What skills could you offer to a survival group?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Pauly Walnuts, May 27, 2008.

  1. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    yup admittedly I'm more than abit of (what civilians call paranoid) about folks I haven't known for a while.call it 8years "counter intel residue(brain stuck in a loop)"...(been to any vegan potlucks lately "iloveronpaul"...???)
    Somebody's got to say it(Might as well be me : I'm used to being a fart in a spacesuit):IMHO This is the absolute wrong way to go about this...

    I "know" my neighbors...

    Hey Deborah who exactly are these (INTERNET?) folks who have knowledge of these caches???? Did you "vet" them as well as you "vetted" us????We have a word for this kind of operation:
    should you ever need to open one of these caches you will arrive to find an overweight blackwater guy sitting on the doormat with flexcuffs and snickers bar chocolate all over his face.urp...
  2. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    You know I' shouldn't be one to talk(haven't done any serious training in awhile) but stack that "will" up against I.E. Seacowboys weekly firearms training and tactical shooting training and I'd have to disagree.(Believe what you want but you're fooling yourself).[cow]
    beans don't grow them selves, though Tomatos seem to here, It aint all that easy...
  3. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Okay I'm a crabby bastid tonight, Deb you are basically advertising and advocating preparation for insurgency. Pretty sure that'll put you on a "no fly list" like yesterday....it may even be debateable in some circles whether its constitutional , I'm certain it would be considered "aiding terrorists" in any martial law environment. Please desist for your own liberty....
  4. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    Might be totally irrational, but iloveronpaul's ... introductory post sent up all sorts of red flags. As in, Mabus-on-slightly-different-meds kind of flags.

    [shrug] Maybe I just need a new beanie.

    Nawp, your beanie is just fine. Deb is now joined with mabus among the departed (not dearly beloved, either.)
  5. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    Had the same feeling, by the way, we have not heard from David for quite a while[dunno], maybe he was actually commited to the looney bin.
  6. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    OK, guess I'm going to get this back on track :)

    What I can offer to a group? Well, I'm mechanically inclined. I can work on small engines, computers (providing no EMP's have happened). I can build, work on pluming and electrical stuff (no I'm not "licensed" in these, I just have a working knowledge of them). I also teach a gun cleaning clinic so I have a good knowledge of many types of handguns. I reload, so I can pass that knowledge on to someone else.

    Don't know if someone would want me in their group or not, but that's about what I have to offer.
  7. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    I probably assisted in chasing her off,(poinsettia"?)..Perhaps she learned to be alittle more cautious, probably not...Just got a little ridiculous "lets all hide!! Tell me your hiding place and I'll tell other folks too."What with all the stories of link analysis and tracking soft ware going on; I wonder who/what kind of "cooties"she dragged in with "her". Follow her around for a week you'd have a pretty impressive list of boards and hangouts at no cost in man hours or burning the ".gov" Ip...
  8. homeshow

    homeshow Monkey++

    Ok as some members have mentioned and rightly so i will stick to actual experience.

    United States army. no overseas combat.

    own and practice distance timed shooting with AR-15
    proficient with AR mainenance

    self defence taekwondo, boxing and lots of weapon work.

    ASE certified mechanic, electrical low voltage specialist and brakes (2 years in dealerships and indie repair shop)

    6 months in a butcher shop (a real small town butchershop where we never threw anything away) i also have all my own butchering knives

    commercial fish processer and retail manager (i can cut everything from a brim up to a swordfish or 200lb. tuna) same knives as butcher

    home cooking from my own garden

    home gardener 1 season with out artificail fertilzers or pesticides.

    canning water bath and pressure canning. everythjing from jams and jelly to chicken stock and beef with bean chili.

    3rd. generation carpenter and master carpenter everything from concrete and rebar to setting windows and milling modings, cabinet making

    construction superintendant with a minor in all other trades i can build, plumb and electric my own home. i can and do solder copper pipes.

    salt water and fresh water fishing. cast nets, hook and line, traps, clamming. i also know how to catch aligators. (don't ask)

    yes the list of skills i need is a lot longer than the skills i have. i really want to go hunting with someone that is a hunter. everyone talks about how great it is. but does not offer to take you out. maybe they are afraid i'll shoot their favorite buck. not me i want a nice fat freezer doe.
  9. homeshow

    homeshow Monkey++

    and..... i made my first batch of soap today.
  10. Grant9908

    Grant9908 Monkey++

    I love how the post starter "borrowed" my original signature lol. I'm flattered though.

