Well water

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Motomom34, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Yes, blowing down the pressure tank would be a good thing. There should be a hose cock on the bottom pipe into the tank, hook up a garden hose to it, take it outside and run some water until it's clear. Do the water heater blow down at the same time, then rack that into your yearly maintenance schedule for both tanks. The pressure tank should be self flushing into the house piping, but just might not, and any sediment that goes into the water heater will be trapped there.
    john316 likes this.
  2. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    I would get my 300' tape measure put a 3/4" dia bolt on the end and drop it down the well like I always do.
  3. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    Sure you can a submersible pump on the end of the new poly pipe, never needs to be primed. 1 1/4"Poly pipe has no joints, you can get it in lenghts of up to 400'. You can pull it up by hand if it's less then 75' Dean Bennet supply out of Colorado has everything you need. I can pull my pump 58' in ten minutes, by hand.
  4. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    They use to easier to change: 1 1/4" poly pipe and a submersible is the best way to go. Jet pumps will need to be primed if you loose electric. The bleach works good, putting a water hose tot the bottom of the well with a short piece of pipe on it will allow one to keep the well casing cleaned out. Turn the hose on and allow the pump to expell the rest without putting it through your total system.
  5. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    If your tank isn't a bladder type you need to drain it about every two months to ensure it has a volume of air in it.Otherwise you loose the air volume and the pump will be used in a way it shouldn't be. Reducing it's life expectantcy and uping your electric bill. Always use a in line filter.
  6. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    I've had submersibles last twelve years and some last two years, never liked jet pumps. With the new poly pipe 1 1/4" you can pull a wel 75" in ten minutes by hand. Submersibles can deliver up to 550 gpm on irrigation 16" wells I use 25-35 gpm on the house, I've got two pumps on the same pipe a 115vac and a 230vac, just use a tee in the system one pump above the other. The 115vac pump is solar power off a aims power inverter.If you loose power long enough Jet pumps wwill loose there prime.
  7. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    I've got three wells on the ranch best way to clean it upis to drop a water hose with a short18" piece of pipe to the bottom of the well and use the pump to clean the well casing. Figure out how not to send the silt through your system. On my irrigation wells I've pumped so much water at 550gpm I've created sink holes bigger than my one ton chevy. If you ever have to fill in around a well casing use old chain link fencing and gravel.
  8. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    I've got three wells, I don't drink from them. I drink bottled water. Well water is fine for everything else. I might buy a reverse osmosis set up soon.
  9. gasman28110

    gasman28110 Monkey+

    I have a submersible pump in my well @ 270' been ther 30 years with the same pressure switch.
  10. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    That is a mistake , the pressure switch should be replaced about every two years. What happens is the 3/8 pipe to them gets rust or debri in them. This will allow the pump to continue to run until something breaks, usally the pressure tank. The switchs are cheap on E-bay for about $16.00. anothe thought is use two of them. I maintain five well sites, three on this property alone. Dean Bennet supply out of Colorado has an oline catolog, or they will send you one if you need it. Great company.
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Actually it's available in way longer lengths than 400 feet. I don't know the max, but mine is 515 feet, no joints.
    Mistake or not, mine has been operating for well in excess of 5 years (since I bought the house) without fault. In my case, the pressure tank won't fail from pump output, it's rated higher than the pump shutoff head as competent design would be done. If there is a failure from continuous running, it will be from the pump motor overheating. Very unlikely in this situation, with ground temps running around 55 degrees. Excessive starts and stops will do more damage than continuous running as any pumpist will know.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2013
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Probably a costly setup. Settle for a softener tank instead, takes WAY less maintenance. Then again, with the 5 wells you have to tend, maybe maintenance is something you like doing.
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Yep, 72 inches is not a problem by hand. At 515 feet, you ain't gonna do it by hand. Period. I have to add that a properly set up jet pump will retain it's prime for a very long time if there is water in the well when the power comes back and the priming tank has no way to evaporate.
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Agree on the filter, if the well is in silty ground. Mine isn't, don't need one. Agree that the tank can water log if not bled down and refilled now and then. However, bladder tanks are better in all respects.
    Troy brownrigg likes this.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    That'll work for up to 300 feet. I used a string and a yard stick. No bottom at 550 feet, ran out of string. (Yes, I had it tied off.)
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2013
    kellory likes this.
  16. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    That is a mistake , the pressure switch should be replaced about every two years. What happens is the 3/8 pipe to them gets rust or debri in them."

    That follows that all other metal parts should be stainless steel.
  17. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    72 feet Imeant to say @ 515 feet your your jet pump shouldn't work at all. I deepest well 138' foot deep 38' to water. My house well 68' water @ 20' My irrigation well in use 90' and 18' to water and it will produce 550gallons per minute. It is 16" in diameter. I don't think I would buy a property if I had to drill a well 515 feet deep.
  18. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    I use multiple bladder tanks, and they are alot better. They seem to last about seven years here.
    Storm Damage 047.
  19. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    I couldn't afford stainless, the poly pipe takes care of the well site, then I use galvanized pipe to the pressure tanks and PVC for the yard/ copper inside the house.
  20. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    I have to maintain the two 16" wells to keep the water rights in effect, I use them on the fields for the bemuda grass, which feeds the livestock. The 8" well is for the house/ garden only. Over the years I have come up with a maintence plan to keep every going. The 8" well has two pumps on the poly pipe. one is solar powered the other is 230vac, both are submersibles. You can pick them up on ebay for about $250 for the 230vac and $185 for the 114vac. I order them in bulk, with the pressure swicthes, and guages. I have family memebers with wells in this area.I supply them with parts.
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