Who will die first when TSHTF?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Seawolf1090, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Disciple

    Disciple Monkey+

    Truthfully, I do love my carrots, and Broccoli, and other things like that, Cokes at one time were a problem for me Now I drink maybe 4 20's a month so, I mainly drink water now and still am struggling, My wife had the Lapband surgery and is now 130 lbs.................. I have discussed this with three doctors whom are experts with the operation and with much Prayer have decided on this........This is my best shot to get down to where I need to be About 245 lbs. My family and I think its best for me to this and I agree, I have tried all the Diets, from Optifast(which gave me a bad Gall Bladder) to dexitrim, to just not eating but one meal a day. even if I'm getting adiquate exercise I vcant loose what I ultimatly need to, and with my Diabetes(type 2), Sleep Apnea, Acid reflux and other things i really need this surgery, After All I have A 4 yr old grandson to teach how to fish, hunt, and all around just kick butt.
  2. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Big hugs to you while you go for it. Don't forget to check into aftercare support. You might find it helpful but... maybe not. You're gonna do great! I just know it!!!
  3. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    To take a stab at answering the question to the best of my ability, The old and infirm will pass first, in spite of their families efforts at preserving them. It will become a matter of social triage. Diabetics and dialysis patients will go fast once the treatments become scarce or impossible. I believe that open war will begin between citizens and bangers and there will be heavy casualties on both sides and the lines will never become clear. Social segregation will begin with common interest but eventually morph into ideology, race, and ethnic groups. Tribal structure will begin to emerge and once again, the laws of natural selection that we have strived so hard to ignore will manifest. Some will find they possess great strength and fortitude that they never suspected existed and others that were believed to be strong will show their true weaknesses. The Gods will have a field day.
  4. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    My wife was bused to Baton Rouge after Katrina to dialysis patients evaced from New Orlean's..Nothing nice ..I hated it that she had to travel that far and work 15 hrs. a day...
    Best of Luck to You Disciple..
  5. Disciple

    Disciple Monkey+

    Thanks for the thoughts
  6. Dirty Bert

    Dirty Bert Monkey+

    I'm just a NG here but, sage advice from someone who knows. I will heed it. This gal is right on. My neighbor is a RN and she will tell you the same thing. Docs, Nurses, Firefighters, EMT's, Cops, will all agree with what she said.
  7. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    I'm 64 and diabetic. As for being over weight, only a little. I'm 6' - 210#. I do not drink pop at all, especially the diet kind, with its poison. I get regular health care check-ups including dental. Lay off the snack food, rarely eat out at a fast food joint. Try to keep my blood sugar under control and as my signature implies, I'm prepared to die.

    We all die someday, none of us will make it out alive. Yeah, those that are weakest will probably be the first to go, but in the end so will all the rest.
  8. Diddy

    Diddy Monkey+

    Umm, yeah we are talking about fat people here. And I watched this video long before it was posted here! :rolleyes:
  9. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    I love this woman - check out the back ground - she has got to be a hard core prepper - see the sack of jasmine rice! LMAO here - did I say, "I love this woman"?

    Okay, still watching - What was that about Wal*Mart and obese people?

    What was that? If you're like I am, they are going to get what's coming to them". [LMAO]

    Unarmed people make good targets - go figure! [gun]

    Debt is bad [own2]

    That was a serious video, but she made it almost funny. But, I always have had a sick sense of humor, did I mention, I love this woman?
  10. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Especially unarmed people on electric scooters. MOVING targets for leading shot practice, almost as good as skeet shooting, but in slow motion. . .
  11. Disciple

    Disciple Monkey+

  12. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    I have been glued to her videos most of the day, Got one of her medical kit videos downloading now - just popped in while I wait.

