
Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Alpha Dog, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    LoL I have a backpack on the back of the passenger seat of my truck. It not only has MY county & state Road maps, but the road maps to the surrounding counties, SC state map & the two counties I go to down there. An a topography map of my county. Catch is, sum the roads I know, ain't on no map LoL Hell, sum ain't really roads an my truck being two wheel drive, you can only get thru them with Skill!!! Its a scarey thing to be in a two wheel drive truck, way out in the boonies, going thru sumwhere 4x4s tread lightly, & only having 3 wheels on the ground!!!
  2. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Ive seen determined country boy's get vehicles in places other people would have to have a chopper.
  3. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Alpha, all I really need is sumwhere my truck has enough ground clearance to make it over & a wide enough hole that I don't take my mirrors off & I'll git there. May tear the hell out of the way in or catch a lil air doing it, but I'll get there!
  4. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Guys, when I was a kid , we used to go hunting with a 50 gmc pu. No 4x4 or any of that fancy stuff. When we got stuck, and did we get stuck, we got out with shovels, boards and pushed a lot. But we got through and never gave it a thought.
    Then the next week, back to our farm with the truck and work with it. They don't make em' like that anymore. It ain't the truck, it is more about the nut behind the wheel.
  5. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I think I parked next to him once !!! LOL[fnny]
  6. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    about the maps

    I carry a DeLorme Gazetteer for this state in both the RV and truck.

    I keep a laminated street map in the daily driver.

    Of course, 'riots' here are mostly drunks brawling, not the wide area lawlessness seen in the urban cesspits that pass for big city America these days.
    I'll go as far as to say, in many of the bigger cites it's a slow motion riot in progress 7x24 - every day.

    Now that I work from home, I find I have no reason to go more than a few miles, but when I go out of state however....that's like a 4K+ mile walk home.
    Wolfgang2000, Sapper John and BTPost like this.
  7. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I agree with DKR.... It is a little HARD to have a Riot at -25F..... Less chance of that kind of thing the farther North you go... and certainly NOT in winter.... ..... Y Milage and Location MV.....
  8. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    You suddenly find you are in a riot, really, I watched riots build during my 10 years as an LEO in the SF area back in the 80/90. If you pay attention you will be able to out run the problem. You just need to read the signs. We knew a day in advance that the King riots were coming to SF. LA had a couple hours notice. We knew when the anti war demo's were coming ect. Pay Attention, you need to watch the local news listen to the weather report this is basic intel gathering. As to if you are stuck I too will try to get home. I would cell call or radio as many other friends as I could find out who else is stuck and try to group up. If violence is necessary make it brutal and direct. If you have to shoot into a mod find the leader kill him first. The cops arrest him first, it breaks the mindset of the mob. Sheep need a leader.

    If I was stuck traveling without a car. Find sporting goods store buy 12 ga pump then find a u haul type truck to drive home. Why a truck, big and heavy, can put lots of gas cans in the back as available and maybe if one is lying around an enduro MC.

    Traveling time: the funny thing I have noticed is riots seem to peak in the evening/night. About 3-4 am they die down then pick up again mid morning to afternoon. If you have to wait it out to move watch the tide of the riot and move when it is low.
  9. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    That's good info.f.dog...
    The only ''riot'' i've been in is ''gas war's'' after the storm...
    People get real stupid..Real fast...
    When desperation is the mother of greed...!!!
  10. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    One thing about "Riots" is they tend to be very LOCAL in nature... usually only 5 or 6 blocks of a city or neighborhood. So, if you find yourself on the edge of one, Move Perpendicular, and away from the direction that it is moving. Give the area a significant buffer, THEN move in the direction you need to go. It is the same routine, that is used in avoiding a Natural Disaster, like Tornado, blocked road, or the like. Avoid Choke Points, as much as possible, and if bridges, or other Choke Points MUST be used, make them as far from the Area at issue, as practical, given the time of day, and the size of the needed buffer zone. Yea, it makes the route longer, but much less hazardous, to move this way, in the required direction. I like the idea of Holing Up, on a Rooftop, if you just find yourself in the middle of the effected area, and waiting for things to improve, so you can make your getaway. Comms is very important when stuck away from the HomeBase. Keeping your loved ones informed, and having them give you any updates, on the situation, from Home Based Information sources.
    In this regard, Higher is better, for better Comm distances. Very few people will give you problems, if you are NOT looking over the edge of the building. Even the .GOV will not bother you, if you are hunkered down in the center of a rooftop, and not near any of the edges, and not moving. they are looking for Perps, at the edges, with evil Intent, and hunkered down folks that are not doing that, are not what they are looking for. ..... YMMV....
  11. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I agree with BT they do for the most part to be local when responding I have driven past the mob one or two blocks over to get infront of to set up a line. I also agree with fedorthedog if you have to make contact with the mob and use force get the leader and finding the leader is actually kind of funny. With all he!! broke lose you will see the group almost stop and look at this person. It all revolves around him or them.
    gunbunny and Cephus like this.
  12. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    Guess Im already late to join this thred however Ill try.

