medical to repair and maintenance to communications so you know what is happening in the outside world. As part of my plan I bought enough MotoTalk type devices that we can have comms to coordinate internally, and extra firearms and ammo for defense. I think fewer than 10% of people in any urban area realize that SHTF can happen and aren't prepared, so the idea is to try to fill in any critical gaps realizing that you can't prep for the whole area by yourself and you still need to maintain opsec in the mean time.

    Identify which neighbors will help get things organized if needed. Have extra food on hand to assist your neighbors or to at least barter for services or things your forgot. Take a mental journey down this road with a SHTF scenario lasting different time intervals - a minor disruption of a few days, one week, one month, six months, permanent and see what pops up.
  3. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    I disagree completely. There is no magic one-size-fits-all formula for survival. There are way too many variables for such nonsense.

    Instead of trying to plan for some magical unspecified SHTF event, how about starting by inventorying your own present situation, environment, skills, resources, etc. and identifying the most likely SHTF events you may need to plan for. Then at least you have a starting point from which to realistically identify your options, plan and prepare.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    And you have exactly that. You have as much chance as anyone else in YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES. Your sit is different than mine, or Ed's or anyone else's and you get to make your call. The advantage you have over the average sheep is that you know, going in, the risks and rewards, you've been on this site long enough and studied enough to know what you need to know. Easy Eddie asked, got answers, didn't like them and looked for more as tho' some might be different given the scenario presented.

    Yup. Did anyone say otherwise?

    There you have it. (A troll in an innocent's cloak, headed sooner or later for a troll's fate.) He's going to pick and choose from the suggestions given. If there's anyone reading this thread that is willing to make a list of options that will suit all city dwelling circumstances from Park Ave NYC to Rodeo Drive in LA or to 4 mile road in Detroit, git 'er done. It will NOT be me.

    Some good advice does NOT change with time. If you bug out on a bike or Maserati or Tesla makes no difference, out is out (and the Tesla wasn't even on the drawing boards when this site went live.) If you bug in with modern MREs or home canned chow is of little consequence. MREs were not available in gramma's time, so they planned on the cans and a horse drawn farm wagon (forest fire or drought was the SHTF equivalent for them.) The methods and means may differ, but the consequences don't. Ed is rejecting everything proposed, which leads me to think spoon feeding is desired, that we should revise the plan to accommodate him; he doesn't feel it necessary to motivate himself to think and do for himself. That is a sheep. We may be sheepdogs or not, but asking us to be shepherds and carry the flock is poor policy (absent tribal customs and agreements) we have our own plans to make and execute.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
  5. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Not all of us on here live far from society. Not all of us on here are blue collar. Personally I live in a suburban area not far from a small city but also close to farms. I am also a professional like MANY on here. I have a ton of education, like many on here. Not all preppers are the same. You want to find other potential preppers in the city? Join a gun club, camping or hiking group etc...
    GOG, Tully Mars, Ganado and 6 others like this.
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    This post might help Ed fill in some of the planning that you were referring to....Best maps for SHTF | Survival Monkey Forums and Best maps for SHTF | Survival Monkey Forums
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
    3M-TA3 and Motomom34 like this.
  7. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    Can you read English? Please quote me many of the things that you say I have rejected? Put up or shut up.
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Be careful. Have a read of the CoC item 1.
  9. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Those used to be the majority of people in my circle until I got tired of all the silver spoons and pretense. You might be surprised at how many of those "Live off the land people" have educations that dwarf yours. Personally I have a Phd., A MBA and two BAs and sport a 176 IQ guess what? At the end of the day all of that means nothing, I pee yellow and bleed red just like everyone else. I also have the same needs as everyone else Food, Shelter, Fire, and Water. Everything beyond that is gravy on my biscuits. Now I understand you are to cool to lower thy divine self to hanging with a blue collar crap kicker like me and my dolt of a wife whom has a far larger and broader education than myself and still employs her education in the professional realm. Because lowly people of our caliber just are beneath you. Hate to tell you ED, it is people like you who make me uncomfortable.

