...zombies, that is. The .edu is just about as bad as the .gov as far as Bravo Sierra goes. New zombie course helps students learn about survival behavior | MSU News | Michigan State University
Guess they don't realize that when most talk about Zombies they not talking about brain sucking humanoid creatures from the dark............then again, that description does fit as well...
Hey STANG if you need proof I can send you a few live ones for research, we have a street called 3rd and thats where they hang out. Our WV Zombies even come with an authentic glass crackpipe
Once a Yooper, always a Yooper. Me, too. MSU is just about as far away from da Yoop as you can get and still be in Michigan. No self respecting Yooper would go to MSU, ever, except to cheer the opposition. I know some folks in da Yoop that would happily help with the experiments ---
a co-worker/friend of mine's wife, who is about 22 years younger than him, went to MSU. She is very liberal...so, her and I go at it every now and again. I call her a Yooper just to bug her. But, when I really need to p!ss her off, I tell her how cool it is that Uncle Ted Nugent lived so close to her when she was in MSU. Sends her into a mad rant......delicious. The Michigan State University List (humor)
Don't throw the potential prepper out with the bilgewater And in gives 2 credit points towards a degree! Bonus! I'd like to look at the detail of the course and it's methodologies before passing comment on it. It may seem a bit flakey to you guys...but if it gets just a few young people to thinking...."just what if something went pear shaped"...what would I do? What could I do?" then it may have some value. Better than doing 2 credit points in "handbag selection and accessorisation from a neo feminist perspective" or "Should John Birch be birched for being too "liberal"?" SW290: Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse: Catastrophes & Human Behavior | Summer 2012 Online Electives
Ah. Well, it all makes sense. Yooper pride knows no bounds, and those that are insulted by it OBVIOUSLY don't get it --
"After all, zombies make everything more interesting." Makes some weird sense, given the limited attention span of most young people these days.
Zombie course work could be a prerequisite for White House interns for the current administration. How else do we account for so many consistently brain dead policies?
During the Clinton Administration apparently all that was needed was a Nice , and set of Full Lips..... ..... YMMV....
I am surprised, once she got bumped from her lofty House Speaker position, that the Wicked Witch pelosi wasn't made High Csar of Zombie Affairs. Right up her alley, considering what she looks like.