Texas cold snap.. norad?

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by fl4848, Feb 21, 2021.

  1. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    Anyone else suspicious of this Texas cold snap? Could this be gov't weather manipulation via NORAD?

    It looks like the power companies have conspired together to astronomically raise the energy bill. People are getting 7 thousand dollar electric bills.

    It all seems very suspicious to me. Are they getting back at Texas for submitting the article for the election fraud? And also trying to get back at Texas for trying to secede?
    Seepalaces and enloopious like this.
  2. UncleMorgan

    UncleMorgan I like peeling bananas and (occasionally) people.

    Too early to tell if Texas is being targeted with weaponized weather.

    I don't think it is impossible. I do think that the Fed Gov will do everything in its power to prevent Texas from seceding--even though it has an absolute right to do so.

    An interesting fact bout the Civil War (''scuse me, y'all: the War of Northern Aggression) is that there was no law preventing any State from leaving the Union.

    Lincoln started the War well before Ft. Sumter by blockading Southern ports. That's an Act of War, pure and simple.

    However, all wars are made righteous by the winner, and history is written to prove it.

    You will know the poop is absolutely about to hit the prop if the Feds suddenly start pulling military assets out of Texas. Especially any nukes that happen to be lying around.

  3. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Texas and California have both proven that if you subsidize "green power" and penalize carbon based power, under normal conditions, the most costly of the old power will shut down and at some point the "green power" is off line and there is not enough power to meet some peak demand. At that point there are 3 choices left, import power from somewhere else, have rolling blackouts, or have the whole system fail. Then you deregulate the power system and companies buy power wholesale and sell it retail and make a profit off of the bundling. That rewards the lowest cost suppliers of electricity, either due to subsidized green power or most efficient plants. The old regulated price system allowed for charges for plants to be maintained for peak use and the low production of green energy created a system with few sudden changes to the amount of power generated. There are 2 ways to guarantee that peak power will be available, in NH the power system pays certain older less efficient plant to continue to be available and while it drives the greens crazy, paying to keep coal plants online, it works. Other regions have used a variable price system to keep reserve power available, use a bid system to increase the price of power when there is a shortage. This creates an incentive for the old plant to be kept up and available as while they may only generate a few times a year, they receive a very good price for their power when they do. Limit the peak price, do not subsidize old plants, let the lowest cost power supplier carry the normal load and scream about the horrible profits the power companies are making and limit the price, and then peak demand crises like those occurring in Texas, California, etc, become the norm and the price of electricity either goes thru the roof or the government picks up the hidden costs.

    Do away with coal and atomic, stop fracking and transmission pipelines which will both increase the price of natural gas and insure shortages, build ever more of the system as intermittent green power, and you either end up with high prices, Germany is well down that road, or rolling blackouts, California is well down that road.

    In the short run for the individual prepping, wind, solar, conservation, and generator capacity seem to be in order. Grid tie will not be the answer, you need to be able to generate and STORE your own power, having 10 kw available when you need 2 kw, having nothing at night or when the wind does not blow, and having no way to disconnect from the grid and regulate your own power guarantees that your system will fail when ever the grid fails.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2021
  4. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    Wait let me get my foil hat
  5. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    This is an article from 2013 I don't know what the present-day status of Spains Green drive is
    Spain’s Green Energy Disaster
    Spain’s wind turbine manufacturers are laying off workers and farmers who installed solar panels are facing ruin as austerity policies afflict the long-coddled green energy sector – killing more than 40,000 ‘green’ jobs.
    Further cuts are expected this summer.

    State subsidies to clean energy producers have already fallen by between 12 and 40 percent on average in recent years, industry analysts say.

    They could fall by another 10-20 percent in a new energy sector reform expected mid-July, according to the Spanish media.

    “The punishment meted out to renewable energies in the past five years amounts to more than six billion euros ($8 billion),” said Sergio Otto, secretary general of the business group Renewables Foundation.

    “In the wind turbine industry alone we have lost 20,000 jobs and in the solar energy sector it’s probably more,” he said.

    At the heart of the problem is a deficit of more than 26 billion euros in Spain’s energy market, built up by subsidies to cover the gap between the cost of producing electricity and the price charged to consumers.

    Gator 45/70 and duane like this.
  6. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    The Earth's magnetic field is continuing to weaken, and it will keep on this path until after the magnetic pole reversal has finished, and that could take another 50 years or so. When the magnetic field weakens, it permits more electromagnetic energy in from the Sun, which alters the behavior of the polar vortex. The result is, more cold in the winter with strange, large sweeping cold air movements as the vortex swoops to recover from each day/night cycle, stronger and more violent weather in all seasons, floods, droughts, and even increased seismic activity. The Earth's mantle is bordered by a semi-rigid material sandwiched between the crust and the mantle and its plasticity can cause strong disturbances. The electromagnetic energy from Earth's own field can become highly influenced by solar radiation, and it is the primary motivator behind the crust displacement topic that too few are even aware of these days.
    The magnetic polar reversal on its own is not a cataclysmic event, and often passes unnoticed for the most part, albeit a little uncomfortable during the transition as far as weather may be concerned. However, just try to remember that this planet's protection is weakening and will continue to do so until it is nearly gone until the poles reverse completely, and this poses a significant threat as we are highly vulnerable to solar radiation. We've also never experienced a polar reversal during the technological era, and this will also introduce new challenges as electrical grids everywhere that are not hardened will become susceptible to every solar flare and even just the background radiation from our star.

