What's essential for the bathroom? SHTF toiletries

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by allyn211, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    Your local pharmacy should still carry it. I know CVS pharmacies do.
    Ganado likes this.
  2. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    I love this stuff. Vet Supplies have it at about this price as well
    Prid Homeopathic Salve, 18gm (Walker Pharmacal Co.) - Penn Herb Company On-Line Herb Store
    black drawing salve, ichthammol ointment is made from sulfuric shale mixed with a carrier such as paraffin or beeswax. Sometimes, the ointment also contains other natural ingredients such as arnica, vitamin E or comfrey, which can further aid in healing.

    The ointment itself is black, which is why it is referred to as black drawing salve. It has a pungent, sulfuric odor that comes from the shale. A recent paper published by the European Medicines Agency reports that it is safe to use on animals intended for food consumption. Drugs online medical information resource reports no known side effects, although infrequently, people report skin irritation as a side effect of using ichthammol salve.
    Brokor, Dunerunner and Tracy like this.
  3. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

  4. vonslob

    vonslob Monkey++

    Walmart has drawing salve, Smile's PRID homeopathic salve, works great for getting rid of metal splinter is get from threading gas pipe and for taking out cactus spines. Great stuff
  5. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    My excuse to revive this thread =) thanks for that Walmart resource
  6. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    No shaving stuff. Don't want to looked well groomed and prosperous when you leave the BOL for any reason. Check out Diva Cups for feminine hygiene. I have three girls in my house and any alternative is too bulky to store and will run out sooner or later.
    Ganado and Yard Dart like this.
  7. tatiana

    tatiana On Hiatus Banned

    Hi, The diva cup is bulky and cumbersome. Many have described it as so uncomfortable. There is a better product called Instead soft cup. I have used it since I got my period and I can swim with it. Tampons are 20th century. This cup feels like you don't have your period and no leaks you can swim do gymnastics or whatever else you want. I couldn't live without it. Don't know how my mom survived with ancient tampons and God forbid those bulky diaper pads:) The soft cups are disposable but can be reused without a problem.

    something weird happened to my post. I would take baking soda which can be used as a cheap alternative to antiperspirant and is actually better because it is chemical free and is alkaline and neutralizes odor much better than covering it up. In addition I would put on my list white vinegar for cleaning the bathroom it is very inexpensive and does a spic and span job without harmful chemical ingredients. As a mosquito deterrent I use vics and I never get bitten anymore it\s also good for when your nose is stuffed up to just put a dab underneath rather than taking cold medicines. Finally if you do get bitten by insects witch hazel is the best remedy I found. For the bathroom I would also get sprayers for the vinegar and water cleaning solution and also for essential oil mixed with water if you like your bathroom smelling fresh. I like peppermint it's rejuvenating, wakes you up in the morning.

    Baking soda may also be used to brush and whiten your teeth and doesn't contain fluoride. I would also include multipurpose paper towels they are light and recycled brown in color and may be used for spills or as toilet paper. If you have any skin ailments apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy and something good to have on hand.

    You don\t need perfume but essential oil is nice to have to keep your bathroom and yourself smelling nice. There are all kinds of scents and it is multipurpose can be used as a spritzer to keep places smelling clean your safe place and also to be used on the body so it doesn't take up a lot of space and no one will be allergic because it isn't filled with the department store chemicals that make some people gag.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2015
  8. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Brokor, Yard Dart and Dunerunner like this.
  9. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Have to be very cautious and use it sparingly but I have aches and pains and the vet supplies are much stronger and 1/10 the cost and come in large amounts. Liniments, DMSO, wound salves, bag balm for chapped hands, blood clotting agents, disinfectants, etc are all found on the shelves. Don't mean that all Tractor Supplies have them, but a good store that specializes in horse stuff will.
    We can joke about it, but if you have a septic system, using 1 paperback book could destroy it. The system counts on the toilet paper breaking down and settling to the bottom. Part of the reason you have to pump the tank ever now and then.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2015
    Ganado likes this.
  10. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    Thanks for the first hand info. With three girls of my own and more expected in the group it is an issue I have to address and can't get much input from anyone except "I'm not using that thing!"
    tatiana and Ganado like this.
  11. tatiana

    tatiana On Hiatus Banned

    I wouldn\t use a tampon if you paid me after finding the soft cup previously called Instead. It covers the cervix so -don't want to gross you out but- you don't feel that disgusting dripping. It's life changing for women because you can do anything even swim as I do every day and that diva cup is HUGE I think you have to have had a boatload of kids to use it.heehee
    T. Riley likes this.
  12. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    Hey, nothing grosses me out, I've been raising girls for 33 years and still have two teenagers. Ordered Instead last night. There's going to be another discussion at my house about a subject which no one thinks is any of my business much less know anything about. Wish me luck.
    Ganado likes this.
  13. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    @T.Riley. suggestion on how to have this conversation? A little emotional blackmail goes along way.

    Something like this.

    So girls basically you are telling me that instead of using a reusable item that just needs washing you would rather pollute the environment with your stinky non recyclable tampons?

    Or whatever your version of this is in your house ;)

    You might have to drop the guilt bomb a few times but it will work
    T. Riley likes this.
  14. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Why is there deodorant in the bathroom? Or is my assumption that just because mine doesn't stink... [shtf]
    Ganado likes this.
  15. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    @Hanzo - I think we need either a new definition of stink or you need your sinuses checked. ;)
    Ganado and Hanzo like this.
  16. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Now you are making assumptions, @DarkLight... :rolleyes:
    Ganado likes this.
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