What's the biggest threat to our survival?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Ardent Listener, Aug 10, 2006.

  1. NY PRO

    NY PRO Monkey+++

    Throughout history...the biggest threat to anyone's survival was gov'ts. Gov'ts (mostly your own)have killed more people than anyhting other than disease. The last century alone, gov'ts killed well over 400 million people(including our own). There have been over 14,000 wars and over 3.5 billion deaths all caused by gov'ts. :rolleyes:

    The so called terrorrists aren't the real problem nor will it be the starving hoards in the cities. Both the terrorists and the starving hoards are created by gov'ts. The terrorists by our gov't sticking its nose where it shouldn't and the starving hoards by gov't trying to manage an economy with its phoney money and inflation(devaluation).:mad:

    So when your gov't tells you it's trying to keep you safe by stealing your liberties and your money via huge taxes and currency devaluation.......it has become a bigger threat than any terrorist ever could.

    But the gov't has done one heck of a propaganda job in keeping everyone focused on some new "enemy of the week" while they pick your pockets clean and steal your liberties by the truck load![violin] Until we recognize the real threat....all others are just eyewash for the TV cameras to keep the sheeple in line![no] :D

    Now you know what the poeple in Nazi Germany went through when Hitler scared them into surrendering their freedoms(and guns) by telling them there was a commie behind every tree! (Don't worry....the gov't will protect you.....it's all right!:unsure: )......Kinda sounds like here doesn't it?:mad:
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Religion is the greatest threat to our lives with Government following a close second. More people have been destroyed in the name of what-ever diety de jour than any other disease. It occurs to me that mankind is a warlike creature and if we can't find a reason to exterminate those that differ from us, we'll just make up an excuse. Kind a takes the place of natural selection.
  3. yonder

    yonder No Despot's Servant

    Religion is just the justification that people turn to for executing heinous acts in desperate times. It's just the symptom, not the cause.

    Note I take a very different view of religion vs. faith.
  4. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    hehehehehe... Soon as I started reading this thread, I knew you'd be here. Y'all gonna love it here. [stirpot]

    I saw this question before and I still say the biggest threat to my survival is death, by what ever means. That why I read and try to learn all I can about survival, it's about living. OTT, I say ignorance will kill most people when TSHTF for good. Then it's bend over and kiss it goodbye, cause it'll just be a matter of time for the rest of us left standing. No beam me up Scottie. Life sucks then ya die.
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  5. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    I also take a different view on the religion vs faith idea. Organized religion is just like valium for the masses, whereas real faith in something crosses all borders put up by 'Religion'. And yes a lot of the problems are caused by the government, though it is the pinnacle of stupidity when sheeple trade in their liberties and rights for a sense of safety and comfort. The government speakheads are only in power because people put them there. If we do not rein them in, it's no wonder they are doing what they will.

    As far as singing goes, I'd have to give it to Yoko OhNO as being the worst, though Paris comes right after. I bought the John Lennon cd with him and her singing only for the song Imagine. I did start to listen to the rest of it and I tell you it was the worst six seconds I ever spent. I clutched my hands to my ears while hitting the stop button with my nose in hopes that there was no permanent damage. :D
    Motomom34 likes this.
  6. NY PRO

    NY PRO Monkey+++

    Spoken as a true Marxist! Lennon and his wife were both Marxists too!:rolleyes:

    Religion is the only reason this country came into existence.(remember your history lessons?). Without it.....you'd be living in Europe....fighting the muslims.......instead of fighting them here! :eek:

    Lenin and Stalin(and Hitler) both said it too. Religion is the opiate(valium) of the masses. Typical statists....worship the state rather than God! This country will soon be history for the same reasons.....as all empires are! :D

    Judgement is here.....with corrupted money, foreign wars,sexual perversions of all kinds being socially acceptable.....these are the final signs of the end of all empires.[violin] We're doomed to mediocrity...then to finality.

    Hope you know Spanish or Chinese! :D
  7. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Thanks NY. Whoo, that was a close one. Finally someone shows up and tells me what my label is. I didn't realize I was so lost. I was a tad confused though, but now I know I'm a marxist. Yay for me. :D

    Okay let me further compound on my statements for those that can't decipher what I said. Organized religion is now in this day and age a valium for all the sheeple out there to make them feel safe, to make them except everyone as equals, to keep the boats from rocking. It is a vastly politicoed environment as opposed to the days of yesteryear. In this day and age the 'preachers' are not preaching the word. They are comforting. If you are wrong, in order not to alienate you, they coddle you and say it's alright. Jesus will understand.