    Skills…skills…let’s see, not much really. In college I had to take a few ecology classes so I’m ok at identifying dangerous and edible stuff in the woods, and things that help heal. Umm……I don’t think my plutonium handling will help me much after TSHTF but. Really I’m very smart and actually a jock but no real skills to speak of. I do tend to pull groups together and get people to work together but that is more just beating illogical people over the head with enough logic, I’ve been told I should have been a lawyer lol. Anyway, I work long and hard and have no problem taking command from others as long as what they purpose is the best course of action for the good of the group. Lol, wow that last statement sounded dangerous, mob mentality-ish.
  11. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Since going from June of last year, I have recently discovered I am "out of patience", so that's not something a group would care to have, much less be exposed to!
    Maybe it's age? (Nah can't be!) But I sure have gotten crabby lately!
    I decided to see where I had changed, over the past few months , to determine what it was that has set me off, so to speak....I went thru a few emails...Lo and behold, there it was, the answer to my severely demented attitude towards groups.
    Not much has changed since: July/August of last year. Just a lot of promises, plans, basically: smoke screens!
    I did note that there was a change in people as some were added, but the same old same old continues on, from month to month....
    When there was 1 simple, but important change made, (communications radios/frequencies) there were no updates...
    Ok, so I'm a grumpy old fart!
    I had listed on a private website of their's, my qualifications, and skills, and levels.
    And there we are today, since June of last year......
    (end of rant)

    I personally think some people/groups, need certain skills and trained personnel, to handle certain areas/subjects, should they ever be required....
    Unfortunately, most people never realize the skills some bring with them, and they overlook those facts. In the end, all suffer from that lack of knowledge being put to use. Then, there are those "arm-chair" general's, that have absolutely NO concept of what they are doing, the people they recruit, and some are just flat out dangerous to all that would follow!
    And from what I have seen from 3 separate groups in Arizona, it's NOT getting any better by far!
  12. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I have never done anything related to combat.
    I have absolutely zero military experience.
    I own zero firearms and have no ammunition.
    I cannot use a knife of any type because I have arthritis and I am frightened.
    I love my television.
    My favorite evening television shows include a fair mix of minorities and humor.
    I like ice cream and rely upon air conditioning and my cell phone.
    I love Mtv and TRL is my favorite show.
    I wish I could go to the mall daily.

    How's that?
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Yeah, we know all that, but can you farm? [beat]
  14. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    [dunno] I ran a very successful ant farm when I was 12, SO THERE! [kissit]
  15. Grant9908

    Grant9908 Monkey++

    ants are full of protein so in essence, they are like little walking vitamins lol. SOUNDS LIKE A USEFUL SKILL TO ME! =)
  16. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Looks like he joined here 10 months before you.......
  17. cool hand luke

    cool hand luke Monkey+

    dredging this up from the depths, but I thought it very interesting. My skills

    I'm a civil engineer with a variety of experience. Most of my career I worked for some suburbs as a city engineer. However probably what will be the most helpful in a SHTF scenario is the year I worked as the base engineer for one of the large bases in Afghanistan. Almost everything we did was constructed by locals. These guys are living in the stone age and have that mentality. It was VERY eye opening to see how they approached our modern construction.

    That being said, my skill set
    Design and construction of a very large range of buildings and structures, including using concrete and simpler methods for ballistic protection.

    Design and construction of water and sewer treatment and piping systems ranging form from citywide to simple single unit well and septics.

    decent metal fabrication skills.

    pretty decent mechanic/vehicle modifier.

    competitive driving skills, both on road and off.
  18. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    You should also think about getting into earthship design. ;)
    Earthship Biotecture Green Buildings

    YouTube - Earthships 101 part I
  19. TXKajun

    TXKajun Monkey+++

    Ooo, Ooo, me next, me next!!! ohno

    I can be the best bad example ya'll could ever imagine! I could be da guy you point out to your kids and say "See, you better ___________, or you're gonna grow up just like HIM!" *said with that look of utter disgust!* :D

  20. cool hand luke

    cool hand luke Monkey+

    Wow, those earthships are very cool, and similiar to some of the things I saw in Afghanistan and wanted to talk about here. I think I'll write up a post to the effect of the medieval mindset that the afghani's have and how to apply it to our SHTF scenarios.
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