Threat Coming To The Door- What Do You Take

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Yard Dart, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. Edit: (Scenario- Post SHTF): You have received a radio call from an associate in your community advising you that the .gov squad is doing house to house searches, 20 minutes out estimated, heading your general way to find hold-outs from mandatory relocation to camps- for your "safety". You have not been specifically targeted as a HVT, but they do have intelligence that there are people in the AO who have violated the relocation orders. They may stay in your AO as it is later in the day, so you need to anticipate at least overnight, but possible three days of BO, till they have moved out of the area. You can not leave by vehicle as most primary road ways are being monitored with checkpoints or roving patrols.


    This isn't really an "item-by-item" list of my bag contents. Not sure if that information was what was being fished for.

    EDIT: (I'll just parenthetically add that a few years ago I started getting into setting up caches, so this could possibly supplement what's already in my bag just in case I either could not take the bag, or if I needed more of a certain supply. I don't have nearly as many as I'd like, but maybe I'll get there some day. Each cache has something different, but there's a little bit of redundancy in them for safety just in case I can't get to the other because I spaced them considerably in different directions under the theory that if I was being chased, I can't realistically say which direction I'd be heading in).

    I have several bags ready-packed. I'm not the anal retentive planning type, and which one I would grab would depend on what I thought would suit the situation.

    I have a hiker bag which has mostly hiking stuff which is usually ready to go (sometimes it is in a state of disarray as I change gear around in the bag). Although it's a three day or less bag in terms of food supply (my typical hike trip length), if I put some extra Mountain House in it (I should be able to do that with 15 or 20 minutes leeway as per scenario), I would be easily set for a week or two without too much hardship. Bag weighs about 25 - 30 pounds when loaded with several days worth of water.

    I have a second bag which is more of a comprehensive bug-out-bag and includes more "personal" (document related) stuff that I would never put in my hiking bag. This bag also has a lot more tools (I won't even list them all here but it's basically hand tools of various kinds as well as optics including a spotting scope and a very compact pair of binoculars). I also have more shelter options in this bag than my hiking bag. It's a bit redundant, but I like options. Also, a lot of the gear in this bag contains camouflage whereas the previously mentioned hiking bag has more traditional clothing which is less conspicuous in certain applications. My break-down .22LR is in this bag permanently along with some ammo for handgun and .300 Win Mag. Regardless of whether I ended up grabbing the handgun and rifle, the ammo is in the bag and I wouldn't have time for fishing it out, so it stays in the bag as dead weight, for better or worse. Bag typically weighs between 45 - 55 pounds, depending on configuration (which I occasionally change based on the season).

    I'd probably grab some computer-related and document-related stuff and just throw it in the top of the bag... stuff that I'd rather not have laying around... not that I need it.

    Grabbing either bag would do me just fine if it were just for three days.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  2. I see some people consider communications gear a priority. Anyone want to offer an opinion on why the would opt for that over other gear (like food) for such a short term situation?

    I don't have anyone to communicate with to begin with, so it wouldn't be a high priority. I'd rather have a generic FM commercial band radio before anything else, to keep abreast of the news. And if I were to bring my more expensive com gear with me, I'd probably opt for a wideband scanner over a transmitter.
    kellory likes this.
  3. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    If you were going to link up with another group or individual, comms would be beneficial for security of the meet as well as having the ability to coordinate activites once together. A pair of radios in the bag are light and could be used for many functions. You never know what you may need and it might make a difference. The scanner would be a plus to have, going solo or as a team.
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Comms is very important if you have Family, or a Group. If you are a Loner, then not so much, unless there are others that can form a Group. You can live DAYs, without food, so that is NOT necessarily, a priority, for your senerio, which is a three day BO. The SECURE Phones, some of the Monkeys use, are small, and light, and do provide UnScan-able, unDF-able, Encrypted Comms, for local AoO operations. They allow you to setup Meets, with family, or Groups, from Cover, inside the local AoO, and get Intel, about the situation, from others in your Group, without compromising, them or yoursef. This is a VERY BIG Moral Booster for family, To KNOW that you are Close, and working to get to them. Yea, Food is important, but not as important as Piece of Mind, for others in your group. ..... YMMV....
    stg58 and Yard Dart like this.
  5. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    A good tie-in to this thread is the concept of caching of supplies within your AO or on routes of egress. If you have done this, what does your cache constitute for supplies, food, ammo and so on. How have you addressed re-supply of water other than filtering from a stream or lake supply. For me the idea of having multiple cache's with similar items allows for access when others are nearby to one area that you prefer to stay away from. If you are doing this please elaborate on your concept of a cache supply so others may learn how to plan their own.
  6. RamboMoe

