Your septic system for BOL cabin

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by hank2222, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    hank2222 likes this.
  2. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    It was done by the pro's who do it for a liveing who put the shelter septic in and they do this for a liveing and since it only me in my place and no one else there the smaller system is alot easlyer to fix than the larger unit...

    Plus give this fact about septic system and leaching fields most people do not understand the basic reason of why a septic tank came into beening was to break down the larger pieces of the waste to allow them to be properly dispose of as it was beening broken down in the tank before they went out to the leach field ..But if you ask a pro about makeing the leach field larger than normal one and grind up the waste before it get to the leach field where the field is only dealing with a small amount of solid waste matter along with the liguid matter then the leach field should be able to handle it .. ..

    How do you think major city stewage treatment plants work they do the same thing as a the grinder system does to make the water useable for watering lawns and other places by passing the solid waste through a series of grinding units intill the waste is no longer a solid waste and now all liquid matter for travel through the filtering system with a large pre-filter system to catch the solids that where not ground up ..

    Then the liquid is moved through a series of systems filtersto clean it and trap any large matter and filter it enough for use as class 2 or 3 grey water for lawns i think the standard class for this type of water ..

    here is a back up set up for the shelter with useing new leaching field technology to deal with the waste as it pass through the leaching field
    infiltratorandpipe. infiltratorcurve.
  3. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    and yes all water is comeing into the house is filtered with a three stage filtering system to catch the bad germs that is in the water ..
  4. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    Why do you think that the socalled pro's in the septic business do not want people to go outside the normal way of thinking about how to dispose of human waste ..Remember when the whole thing about compost toliets came out and all most every pro's in the business goes they do not work ..Ask any marine engineer about closed looped black water system and how they work and when getting to port and they pump there tanks out to local system or they dump them at sea after been haveing the waste ground up into super small lumps to allow them to break down more easlyer ..

    The problem with the world of the septic system and the people who put them in are not looking at the future to the next generation of septic system that can do more with a single system than the older units..

    Look at the newer leaching field techniques of makeing a leaching field longer than a normal field and wider useing diff system that will leach out the waste without going through a septic tank first ..

    The world is getting better at the disposal of the human waste and how it is handle from the toliet to the leaching field the future the toliets system will have bult in stewage grinders ..All ready in some of the other places in the world this system are beening used to control human waste comeing out of a house hold .

    The only thing i see that you can do is called above ground septic system that holds the waste intill you can pump it out on a regular basis ..that has to be a hard one there sir
  5. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    also look at the design of the septic tank and fields they have not change much in 50 years or so and that the problem for we are stuck useing old technology ..

    Yes there is some places like Hawaii or south Fl area where this system would not work in ..But the southwest is a stange place where you can get bedrock down to 500 ft before hitting water or go 100 ft east of it and hit water at 200.ft mark ..

    So each place has it own way to deal with how the human waste is dealt with
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Be very careful of that oversimplification and mis-statement. I designed and built primary, secondary, and tertiary waste water treatment plants for a living for quite a few years. That is NOT how they work.

    Sidelight, one of the projects was the Deer Island plant in Boston. IIRC, 350 million gallons a day. Not trivial at all. The smallest was 20 MGD, if you don't count septic tanks and small systems serving commercial operations.
    hank2222 likes this.
  7. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    Thats how it was explained to me by one person who was a health guy about they work about they go through a steps of filtering the waste out of the water as it goes from one tank to another ..He was trying to use very large technical words and then he broke it down in plain english ..

    The citys of around Az have now started that program where most of the public waste water is going back into the areas for use as a class something ground water to water the areas in front of the public building or golf course out there to help save water for future use ..

    Also you know that most of the company out there are not in mind set of changeing the system of how things are done and looking at new ways to deal with human waste ..They want to you the customer to think that they system that was design 50 years ago is up to date and really the best system when the we need to looking at ways to better dispose of the waste that we have instead of relying on the over worked and not keeping up with the area of public services ..