    A civil unrest requires some previous planning and thought. Maps and knowing every way in, out and around your area is a must.
    So heres some basic things that might help.

    Never park your auto with less than 3/4 of a tank of gas.
    Find a good hiding place where you work.
    Have a plan for your houshold if you dont get home.
    Get to know people in the business you stop at on the way home, quickmart, grocery store, ymca, church, or even a tavern. It may be necessary to shelter there for a couple of hours.
    Never ever drive into the mobs, or riots, I dont care how big your bumber is or how well armed you if its safe to turn around do so.
    The cool thing about riots is you usually have a little warning they are coming so you can just watch them on TV.
    Wolfgang2000 and Alpha Dog like this.
  13. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    I grew up in Simi Valley which is surronded by mountains, and I remember every hillside on fire no possible way out or in, good thing neighbors helped each other and no one really paniced even though it was a bad situation.
  14. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I don't see the SHTF happening all at once.

    First, it will be fuel prices
    then food prices
    then the cities will panic after the food runs out.
    then the suburbs and beyond.

    It's not going to be an over night prospect. We will see it coming, like a red glow on the horizon. Inching closer. I'm hoping for winter. It will thin out the herd or at least keep them in 'gooberment sheeple shelters'

    the government will step in with 3 hots and a cot. But I believe there will be a price to pay for the 'Free Support'. All the sheeple will have to do is look at the perimeter to know what i mean. Loss of freedom in exchange for comfort.

    Self suffcient communites will police themselves. Yes there may be crazies out there in roving bands but they will meet those ready to protect.

    I've got my multitude of ways to get home, over land, over road, back road, through fields, up the gas pipline right of way etc. 20 ish miles. long hike but travelling at night during a 'RIOT' would be best bet.

    Time will tell if we are prepared.
    weegrannymush, tulianr, Nadja and 5 others like this.
  15. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Well, VisaTrak sounds like you also have a plan. But what are you planning once you do make the long hike home ? Stored supplies, and then ?
  16. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    And then, string the wires, drop the trees, flood the swamp, and put the plan into action. I'd have already gathered the crew on the way home.

    The rest is classified ;). Hopefully we are prepared for the long slog. I'm a computer geek that's also a farmer/engineer/hunter/carpenter/machinist/motorhead.
    STANGF150, Cephus, Alpha Dog and 3 others like this.
  17. hedger

    hedger Monkey+


    You are now pushing my buttons.

    Civil Unrest. That is a big one; it is one of the biggest reasons I want to get out and do a little recon to get a feel for the current "mood/mindset" (for lack of a better term).

    I believe that civil unrest is a major precursor to some of the nastier SHTF events.

    Food shortages would ramp that up a lot but the biggest potential contributor would be loss of water supply.

    At that time, SHTF is right in our faces and I would be envious of those with more remote BOL's. However, we would bug-in until we had no other choice but to move to another location.

    One alternative that would make gathering of intelligence easier and safer would be a short wave radio. This scenario makes the short wave equipment seem like something obvious to put together before it is too late.
  18. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Once this country runs out of money to "feed" the masses, there will most likely be riots, in great numbers all over the country. Those would probably escalate in be more the "norm" then sparadic. So the question is then, how would you react, not to just the ones now , but the bigger and bigger riots coming next week ?
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  19. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    I really hate to point out, the US will never run out of "money" to "feed" the masses. Food, I can see running out. However, as long as there is a Federal Reserve, who can print any amount of money they so desire with a keystroke or phone call, there will always be "money". The worth of that money may be next to nothing, but there will be "money". Sure, it may cost $1000.00 for a loaf of bread. Thing is, there may not be any bread to buy because transit and logistics companies cannot afford the fuel to move the goods, let alone the insurance premiums on their vehicles. Hyperinflation will occur before the US ever runs out of money.

    My response remains unchanged.
  20. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

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