Use of General Aviation Services during an EOFTW scenario

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Imasham, May 25, 2018.

  1. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    I see no point in aviation in grid down, maybe a small one seater but what would you do to keep the damn thing flying?
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Here is a scout sorta like mine! a pretty rugged bird, better then a Maule, but not the same pay load![​IMG]
  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    My new Baby! A 9/10ths J-3 Cub with Super Cub wings! Dry weight is 870 pounds, engine power is 260 HP giving a thrust much greater then unity! Measured with the 78 inch Catto prop it pulled the scales @ 1260 pounds! Ye-Haw! It will pin you to the seat and hold ya there, climbs like a home sick angle!
    Dunerunner, Ganado, Yard Dart and 2 others like this.
  4. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I was going to start taking the classes a few years ago to get my pilots license , but just don't really have the money to enjoy the sport. :(
    sec_monkey likes this.
  5. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    If you really want, Do the "Sport Pilots" classes, much cheaper and gives you almost the same privileges, and allows you to fly ether a Light Sport Aircraft with full privileges, or an Experimental class with out all the F.A.A. hassles! That's what most folks are doing now days, its almost affordable for the average Joe, almost! Its also the ONLY option for folks that cannot pass a FAA flight physical, even though they are no more a health risk then any one else, and you don't get the anal probing! You can add your tail wheel training and endorsement, and come fly with me any time!
    Dunerunner, SB21 and sec_monkey like this.
  6. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    the one in Post #22 is a Bellanca Citabria 7GCBC [ produced by Bellanca in 1996, formerly Champion prior to the acquisition ] according the FAA

    the design was sold multiple times over the years n was owned by multiple companies

    it is related to the Champion/Bellanca 8KCAB Decathlon plus the Champion/Bellanca 8GCBC Scout
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  7. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Sorry I knocked this off track, so I will pass on some ideas I have through experience! A small light plane is going to be some what limited in hauling, but what it lacks in pay load it can make up in mobility! It can take you places no roads can, and deep enough out in the wilds that no one can reach you! It can be very useful for scouting game, and ingress, egress routs, doing emergency medical evac flights, resupplies for medical needs, and general haulage for lighter weight stuff, or doing it multiple trips. I would be using mine to scout, and to supply, or fortify a area I am holding out, I can carry one passenger and 480 pounds of cargo, or no passenger and emergency overloaded to about 1000 pounds for a shot and hot landing! I can sneak around at night and can avoid small arms fire if/when needed! the only time I wouldn't be able to use it would be a Fed lock down for a time, but if I don't see fighters regularly in the A.O. im at, then I can take the chance! I have all the radios and other coms I need, so I can be monitoring radio coms and find out what's going on unless there is a coma black out as well! I can flat tow the bird any distance I would ever need, and can set it up in about 1/2 hour and be ready to fly! I can break it down and tow it in about 20 min, and I can hide it more easily that way as well!
    The nice part is most folks will not know how to fly, and those that do likely do not own or have access to a plane that can do the things I can do, so most that can fly, wont! Other then fuel theft ( and most don't know AV gas is bad for car engines) fuel should be pretty easy to find!
    Dunerunner, SB21 and sec_monkey like this.
  8. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I'll look into this license,,,,Thanks
    sec_monkey likes this.
  9. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Mine is a American Champion built Super Scout ( Called Denali Scout/Super Scout now days) 1989 Model 7GCBG with originally a Lycoming AEI-O390E 235 Hp with 78 in constant speed Hartzel B prop

    ( Should be American Champion owned currently)
    sec_monkey likes this.
  10. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    really [coo] the AEIO is the aerobatic fuel-injected version [applaud]

    plus it has more power than the IO-360/AEIO-360 [winkthumb] [winkthumb]
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  11. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    A hot air balloon exfiltration vehicle might be an option....optical, sound and heat signatures may be issues....oh...and keep away from tornados

    Your payload, speed, direction, distance and personal safety may vary. :eek:

    Wizard Of Oz Balloon GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
    Meat and Ura-Ki like this.
  12. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    :shock: Chello
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  13. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Yup yup! Some one knew what they were doing when they orderd that engine! Thats why I'm keeping it! LOL! 390 inches of raw power! Superior is building a O-400 now, I wonder what that pulls like:D
    I'm betting if that owner had the props we have now days, he might have kept it! On the 76 inch 3 blade Catto I flew it on first, it was a rocket in the climb, but sucked at cruise, swapped to a MT 74 inch 3 blade and it went ballistic in the climb and cruise much more betterer! Nice thing about MT and Catto, you can trade props with them any time and really fine tune your ship! MT props sound better too! No buzz saw in hardwood sound!
    chelloveck and sec_monkey like this.
  14. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    back to the OP, depending on how severe the grid down situation is, it will be really difficult to pump fuel without reliable power ..

    if emergency power is unavailable there aint many options left ..

    manual pumping might be feasible for smaller aircraft that only need 80-100 gal. of 100LL or 85UL fuel, .., .., however pumping 35,000 to 63,000 gal. of JP-5, JP-8, or Jet-A or Jet-B for large aircraft is goin to be [loco]

    plus those that do have fuel stored will have to protect it 24/7 from attack, theft, zombies, contamination, fire, what have ya ..

    a gravity feed system might werk for a limited time until the fuel storage tanks got to a certain level then it would stop werkin .. without power it would be real difficult to refill the storage tanks ..

    exposure to 100LL avgas [ which still has lead in it ] plus other hazardous fuels, will eventually cause health issues unless strict precautions are taken, some fuels plus fuel additives are hazmat n can make ya really sick ..

    if somebody tried to use a redneck method of pumpin fuel they could end up startin a fire or possibly blowin up the storage tanks, plus without power firefighting would be difficult plus extremely hazardous to everybody involved ..

    pumps are needed to pump fuel, pump water for firefighting, mix the foam needed to put out fuel fires .. .. plus ya would need a really large reservoir of water .. ..
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
    Ura-Ki, Meat, SB21 and 1 other person like this.
  15. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I’ll volunteer the Finlander(Pops) and his GlassAir to strafe $hit if SHTF. I’d go with him but it’s only a two-seater and mom will obviously ride shotgun.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  16. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    [coo] :ROFLMAO:
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  17. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    And then there are ultra lights.

    Last edited: May 26, 2018
    Ura-Ki and sec_monkey like this.
  18. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    I’m a fan of the ultralight idea.
    Ura-Ki, oldman11 and sec_monkey like this.
  19. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Mother of Pearl! That's an engine with some wings.

    but it needs some duck tape
    in Alaska, duck tape can fix anything - even aircraft. For a while, anyway.

    or just skin the entire aircraft with duck tape.
    (Belite Ultralight Aircraft)
    Ura-Ki and sec_monkey like this.
  20. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    As far as Ultralights go, I used a pair of these in my third World of the Chernyi book, Pedro Six Two.

    In the book, they were used for bailing out of an urban area, then later, for airborne recon. Great fun to write.

    The kind of aircraft described in the book are like this
    two seater with very simple flight controls. No winglets, these are fairly recent innovation. A cargo load a couple hundred pounds are possible..

    Some ultralights, while simple, are barely suitable for flying
    [​IMG] .
    Ura-Ki and sec_monkey like this.
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