    In almost every video there is hints at how much of a prepper she is. Cases of filled canning jars stacked in the background, those big tubs setting around. Did I say, yes I did, "I love this woman". [ROFL]
  13. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Ok finally home where I have a good enough internet connection to download this...
    1,2 i agree.
    3 not so sure I agree with. There are a bunch of hippie types in VT that are also into firearms. There are also a bunch of yuppie types that are closet preppers. Actually from the people I know most of them with military experience seem to be at least to some extent. Also, not all yuppies are drowning in debt. Yes they may have big houses and nice cars but it does not mean they can not afford them. By definition to be a true yuppie you have to have a good job and good salary. Dont't be hating on the yuppies; they may be more useful than you think.
  14. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Where to begin?
    My "former" caretaker of my lands/retreat area/s is a diabetic, is obese and has a multitude of respiratory ailments such as COPD and ASTHMA and smokes like a wood stove. I did NOT know this before he moved out into nowhere Arizona.
    He is surrounded by nearly all the types she mentioned, with the exception of the Yuppies.
    Druggies: 2-3, Alcoholics: 2-3, SEVERELY Obese : 4, Mentally handicapped: 3-4 ( not the medical condition types either!) Welfare types: 4-6.
    Now with that having been said ever so bluntly.....
    The ages range out there from 14 to 70. Some are just plain lazy. Some are just nuts. Some are lunatics as far as religious fanatics, ( not your everyday type of Bible reading people, I mean the REALLY DANGEROUS types!) Most if not all, have weapons in any number of shapes, sizes, and calibers. The good thing is: most have little to no ammo! This is depression era living at it's finest. It's a different world and I can see maybe 2-3 survivng any real scenario. Now, they ALL live off grid right now. How they have managed so far, is beyond any real explanantion. They all seem to thrive in the most extreme conditions right now. No water unless they haul it in, and the nearest medical facility is over 60 miles away. The winters are cold, wet, snowy, rainy, and winds up to 50 mph. Until late spring and early summer that area is a mud bog! Some live in what you and I would refer to as an "outhouse" as it's barely 8 foot x 10 foot. That person has been up there for 3 years! Just recently he got a water tank, and put in one el-cheapo solar panel with 2 automotive batteries. How is it done? It's just that some can and do survive. I was amazed to see how they have done what they have.
    Compared to that person, I am a city slicker, a softy!
    Those that are out there right now may die, but considering they have been there for some years already, and pre-conditiohned to that lifestyle, I won't be betting against them. There is already a "pecking" order established, and as I am aware of their decisions made as to who will be "first to go".
    I have seen the abandoned sites where many came before and could not make the adjustment to that way of life. Those that are left there today are there for a variety of reasons....Most are dodging or hiding from legal issues already. A party all set to go! Many are what would be referred to as "scrappers", or to put it nicely: "thieves". They make NO bones about the fact that they would KILL anyone at anytime, if they felt you had something they needed. You can give it to them when they tell you, or, they will take it! Simple mindsets. Going in with the understanding of where you are headed is 90% of the battle. Considering that these people have a "habit" of bathing on "Thursday's" will give you some insight into their world. They were all aghast and amazed that I had somehow managed to shave and shower in my tiny travel trailer...and I was asked repeatedly how I could possibly have done that! The change of clothes ( to clean) was another thing they had trouble absorbing. You see, up there you shower or bathe once a week, or every 2 weeks, as needed, and a change of clothes is for when you go to town. Not necessary when invited over for a meal. That was a bit much and they almost took offense at me for that! I had to explain I was new guy and did not know the ways of survivng out there...Seems they frown on any waste of water, like too many showers, shaving more than once a week and washing one's clothes! ( only once a month!)
    So, yes some may die off, the sick and infirm that require constant medical supplies, food being delivered or people to assist them. But don't be so sure about some of those people. As I said above, I was truly amazed at what I have seen firsthand. People will "adapt"! Think of the real pioneers, those that lived in the wilderness many years back....Then you'll have some idea of these people! Hard as nails and they thrive in that high desert environment...
    Kind of makes me look childish if you attempt to measure who I am and have, against them and what they have already accomplished..... NO CONTEST!
  15. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    She seems to have a good grasp on the weak in society who natural selection will take first but I think she missed the first indicator. The first to die in large numbers will be the police and fire. More cops than firemen but because they are the first line of defense and the first visible government reps they will get shot by criminals and mental's first. And to make things better as the failure starts the nut bags will be let out or escape when no one shows up to keep them in.

    I think that when the rolls of cops hit 50 percent showing up for work or remaining it will go down hill fast.
  16. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    I may be in the 'old & fat' category, but otherwise generally good health, and I do NOT intend to be bugging out unless absolutely forced. I have limited ingress to the neighborhood, and clear 'fields of fire'. I have the National Forest at my back to fade into if the SHTF in a big way. Then the swamp.....
  17. ddowell73

    ddowell73 Monkey+

    I hear a lot of excuses...Fix it!! Healthy Body, Healthy Mind.. Being Armed doesn't mean you are able to engage the enemy. The is more to Combat and survival than "Having a weapon", and understanding the fundamentals of marksmanship.
  18. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yes, There is the Survival Mindset.... If you have it, you will have a much better chance to Survive, and if you do NOT, you will be among the first to go.... and FIRST on that list of things that ONE Must Decide, is "Can, and Will, I take a Human Life, to Protect MYSELF, and MY FAMILY"... If you say YES and really mean it, and understand the Consequences, of that Decision, then you are Half Way there... and if NO, then you had just better end it all, right then, and save your family the trouble...... Just my Opinion, and YMMV...
  19. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    Agreed! If you can't take a human life you might as well head off to the camps or surrender to the first people that show up at your place.
  20. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    Smartass in me says first to die are those who come after my chocolate supply. That aside, I know I could kill if necessary. Don't want to, but 'want to' is a luxury when you get down to it. No one I know who owns firearms around here for self-defense WANTS to hurt/kill people, they just know that them not wanting to hurt people doesn't mean people won't try and hurt them.
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