The American Dream You Have To Be Asleep To Believe iT!

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Gopherman, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    You can register you home as a "homestead" which will protect it from civil liabilites and IRS but not from property tax liens. I usually advise everyone who can to register as such. See an attorney
  2. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's.......
  3. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    Do you really think that it's someone elses' money that the bank lends you for a mortgage?
    It's not. The bank has less than 10% of that money on deposit...the rest + all the interest is created out of thin air. Fractional reserve banking is entirely unreasonable as is thinking you can work hard, pay rent, raise kids and save enough to buy a house outright. (with a few exceptions but not many).
  4. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    It doesn't matter a hill of beans, if it was the money from the bank, or if you borrowed from your uncle Mike down the road, YOU made a contract, and agreed to do certain things and certain times. You put your name to the bottom line, voluntarily, and now you need to fulfill your given word.
    If you sign, then toe the line.
  5. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    There is a very interesting and rapidly growing trend that I have been watching for a few years now. With the worldwide economic situation a lot of countries around the world have started financial residency and citizenship programs to attract foreign capitol and labor pools to their countries. While many of them have been out of reach of the average Joe the competition is driving down the cost.

    Panama has just instituted one of the cheapest ones in the world. You can start a corporation, or buy an existing one with a deposit of $10,000 in an account that will draw interest and you can withdraw as soon as your corporation is registered. You become a permanent resident and only required to be in the country for 24 hours every year. You don't have to do business or live there but it gives you the right to buy (and actually own) property and have investments that are secure and free. After 5 years you qualify for naturalization and can become a citizen and obtain a Panamanian passport.

    Dual citizenship is a very smart move for those who want to break free of the chains of the king.
    One article on the subject put it this way;

    " Rather than treat people as milk cows, nations are going to have to compete with one another for the most productive citizens and residents."

    Panama's economy is growing and they simply do not have the people to fill the number of new jobs that are being created. They are in desperate need of attracting foreign talent.
    While the thought of packing up and moving to another country is a scary idea to some it is worth looking into especially with the lenient residency requirements. And a home that you actually own in a country that wants you there and hopes that you will stay is a very tempting opportunity. Especially when it is just a short plane ride to visit family and friends.
    Something to consider and to watch as many more nations around the world are starting to offer these types of programs. You don't have to remain in serfdom to one king any longer.

    Carpe Libertas. You have all the freedom your are willing to seize.
    Mindgrinder and Yard Dart like this.
  6. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    I don't think you get it Kellory....or you do and are just trolling because it was me that posted it. (as usual) If I borrowed it from my uncle, he had the money deposited in his account. ALL of it. The bank doesn't actually HAVE the money to lend....they just enter some numbers in the computer. It's fraud. My Uncle can't lend me money he doesn't have but the bank can. The hill of beans is a REAL thing, it's worth more then 90% of the mortgage that the bank lent you because it exists.
    This is not one of my's the facts.
    Does "Let the buyer beware" extend to fraud in your opinion?
  7. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Which part of YOUR given word, depends on what someone else does? the source of the money does not matter AT ALL to your personal honor. You sign, you are bound by your given word, your bond, your sacred honor. what the bank does, or does not do, has no bearing on that fact.
  8. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I just saw Ghrit filling up a bucket with cold water. Tread carefully.
    BTPost likes this.
  9. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    relax, he ain't listening, so I'm done talking.
  10. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    If the bank or person you are dealing with is ripping you off - it matters.
    While I would agree if you said "You shouldn't make deals with criminals..."
    You should agree that criminals shouldn't be allowed to make deals legally and get bailed out at 100 cents on the dollar when the deals they made by preying on desperate and less intelligent people go bust. The vast majority of people that "singed on the line" can't understand the language that the deal was written in and have been conditioned all their lives to just sign without even reading the "terms of service" or "legally binding contract". Most of the loans that created your "mortage crisis" should NEVER have been made by the bank and NOBODY disputes this.
    They were a criminal extent.
    It's people like you who have let them off the hook with fines so small that they just write it off as "the cost of doing business" (crime).

