What would you do?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Hosster, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    We are on the SAME Page CC.... I just want Monkeys to know, if they should get in that situation, what their choices are.... The RULE is, and has ALWAYS been, "He who has the most, and or, the BIGGEST GUNS, always wins the Pi$$ing Contest." So the place to deal with such things, is in COURT, where we do NOT allow the GUNs, just slimy LawDogs.... and there, the Rule changes to, "He who has the slimiest LawDog, and the Constitution, on their side, Usually wins....." it is a much more Level Playing Field, than dealing with JackBoots, on your Porch. This is one reason, I live where I do.... No JackBoots, within 400 Miles, and the last 250 Miles is ALL Alaskan Bush..... If "They" want do Drone Strike "Me", and blow a Million Dollar Missile, to get it done, "They" can do that anytime "They" want.... ......
    VisuTrac likes this.
  2. RamboMoe

    RamboMoe Monkey

    Considering the circumstances, I wouldn't have had too much of an issue letting them search. Remember, they were searching for a killer on the loose. He was hiding in SOMEONE'S back yard. At the time, it may have been yours.

    Of course it is important to protect your rights, but there is a time and place. I think part of wisdom is knowing that. At this particular moment, there were bigger fish to fry.
    tulianr likes this.
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