    This is what has led to the downfall of religion and our moral compass. And to answer your question, this country was not based on Religion all by itself. It was based on the escape from a totalitarian religion that did not fit in to the actual beliefs of the founding fathers and what was taught in the bible. There was corruption in the church that exists to this very day and is even now spreading through America.

    From the bible we gained and were piloted by the moral compass and now that compass has become magnetized so it no longer points true. The cases of corruption, child molesting, politicking and coddling aren't in all churches where people of true Faith gather. Rather it is in the churches that hold to the Organized Religion as an 'only way'. A way that accepts all and hopes they will change instead of showing them that if they do not change they will surely be condemned for it. Most of the churches now who worry more about affiliation than getting God's word out are the definition of Organized Religion.

    Don't be too quick to place a label on yourself to go along with the crowd. 'I'm a member of an organized religion'. I am personally a member of an organized Faith. That faith is that we are God's creations and are bound by the laws set down before us in the bible. We should not worship the state or follow anyone that does not live their life according to the bible. Church is not a mandatory thing. To gather in a place with hypocrites, sinners posing as admin and others is not my idea of practicing my faith.

    I could gather in a dirty mechanics shop with two or three other people and worship God and be the none less for it. The 'Church' goes where the followers go, not the other way around. God himself has destroyed many a 'Church' where there was corruption and non-faith. To most of the populace, going to church is nothing more than a ticket to be seen in the eyes of others as good. It takes more than that.

    It is not a social event to show off your newest toys or spread the word of your promotions and such. It is a time to come together and shore up each other in the faith that one day all this that is wrong with the world will be wiped away and be made clean.

    So my points concisely are that Organized Religion and Christians are labels that have been used by many of the corrupt to bring sheeple to them in order to pass their agendas on to the masses. We all know what the meaning of 'Being Christ-Like' is and if you are kidding yourself into believeing that every day it is not being corrupted then your eyes are closed.

    So with all this being said and since you asked me, I will say this. My political affiliation to which I have figured for myself is that I am a Libertarian with a slight heading to Centrist and a Moderate Republican with a leaning to the Conservative side. That is my party, belief or what have you in politics. I am sure that if I looked up Marxist, I would no longer like you as having taken a shot at me.

    I do not speak German, Spanish or as you should more aptly put it - Mexicanese, French, Russian, whatever language the terrorists use or Chinese. I speak Americanese which is a diversion from the original Kings English of which I'm sure you are aware.

    I worship God and only God. I worship no statue, no state, no person or nothing. The one who created us all is the only one worthy of my worship and a mere mortal can never hope of attaining that much respect in my eyes. And if you can point where I have said I worship the state or some such other emblem then I would like to see it. I will close here for now, though if have to, I will come back and speak more on the subject.

    I will state that this for the record is not an attack aimed at you, it is rather a further enhancement on my short response to the topic of Religion being one of the downfalls of America. So if you take it as an attack, so be it. That is between you and you. Though if you now understand where I am coming from or my stand on matters then my words are not lost.

    I formally welcome you to the site and hope you learn a great deal that everyone here has to offer and share what you may know. However I would feel especially honored if you looked through my posts and found where my bearings stand before any attempt is made to disparage my character with such thoughtless slander. And once again, if that was not your intention then accept this all as just a rant. Those are my thoughts on the subject.


    Tailor Made Hell
  8. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Tailor Made Hell,

    Ya gotta get to know NY Pro, He really is a stand up guy, gets a little out on it when it comes to religion and politics, so keep that in mind. Y'all gonna love him when ya get to know him. LOL He lives the lifestyle of the true survivalist and knows a lot of good stuff. I got the idea for my outdoor boiler I use to heat two home with from him, so please give him a chance. FWIW, I invited him to join here when I found the forum and joined myself.