    These events could possibly extend to another 150 years, more or less. It's not going to get warmer anytime soon. If the summers also get hotter and we see a trend in salt water desalination of the oceans from glacial melt getting too high, the subsequent winter freeze may end up being much, much worse. Given time, the weather patterns could unlock another ice age, like what was depicted in the movie The Day After Tomorrow, only not as quick as Hollywierd and the Global Climate Change Loons would have you believe. But that's not even the worse case scenario, because our solar system is traveling through a cosmic sheet of particles that has some scientists worried about the 11,000-13,000 year cyclical catastrophe that we are well overdue for now. If this event happens while we are also undergoing a magnetic polar reversal, well that would pretty much be about as bad as it gets. Our Star could react to the galactic influence and let loose a micro-nova, or superflare that would make the Carrington Event look like a light sneeze. The crust could unlock from the mantle, the oceans could sweep across the planet and the continents could 'flip' over and lock into place in completely different locations, making polar continents the new tropics. The entire planet could freeze over in mere minutes, and a new ice age would commence. Of course, anything living on the surface would probably be long gone, even as the Sun stands still in the sky for an entire day and humans are burned by solar radiation, just before 300 foot waves of ocean sweeps across the continents from West to East, wiping them clean.

    We do not need to worry about government baddies trying to kill us when the whole of the cosmos is doing a perfectly fine job at wiping the slate clean on its own.
  7. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    You mean HAARP? Can't fathom how NORAD could affect weather.
    Dunerunner, BTPost and nkawtg like this.
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Or HAARP either. That is another nonsensical conspiracy theory from long ago.
  9. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Last edited: Feb 21, 2021
    TinyDreams, Dunerunner and Brokor like this.
  10. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Not physically possible...too much heat to dissipate, even if you removed the atmosphere.
  11. Sunnyvibes

    Sunnyvibes Monkey

    I think it's safe to say others are suspicious indeed...

    enloopious likes this.
  12. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Its funny how everyone will call you a conspiracy theorist until its common knowledge. After which point they don't feel shame for their ignorance but at the same time they still think you are a conspiracy theorist.

    And on top of that the label "conspiracy theorist" has grown to the level of racist, terrorist, and child molester. I think we may be about 5 minutes away from it being "illegal" to be a conspiracy theorist and yet, just like crazy, impossible to disprove. Just think of all the sane people who said I'm not crazy, which only made them sound more crazy.
    toolbelt99 likes this.
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    enloopious, Dunerunner and DKR like this.
  14. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Don't pay much attention to all the wild theories, but data in rocks indicate that the poles have flipped in the past and either the earth's magnetic system is going thru some weird changes, or it is fact just weird and we haven't been able to measure it accurately in the past. Something is happening,we just don't know what yet and have no real data base to build on.

    Earth's magnetic field changes 10 times faster than once thought | Live Science

    Might have a solar storm like in late 1800's every century, until about 1900, would not even know it happened.
  15. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Some of us know very well.

    Lots of folks will make wild claims this is all "conspiracy theory" and such, but the top scientists in the world are on top of this subject. The thing is, the corporate news isn't playing the same game, and it benefits those in power to keep the people ignorant. I mean, what would people really do if the official channels started blasting reports of an impending cataclysm we're already overdue for? Yeah, it wouldn't be pretty.
    It's all legit science, it just isn't highly advertised.

    Humanity has survived these events in the past, just keep that in mind.
    enloopious, duane and DKR like this.
  16. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Humans have survived, 'civilization' has not.

    That is the main plot point of the Sunburn story...trying to save at least some of 'civilization'...
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2021
    TinyDreams, Dunerunner and Brokor like this.
  17. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Dunerunner likes this.
  18. toolbelt99

    toolbelt99 Monkey

    It's never about who's right. It's always about who has more guns.
    Dunerunner likes this.
  19. toolbelt99

    toolbelt99 Monkey

    Yes, you're right. I think it's HAARP.
  20. toolbelt99

    toolbelt99 Monkey

    I've heard that the CIA invented the term "conspiracy theorist" to discredit anyone who uncovers one of their conspiracies.

    Today, you're a conspiracy theorist if you say anything that is contrary to the MSM narrative. So if I say that Russia did not collude in the 2016 election, I'm a conspiracy theorist. If I say, there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction, then I'm a conspiracy theorist. If I say that the Antifa riots in Portland were not peaceful riots, I'm a conspiracy theorist. If I say that Joe Biden didn't win the... Well, I don't want the CIA knocking on my door. I'll leave that one be.
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