Now here is a rig that might be usefull when all the bridges are down and you need to run to town for a re-supply- or recon the neighborhood.
Anything derived by petroleum, is a non-starter unless you have Tank Farm stored away at you BOL... For such a situation, I would be looking at the electric Side by Sides, call the Big Boy, I believe. Can be recharged by Solar, Wind, or Hydro, and with a Honda Inverter Genset, and Outback FlexMax 80 Charge Controller, you can have the cheapest four wheel drive hybrid ever conceived.... Yea, the Honda is petroleum fueled, but it is about the most efficient Fuel to Electric Power conversion around.
For the price of that thing you could get a decent "Deuce and a half" and have bread for extra supplies. Just sayin.
I just thought it was a cool thing to post with a good video- and to own- if you had the cash to put down for a fast versatile scouting rig.... I agree that it cost way to much in comparison to what you could buy with that money.