  9. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    The one thingI really enjoy about this forum is the diverse opinions without the rudeness of the morally superior. I am an athiest. Many here are Christians or jews or pagans or maybe even a muslim. I might not believe in your system of beliefs (faith?) but I will die to defend the right for you to believe in what ever the hell trips your trigger. And I believe most of the good folks here would as well.
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  10. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    You know I would.
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Put me in that lineup. Damn near did once already.:sneaky:
  12. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Sorry NY Pro - I have to disagree with your take on history. Religion was only one reason for the colonization of America. A more significant reason was economics. Don't forget that the colonists represented and were sponsored by the British business leaders. The goal for the sponsorships was to make more money. The colonists may have found emigration desirable for religious reasons, but even the religious leaders who emigrated were funded.
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  13. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    I thought it was to kill off my Native American ancestors and enslave the black people! hehehe
  14. poacher

    poacher Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Dittos. We are Americans first and foremost. I may not like what you do, say or act like but I'll damn well fight along side you to keep your rights. Hasn't the Geneva Convention declared Yoko's and Paris Hiltons music a form of torture?? If not I say they should.

    Take care Be safe Poacher.
  15. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Okay, now that I have some time to reply I will. I will take your words under advisement Trapper. I however felt that the way it was worded was enough to point to the fact that it was an minor attack on me, so I responded as I did. I just wanted to clear the air about my beliefs and let it be known to NY that I am not a Marxist nor do I dream of being one.

    I know that some people may be abrasive though when you make a statement like that in those words, it is not taken as anything other. The wording could have been different, example 'You know a true Marxist feels just like that.' or some such. Though to just label me as one just put me forth to expound on my statement and clear the air of any belief by anyone that I was or have ever subscribed to the Marxist theory, and yes I have read it and knew who were practionioners.

    Like I stated, it was not a retaliation against NY just a clearing of the air and putting my statement into more easily understandable words as I think that NY and maybe some others didn't quite see the fully extent of my words by the short phrasing that I did.

    I hold no grudges against anyone. I just wanted to make sure that I also got a say in the matter. And as far as your beliefs, whatever they may be, I will also defend to the death your right to believe, practice and act as they cause you to, unless you are causing harm to another.

    I will defend your rights against all comers as long as it is a peaceable belief. However if your beliefs belong in the same category as those practiced by the Taliban and other like associations, then I will do my best to make sure nobody, other than those of a terrorist ideal, come to harm.

    And I'm sure that all who know what I am trying to do in my life also knows this. That is all for now. Have an early morning. Have fun all.
  16. ghostrider

    ghostrider Resident Poltergeist Founding Member

    Tailor, I'm with Trapper, Sea, and Quig on this one. I will say something just to stir the pot, agitate, get the conversation going, that I may not truly believe, or to get a reaction. Some people are more fun to aggravate that others, although she will remain nameless.

    Stick around, I like reading your stuff because you put a lot of thought into what you say.
  17. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Tailor..., I defended NY Pro because I consider him a friend. I know how some of his statements come across. Notice all the emoticons he uses. They are there for a reason and not to make a personal attacks. Although I love his style, I am the diplomat when I post and will drop out or ignore some personal attacks. Nothing is really worth getting in a pi$$ing match over. Did you see the little emoticon I stuck in there of the guy stirring the pot? That's what he loves to do. I can't speak for him but I didn't interpret his post to be intended to be personal. FWIW, he did get you to look at your beliefs and think about what you said. I hope that helps. Stay cool Tailor, I like your post too, we all have our place.
  18. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

  19. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    :eek: E-Gads Quig, How did "Gun Kid" [sawgunner] get in here? hehehe, or is he the new security guy at the airport? LOL:lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Okay, I've learned my lesson. No more keeping the buttons on the outside. Haha. I didn't look at my beliefs, I just restated them for clarity. I didn't post anything that was contrary to them. They haven't changed. I know who commands and who follows.

    So I may have overreacted? Hmmm?

    And just for everyones information, I don't intend to bail on this situation. I am a lot tougher than I may let on. Besides, this isn't RL and if a non-RL comment makes me run for cover, then there would be no hope in a SHTF environ or anywhere else. I'm gonna be around for a long time. Haha.

    Quigley, you sure know how to lighten a room. Haha. That pic is so strange that I shouldn't wonder if he is hired down at the airport and will prod you along if you are too slow to get rid of your hair gel. That is if you don't cause him confusion by tossing him a doughnut. :D
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