What do you look for in BOV?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Clownbear69, Feb 25, 2021.

  1. Clownbear69

    Clownbear69 Monkey

    Well I personally wanted to see what you as individual look for when you have or are selecting for a BOV.

    Depending on the interest of the topic (assuming if it hasn't been beat to death) I'll have a new thread on what I look for and what I keep in it.

    Thanks for looking
    Dunerunner and BTPost like this.
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    4X4, Tough, Old, Reliable, Diesel preferably, no computerz, no electronics of any kind, and easy to repair and find parts for as well as modifying if when needed!
    I have Two, a 1942 Dodge WC-22 half cab truck, and a 1946 Dodge WC-30 pickup!
    Both are Cummins ITB 3.9 Diesel powered, both have 5 speed gearboxes and mechanical "Skip tooth" transfer cases and manual locking hubs with replacement drive flanges for when the shit gets real! Both have #12000 pound braden winches on the front, with the 42 having a second braden on the rear frame rails and a Warn #9000 pounder in the bed behind the cab! It also has a Gin-Poll in the bed that can be extended to 14 feet and double lined for lifting and moving/skidding! The 46 is the fancy truck with it's full enclosed cab it's more comfortable, and has better road manners, while being about as bad ass as they come for off road traveling! The 42 is more capable, but comfort isn't it's main objective!
    Then there is the 1946 Jeep and the 1949 Jeepster, both are nice and small, and light, and easy to work on and super nimble! The Jeepster is a Daily driver, while the little CJ is more a work horse!
  3. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Front bumpers and grills,, no plastic crap ,, all metal battering ram material. You want those road blocking dimwits,,, I mean, material ,,, to be bouncing off the front of your truck, instead of being squished into your radiator fins causing an overheating issue causing you to spend unwelcome time in an unfriendly AO.
  4. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    4x4 or a two wheel drive truck with lockers, with a carb and a replacment electronic distributor in a pelican case inside a steel 20 mm ammo can.
    HK_User, Dunerunner, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    FWD for sure, first... Then Diesel is preferable, but Gas is more practical... Then Body Style to fit family situation... Also mount a Winch on any BOV, cause eventually your are going to need it... For us Empty Nesters, a Extended Cab 4X4 Pickup w/Canopy is what we have as our FlatLand Ride, now... Our married Life started in a ‘55 Dodge PowerWagon.. We always have had at least one FWD ride available.. The Subaru Wagon was the best ride when we had kids at home.. at home in the bush of Alaska, we had a Nissan 4X4 pickup for decades, until the body rusted away.. and a ‘86 Bronco.. When the Nissan died we bought a Yamaha Rhino 660, and when it burned up in a fire, we bought our Kubota Diesel SbS that we have now.. A much better ride than the Rhino in every way... Then the Bronco’s. in- tank fuel pump died, we picked up an ‘86 Suzuki Samurai...
    HK_User, Tempstar, Dunerunner and 2 others like this.
  6. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Extra fuel tank that can transfer fuel while driving. 4x4. Not as concerned about having older vehicle as some people. Replacement computers can be found in a pick and pull if you want and the vehicle is more than a few years old. Decent ground clearance and a winch. Enclosed area for cargo. Nothing too big. I have a gas engine but wouldn’t mind a diesel.
    Yard Dart, Dunerunner, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  7. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Whut everybody said above plus designed for owner maintenance and repair. Your BOV may have to last you for a very, very long time.

    Look beyond oil and spark plug changes - how easy/hard it is to replace the starter, alternator, fuel and water pumps, radiator, etc.. Is there plenty of space in the engine bay in case you have to cannibalize a part from another completely different rig to get it going? Maybe a radiator that isn't an exact fit. Is the wheel pattern common if you bust one along the way? Common tire size cuz they will eventually need replacement.

    How much of the engine can you rebuild without having to pull it. What kind of tools do you need? Generic mechanics tools or specialty fractional metric carbon fiber reinforce titanium thrust bearing alignment where on another vehicle you cud use a monkey wrench?