    After all my people are in safe and sound then we might open the gates for a select few. I will not however put my friends and family at risk by inviting potential wolves or leeches into our camp. In a total break down and collapse it will be a very harsh world. I am much more interested in providing a safe haven for those I already know and trust, than I am wondering if a refugee is going to try slitting my throat in the middle of the night for a can of pork n beans because I let them into the protected zone. If you are on your own, it is only because you chose that path.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2017
  10. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    Ok, enough of this. Another troll for the ignore list. Must be related to Gunkid.
  11. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    That;s fine, I'm not insulted and fully accept I make certain people uncomfortable and vice versa. The fact is while I get along with all people in work situations where I have to get along with them, I do not relate or feel comfortable outside of work with live off the land people, etc. You can call me a snob. I accept that. I also see nothing wrong with that.
  12. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    You are free to find your own way in life, whether it be the good times...or hard times...but there are always consequences to adopting some strategies over others....the hermit crab approach of moving from vacant domicile to vacant domicile, made vacant by the dead, or folk bugging out to other locations is a new one to me. It doesn't seem to me a strategy with much merit to it, considering the likely competition from other desperate and dangerous hermit crabs, but if you think it'll be a winner go for it. Like raiding gangs, they may have some success for a while, but the odds are, that in the long term, repeated armed confrontations will eventually result in death or disablement. The hermit crab may find themselves in a situation when they have bitten off more than they can chew for the good of their own survival.

    The one thing that I have learned about survival, is the ability to adapt. It may be worth your while discovering for yourself in peaceable times why you do not relate or feel comfortable with the work with / live off the land people, and whether that is a prejudice that you can afford to indulge when survival has become a very risky and tenuous existence. When the importance of getting along and contributing to a family holding / a community / clan / or tribe is important to one's membership in a social organization, large or small; being a social snob is probably not an attribute that has much call for when potential members are being assessed / evaluated / vetted. Loners may, rightly be viewed with some suspicion and doubt.
  13. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    @ED GEiN

    OK, let me try to make this simple for you. Do YOU think your situation in the city is survivable and sustainable? If the answer is YES, then there was no reason for this thread - good luck and vaya con dios. If the answer is NO, then you have three high-level options:

    1. Come up with and implement plans to make your current situation more survivable and sustainable. Just because you live in LA does not mean you are doomed. In general your odds are not good, but only you know of any variables in your unique situation that might make those odds better.

    2. Come up with multiple bug-out plan(s) to get yourself someplace that is more survivable and sustainable when X SHTF situation occurs. Because there are so many variables, this could be like herding cats, so you need to spend some time brainstorming all of the variables and planning for each. Not an easy task, but a one-size-fits-all plan is doomed to failure by Mr. Murphy.

    3. Come up with a plan to relocate to a new situation somewhere else that has a better chance of being survivable and sustainable, along with a multiple bug-out plans in case SHTF happens before you can relocate. Again, not an easy task.

    None of the above are going to be easy, but you gotta start somewhere. Pick your poison and get to work.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2017
    Tempstar, ED GEiN, mysterymet and 2 others like this.
  14. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    When it comes to your SHTF survival..... them hard working, knuckle dragging men and women, may be the only reason you survive the harsh realities of the new world. With an attitude like what you conveyed above..... you will be left out to fend for yourself, not welcome in any tribe. If you are not part of the solution to a problem.... you are part of the problem... and will be dealt with as such.

    Carry on.......[pop]
  15. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    Totally agree. Honestly I do not want these types around me unless they are a small part of a group of people whose company I prefer. No apologies. I'm sure. especially from some comments here, the feeling is mutual.
  16. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

  17. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    Only main issue I disagree with you is "The Social Snob". People tend to gravitate towards me as I am good organizing, delegating and know how to talk a good game. These people are usually the people I want around me. The people who don't want to be around me and vice versa are the people who don't like it when I tell them the straight facts that they don't want to hear or upset their reality. Perfect example: While I am not anti-gun at all, people don't seem to grasp that if you use a firearm in self defense, as long as Law Enforcement and the Courts exist, there is a good chance you will need a lawyer which can financially break you and/or face the possibility of going to prison. For those that say nonsense, if you shoot and kill a black man trying to kill you, due to the pressures of society, you will be in deep trouble. That is not being racist but just being real. Live off the land people don't want to hear that stuff
  18. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Hm. Another community organizer that knows how to tell people to do things. Perfect addition to the tribe of worker bees.
  19. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    I've been told by many people here to ignore your comments and not to waste my time replying to you. This is the last reply you will get from me.
  20. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    Who are these "live off the land people" you keep mentioning? I think your obvious disdain for them is why some might consider you a social snob.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2017
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