Mothers Milk. Human milk is a food that evolved to ensure optimal growth, development, and survival of human infants and young children. All female mammals are uniquely equipped to provide species-specific nourishment and immunity through the provision of milk to their newborns. Lactation refers to the physiological process of producing milk and its removal by an infant. Women produce breast milk as a response to the baby's suckling in an efficient system of supply and demand. Two hormones, prolactin and oxytocin, play important roles in this process. Prolactin is essential for both the initiation and the maintenance of milk production, while oxytocin stimulates milk ejection. Both hormones play complementary roles in breast-feeding, helping the mother relax and easing the infant into sleep. Oxytocin is particularly intriguing because it controls milk letdown, which can be affected by fear, pain, stress, and anxiety. The oxytocin reflex is more complex than the prolactin reflex. The mother's thoughts and fears may hinder the letdown reflex, and thinking about her baby may trigger the production of oxytocin and milk ejection. Colostrum, the first milk mothers produce after giving birth, meets all the nutritional needs of the newborn. It has strong antiviral properties, strengthens the newborn's immune system, and acts as a laxative to remove meconium (first feces) from the digestive tract. It is thicker and richer in minerals and protein than mature milk. Colostrum is particularly rich in vitamins E and A. Infants usually consume only a small amount of this first milk. Within one or two days colostrum becomes transitional milk, and the supply increases greatly. The rate at which colostrum changes to mature milk varies from woman to woman, however, mature milk is present within two weeks. Human milk is a living substance, changing constantly and adapting to meet the changing needs of the infant. For example, it changes from the beginning to the end of a feed. The fore milk has more protein, vitamins, minerals, and water and the hind milk has more fat to signal the end of the feed. Human milk has the highest fat content in the morning and the least at night. It even changes by season, age of the infant, and according to the baby's demand. Human milk reflects the environment, the diet, and the germs of the mother. Ultimately the infant determines the composition of the feed in an interactive process. Although breast pumps are available to many women in urban settings, a breast-feeding infant is the most efficient remover of human milk. Human milk contains the right mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals to meet all the nutritional needs of infants for about the first six months of life. After the addition of other foods, breast milk continues to offer important nutritional benefits. In May 2001 the World Health Assembly confirmed by unanimous resolution that infants should be exclusively breast-fed for six months and continue to be breast-fed to age two and beyond. One liter of human milk provides approximately 750 calories and contains 70 grams of carbohydrate, 46 grams of fat, and 13 grams of protein in addition to vitamins and minerals. Breast milk composition is remarkably stable around the world and changes only slightly with different maternal diets and under different environmental conditions. Fat is the most variable component, since maternal diet can modify the fat content of milk. Milk fat provides essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. The fats in human milk are in forms appropriate for the age of the infant and are readily bioavailable. Lactose is the primary carbohydrate in human milk. Human milk contains both casein and whey protein, but with more whey than casein, human milk is easier for human infants to digest than cow's milk. The variety of vitamins and minerals produced in breast milk meets the needs of a full-term healthy infant. Water soluble vitamins, however, are influenced by maternal diet. Minerals in breast milk are highest in the first few days after birth. Infants build up iron reserves in utero, and the iron in breast milk is easily absorbed. As a result breast-fed babies are rarely iron deficient. Breast milk contains enough water for a baby, even in hot climates. The amount of milk produced by a breast-feeding mother varies from around five hundred milliliters a day at day five to around eight hundred milliliters a day at six months, with a slow decline in volume as other foods are added to the diet. Women exhibit differences in the rate of milk synthesis, although the nutritional status of the mother does not significantly affect milk volume or quality. Current research suggests that differences in breast milk storage capacity among women may exist. Knowledge about the properties of human milk is accumulating rapidly but remained incomplete at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Debates about how human milk is affected by drugs and chemical contaminants center on health consequences for infants and on the ethics of raising concerns when evidence is inconclusive and new mothers are most vulnerable to negative suggestions about the quality of their milk. Mother's milk has also been recognized as a medium for early flavor experiences, since it is flavored by the mother's ingestion of foods such as garlic, mint, and vanilla. Human milk provides an opportunity for infants to become familiar with the flavors that they will encounter in the household cuisine. Breast milk is a living substance. It contains living white blood cells that fight infection. Maternal antibodies are passed to the fetus through the placenta before birth and through breast milk after birth, providing temporary immunological protection for newborns. Milk proteins, such as lactoferrin, play an important immunological role, as do enzymes, immunoglobulins, and leukocytes. Human milk is clean and free of bacteria. Unlike artificial milk substitutes, human milk contains nonnutrient substances with the capacity to enhance immunity and destroy pathogens. Human milk has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-infective properties that have been recognized for centuries. For example, expressed human milk has been used as a folk remedy for conjunctivitis. The protective effect of human milk is strongest for gastroenteritis and respiratory infections. However, the beneficial and protective effects of human milk include lowering the risk of allergies, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Human milk is seldom considered as a food resource or recorded in food composition tables. It has been suggested that it should be included in the calculations of a country's food supply and food balance sheets. Norway calculated the national production of breast milk to be 8.2 million kilograms in 1992, valued at U.S. $410 million (at U.S. $50 per liter). Norway has subsequently included human milk in calculating national food balance sheets. It is impossible to put a precise economic value on human milk because it is seldom sold in the marketplace. Attempts to calculate its value include estimating the costs of breast milk substitutes or replacements or more rarely from the price charged for donated breast milk in milk banks. As a unique, incomparable product, its value to human survival is beyond calculation. Bibliography Jelliffe, Derrick B., and E. F. Patrice Jelliffe. Human Milk in the Modern World. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Riordan, Jan, and Kathleen G. Auerbach, eds. Breastfeeding and Human Lactation. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 1993. Stuart-Macadam, Patricia, and Katherine A. Dettwyler, eds. Breastfeeding: Biocultural Perspectives. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1995.