    RamboMoe Monkey

    I have a bag out bag with everything I need... so, one thing ;)
  7. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Like some our BO gear is in three levels. 1--three day bag. 2--three week back packs/web gear. 3-- permanent stay containers with virtual house keeping gear.
  8. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Created a specific storage area in the garage that has all of my major camping gear, portable genie, fuel, water containers and all my prep containers instead of scattered around the garage and house. This allows for me not to hunt around looking for things when we are doing a deliberate quick load out to un-ass the AO.

    BO bags are stage down stairs in the closet ready to go for 3-5 days easy.
  9. Akheloce

    Akheloce Monkey++

    I figure if the scenario about .gov and 20 min warning ever comes true in MY location, the war is lost and I hunker down defensively.
  10. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I guess I follow the mantra off fading off into the bush and waiting for the right moment on my terms vs being stuck in a corner. More of the scout/sniper philosophy and not so much as a static defense unless that is the game plan under the situation at hand.
  11. Akheloce

    Akheloce Monkey++

    I mean that in the sense that I live 20 miles from the nearest road (no road vehicle access, and some of the most difficult terrain to cross) and that road goes 30 miles to a town of 3500. If sweeps come my way, every other bit of humanity is gone. I figure I live in the sub .001% of .gov radar, so by the time they got to me, it's over. I can only evade closer to the world given the geography of my place.
  12. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I have the Seattle muni at my back door, we are worlds apart in threat level from the .gov..... But if I were in your boots I would not ever throw in the towel and make them pursue me to the ends of the earth, picking them off a couple of a time.
  13. Akheloce

    Akheloce Monkey++

    I guess I would have to make the decision at the time. I would realistically have way more than 20 mins notice (more likely 2 hours), and could put a real hurting on a group headed my way long before getting here. There are a few choke points that I could slow them down by days. Also, my position is pretty defensible, and somewhat hardened (I have a lot of cover, and even more concealment on my spread)

    That being said, by the time I'm in defense mode, I'm sure the JDAMS would be on their way.
  14. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I do envy your remote lifestyle but am hit with the reality daily of our current circumstance. I live in Suburbia and have thought long and hard about egress for E&E if needed and have prepped maps, BOB's and load outs for various responses. I also have delved into how to develop a neighborhood team and what the plan would be to defend the AO post SHTF. Many ways of defending the area with slowmedowns such as strategic placement of dead vehicles, logs and other barriers, use of barbed wire and so much more....GDA patrols to secure the nearby area as well as scouting for threats.
    tulianr likes this.
  15. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    If "they" get to your door then we have failed one objective already. "The best defense is a fantastic offense".
    stg58, BTPost and Yard Dart like this.
  16. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    My free obama phone, my free obama food EBT food card, my free obamacare card, all of the 40oz bottles of malt liquor that I can carry purchased with my obama EBT card and an iPod also purchased with my obama EBT card loaded with kanye west ............. Nuthin else will be needed barry will take care of me I voted for him....6 times.....
    Stealth Camper and Motomom34 like this.
  17. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    [banghead] :censored:
    oldawg likes this.
  18. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    You said five things but.... My children, our bags that are already packed and something that goes bang.
  19. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Good planning prepares one to succeed.... that is for sure!!!
  20. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Yard Dart likes this.
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