    I don't disagree that your word is please stop implying so.
  11. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    God forbid you
    I own my own business, What I said about the Bean Counters was only to illustrate the point that those decisions have real Human consequences, intended or not!
    Our servicemen and woman have families too, mortgages, car payments,etc.. When the Military juts fer-lows those guys without warning, means that all those people who signed up and were basing their lives on a Military career, end pension, suddenly find themselves in a very bad situation.
    News: Bankruptcy Statistics Bankruptcy Data Charts Filings Graphs Trends by NBKRC
    The stats on that graph say it all!! Go back 5 years and add up the numbers, their nothing short of Incredible! No one can convince me that they all or even most, were irresponsible with their finances. Theirs too many!!
    My original thoughts for putting this out there was simply to illustrate a point.
    America today is not the the same America of Yesteryear!
    Anyone who would argue that it is, especially on a site like this one IS A MOLE!! or a SITE BUSTER!!
    This Country has changed a lot in the last 20 years, and none of it has been for the good. Stock Markets, with their speculation on futures, Government infringement, EPA Regulations, Heavy Corporate Taxation (The Highest in the world), slow deterioration of personal freedoms, I don't have enough ink in this typewriter to go all the way down the list, but I'm sure you get my point.
    Along with the push to for a total crash of the Paper Money economy that's driving a Hyper-inflated Stock Market, we're headed for disaster!
    there is not a BEAN COUNTER on the planet(that does not work for the FED) that will say any different!
    If you read my initial Diatribe all I was trying to say was, I should have been teaching my kids how to build, grow food, hunt, be self sufficient, instead of creating the illusion that this is what life was supposed to be, a perpetual chase the dollar game! I wake up today and go to work so that I can afford to wake up tomorrow and go to work............
    I only suggest that when one takes a black and white view of things, maybe colorblindness is at play.
    On a lighter note WOOOOH HOOOOH!!! this was a Major discusion thread Its getting deep!!![pop]
    Somebody work this little guy and make him eat his popcorn!
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
    Mindgrinder likes this.
  12. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    Hallelujah!! Finally, someone gets what I was saying!!
  13. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    I've got news for ya! You only own it til they came and take it.
    Obamacare has provision in it that say If, you receive Medicaid, which sooner or later most will(at the fixed income pont of life), the government gets your house when you die! their calling it an UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCE, you think so?
    The Obamacare ‘Shotgun Wedding’—Marry or Lose Your Home - Yahoo News
    Google Obamacare and property seizures, don't do it on an empty stomach it might make you sick!
    I read a couple of your posts and have this to offer.
    I have found in my 50+ years, that it is never wise to make statements that are all encompassing, or put myself on a higher ground than my fellow man, and never say never! These types of statement can have a Carma effect! I call it God effect but you know what I'm getting at.YMMV
  14. Tevin

    Tevin Monkey+++

    I see where the original post is coming from and agree in principle. But the practical is totally another matter.

    In this day and age, how realistic is it to buy a house and pay cash in full? And what do you plan on living in while you are saving the cash? I think that, regardless of the various financial philosophies, we all agree that everyone has to live somewhere, right? And you (generally) can't live for free, right?

    Is paying rent for thirty years better than paying a mortgage? If neither is acceptable, what is a workable alternative for those who don't have and can't get $100,000 or more to plop down in one shot? And if the cost of upkeep and repairs to the property is a basis for not owning property, then you should neither own nor rent because you are going to pay these bills either right out of pocket or indirectly through your rent.

    Some people manage to swing paying cash for a house (and then, predictably, go around pontificating about how everyone else is a "sheep"). For those who pulled it off, well good on you. Enjoy your elevated righteousness. Those of us with modest single incomes, or have medical bills, or are paying someone else's bills, or have been through unemployment, or are otherwise just barely squeaking by, live a much different reality.

    I see this "having a mortgage is stupid" theme come up a lot in prepper circles, and I don't know if I should take it as honest wisdom or smug moralizing. I give the benefit of a doubt, but I lean towards the latter.

  15. LoganW

    LoganW Monkey

    That's why you should live out of your bug-out vehicle, I don't live out of it, I don't even have a BOV yet, but once I do, I want to stop with this house life.
    Mindgrinder likes this.
  16. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    I spent a winter in my old RV on the farm....
    Even connected to hydro/water from the house - it was not comfortable.
    LoganW likes this.
  17. LoganW

    LoganW Monkey

    So.....I could date cars, they are awesome!!! I could give up alot to live in my car, just think about it....if you want to, picking it all up and going somewhere else, or being able to camp and not have to pack... just the little things.
  18. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    Ya...cuz peeing in a bottle, crapping in public washrooms, showering at the YMCA and getting harassed constantly by LEOs for where you park/camp is a good life.
    LoganW likes this.
  19. LoganW

    LoganW Monkey

    Your on a roll today, are you TRYING to make me crap my pants from laughing to much? and yes, totally[winkthumb], I have not thought all the way though yet, but it just may be worth it.
    Mindgrinder likes this.
  20. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    It's all good dude....daydreaming is the first step and a MUCH better distraction than watching TV.
    The prepper thing takes your entire life to figure out.... if u look at some of the mean old buggers on here like BTpost you can get a feel for what it really takes to be "off the grid if need be", stocked up on wild food and educated enough in REALITY to take a good shot at surviving SHTF.
    Figure I can make it a year WROL, maybe more....but I sure will miss this whole internet thingy ping.
    Gopherman and LoganW like this.
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