Human Breast Milk Products A Hit Human dairy byproducts save the day for one local man and his bold new business idea. But women's groups say women's breasts are for suckling, not commercial milking. by Gingko Schwartz & George Wolfe SANTA CLARITA, Calif. — It's said that necessity is the mother of invention. One local man found it necessary to use a whole group of mothers for an invention that has not only rescued him from bankruptcy but earned him a fortune in a most unusual business idea: human breast milk products. When Ross Marker lost his job as a manager at a local music store last year, his life quickly became a living nightmare. His wife, Holly, was eight months pregnant and they'd just bought a condo. Marker couldn't find a new job and they were facing foreclosure. JUST LIKE MOM USED TO MAKE: Cheesy options include Holly's Original Blend, Mothers' Milk Maid Cheese, and Miss Cheese. Then one day, while watching Holly breastfeed their infant son, Miles, Marker had a novel idea: Why not sell human breast milk products? Marker figured there was a primal appeal about it and that with the right marketing, people might just swallow it — what a great business opportunity it could be. His gamble paid off. Marker sold his first bottle of “Holly’s Finest” six months ago and it's been a steady flow of business ever since. Last month, with the addition of a dozen other women employees, Hooterville Farms sold five hundred bottles of "MothersMilk," and Marker is now in talks with Whole Food Markets about carrying his complete line. <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;">"We use only naturally selected, hormone-free, cultured women with the very best breeding." — Ross Marker, Hooterville Farms founder/entrepreneur <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;">Not only does Marker do brisk business with human breast milk, but he's creating totally new markets for human breast cheese (Miss Cheese), human breast yogurt (YoGoGirls) and human breast ice cream (Bosomberry, Chunky Mammal). "I didn't know a thing about dairy farming," says Marker, "Hell, I didn't know a damn thing about anything! But the solution was right there, bouncing in front of my face every night!" Many women's advocacy groups don't see it quite the same way; they see cruel and unusual treatment. Officially, the women are employed as "Creatives." Hooked up to automatic pumping machines, the women bide their time chatting, watching Oprah, doing their nails and walking on treadmills. For ten minutes every hour, the women are encouraged to freely roam around the range and munch on organic feed. "They're dairy sweat shops!" says Darny Morgan of the Con Leche League, "They've got sickly women living in cramped spaces where they can barely turn around, knit or operate the TV remote control. Sometimes they even remove the women's canine teeth so they don't bite one another, so as to diminish production levels." But Marker wholeheartedly defends his business idea and the treatment of his workers. "We use only naturally selected, hormone-free, cultured women with the very best breeding. It's 100% fresh-squeezed human breast milk and milk byproducts. They have access to the best bottled water, air conditioning and the shopping channel— what more could a woman want!? I'm sorry, but the critics are flat wrong: These women are as happy as cows!" To get your very own chunk of Mothers' Breast Milk Cheese, visit Hooterville Farms today:
Now that is funny, but I don't think I'll be trying the products. Thinking about running this "bring in women for milking" idea by the wife as a prepper thing.....I can see it now, MM talking about it with the wife, turns away to look at computer screen then heard the sound of the hammer being cocked.
Heck, I am single. This represents a wonderful business opportunity. I am thinking of having my last name legally changed to Jugg. then opening and franchising a chain of stores.... Jugg's Whole Natural Milk Bars. Each with a bevy of young buxom lactating beauties who are willing to provide it on the hoof so to speak. Will be opening soon in college towns and near large military bases.
when everything old is new again; women used to make a living by producing breastmilk- they were called nursemaids. I have to say, after watching the wifey feed my son for the last four weeks, all the mystery about those special parts is pretty much GONE.