    Commonly available parts used in other vehicles are also advantageous.
  8. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    My concern is EMP or CME from the Sun.
    HK_User, Dunerunner and Ura-Ki like this.
  9. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    My daily driver and BOV. A 1986 GMC short bed with a 383 crate motor. Turbo 400, with a 10 bolt rear with a locking diff. The motor runs a Holley 670 Street Avenger carb with a Air fuel gage with a wide band O2 sensor, has allowed me to super tune the Holley.
    I can stand in the engine bay on either side with plenty of space to spare, as long as the headers have had a time to cool off.
    Yard Dart, Dunerunner, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    4wd with dead solid reliability and the ability to tow a trailer with other stuff you might need including some fuel to get you where you're going without resupply. Then, do NOT get stupid about bog crawling solo
    HK_User, Dunerunner, Ura-Ki and 3 others like this.
  11. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    There are reports available online about vehicle performance with emp. Its not a “one second after“ thing 100%. If you worry get a spare computer and keep it in an ammo can. Go to a pick and pull for it.
    Dunerunner likes this.
  12. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    most important feature is the size of the fuel tank VS the mpg >>> if it gets you to your prepared BOL on one tank of fuel - that's your vehicle ....

    being able to carry extras to add to your BOL stockpile would be great - but shouldn't be necessary ...

    if you bug out when you should there should be smooth pavement all the way - no need to be able to drive thru zombies and piles of bodies or huge craters from the bomb blasts or need for bulletproofing from the snipers ...

    as far as all the constant BSing about a vehicle surviving an EMP or CME - you have bigger worries & probable SHTFs - and the possibility of either is astronomical - and if it's an EMP >>> worry about the bomb blast & radiation than tooting down the road ....

    if it's not a practical vehicle for your regular use - think about something else - or not at all - your regular daily driver well maintained will probably do nicely >>> put that $$$$ that's burning a hole can be used for something better ....
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2021
  13. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    CME will hose ya. EMP is vastly overrated for cars. Gov testing years back showed that most cars wouldn't even stop running during an EMP, and those that immediately restarted.

    Your comms gear and any other electronics connected to an antenna is most EMP vulnerable concern.The electric grid also. Still pretty devastating and you would expect a huge die off the first year.

    Details here: Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from EMP Attack
    Thunder5Ranch and mysterymet like this.
  14. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    My choice would be my 2015 F250 Super Duty 4X4... Because, it is what I have.
    Yard Dart, SB21, 3M-TA3 and 4 others like this.
  15. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Mines an '08, Super cab...shorter turning radius.
    SB21, Tempstar and mysterymet like this.
  16. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    95 Bronco with a 6K winch, fits in the receiver front or rear, and aftermarket 39 gallon fuel tank. If emp or cme takes it out, that changes my plans anyway and no need to go anywhere. My plans are tailored to specific events and most don't call for leaving. The mods are for everyday use and not BOV.
    As to the OP, if I were building a BOV, here's my list:
    manual 4 wheel drive
    fuel for 400 miles
    2 spare wheels and tires
    gasoline power
    quiet muffler
    oil, belts, hoses, and fluids
    steel winch bumper on the front and radiator spike in the rear receiver
    comprehensive tool kit
    camo paint in rattle cans
    Ura-Ki and HK_User like this.
  17. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Okay what do you have? I'm sure you want to brag a little and we like pictures?
    techsar and Yard Dart like this.
  18. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Has anybody seen a Mercedes 300D lately? Nope. They're almost invisible. Only thing people notice less is small agile enduro motorcycles. My highest priority in a BOV is that it goes unnoticed in a mall parking lot.
    Gator 45/70, VisuTrac and Ura-Ki like this.
  19. damoc

    damoc Monkey+++

    Reliable and Repairable preferably 4wd and preferably EMP CME resistant. Here is my 1962 Chev that I used to bug out from California in 2010. Not 4WD but still very good off road.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  20. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Looks a lot like a CB Radio to these eyes...
    SB21 and Gator 45/70 like this.
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