    You also know that when design most of the socalled septic system they are useing technology from the past instead of embraceing the future and move forward in home waste disposeal of the bathroom waste ..As the future and the technology is here to rethink the way we deal with the human waste on a household scale and not a public service scale system where it is pumped out to a pipe then it dealt with by the public system

    Look at NASA moon base design and they are looking to reduce the amount of waste that the base has to deal with and if you starting looking to bring that technology over to the public world and see it beeing useing in one every day life ..

    The biggest problem with new ideas of liveing green is getting the old world thinkers on board about useing green system to better deal with the waste that a household makes with green septic system and grey water system allready bult into the house for use as need ..
  8. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I am curious as to what would fail in a traditional septic system after the world has failed or TSHTF. There is not one component of a traditional septic system that would fail after TSHTF but you are advocating the use of a supposedly green technology that has an electric pump.

    How is that greener than a traditional septic system?

    You imply that burning human waste could give away your locale because of the smell or smoke. How about running a generator to keep your pump running after TSHTF. Wouldn't that give away that there are humans nearby. [dunno]
    hank2222 likes this.
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    The only thing I see that would require anything that would NOT be available to the local owner, POST SHTF, would be a Tank Solids, pump out, that is required every decade or so. that would be a Nasty JOB, to do by hand...... but could be done....
    hank2222 and ColtCarbine like this.
  10. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    On more than one occasion, I've seen septic systems go longer than 10 yrs. w/o needing to be pumped. Obviously, there are many factors that come into play as to how often they need to be pumped. Yummy, 10 yr. old fermented poop. If the tank had to be bailed out by hand, you would probably be wishing you just burned the waste. :lol:

    That must have been one damn good salesman.

    I guess the health guy knows more than you, you should probably go back to school and think about a new profession. :lol:
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Yep, they can go longer, even lots longer. My folks had a place in SoCar that went the entire 20 years they were in the house (newly built at the time) and it wasn't pumped until the house was sold when Pop moved south.

    Yes, new profession. Professional procrastinator. (Need biz cards to prove it. Hm. Put that on the list of things to do.)

    hank2222 likes this.
  12. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    The smell of burning human waste carrie's for mile's as the same as a person who smokes in the wood's the wind can carry the smell for mile's . Now where i live the smoke raiseing up from the fire could be seen out for miles . So it better to go with something that is not useing anything to give the prostion any in the long run ..Yes there are the socalled propane or lg gas power burn toliet that burn's the waste in remote area's and what happen's to the toliet and it system when the lg. or propane run's out ..

    The system is design to allow the person some basic creature comfort's in the long run use at the cabin at the BOL and you have to think about a simple basic system to use and fix in the long run with it simple part's in the three groups system ..

    the first group is the toliet and grey water and black water tank and the hand power waste pump set up with a bult grinder system

    the second group is the line out from the septic tank and the septic tank and the line out to the leach field area

    the third grop is the leach field it self and with new model system can be design to work in little areas for a single person to exlarge area's for multi member house holds in the area ..It just a matter of design of the system and someone who know the area to helping with the planning of the field and the septic system

    Here is my question for all those animal's out there who are crapping and peeing in the wood's and other place how is there waste beening treated ..It beening broken down over time and the earth is dealing with it as it reclaim's the waste as it break's down into the earth

    So how and what are you going to deal with the problem at the time ..

    The tank can be pumped out with a standard handpump design for the RV crowd tank pump unit and with two 100.ft long-x-3.inch round hose that screw togerther that can be ran out into a field right before a winter snow or doing the snow time to allow the solid waste to asborbed into the ground and use as basic fertlizer for the area ..

    The unit is a put togerther system of the RV and sailboat world's with a couple of piece's reworked to perform the fuction of pumping out the holding tank unit

    Each year pumped out is done in a diff area around the area with the time done in the cold weather to keep down the smell with the snow is on the ground or freezeing cold rain is also comeing down

    The hose can be flushed useing two 5.gallon sized bucket's of water after the tank is flushed out into the field around your place ..The hose are marked for use with the RV handpumped system in a orange and yellow paint mark's on the hose as it layed out to allow the home owner the knowage of the fact these hose are not to be used in any type of standard water system along with haveing two or four orange or yellow straps with the word's stewage hose on the strap's to remind the home owner what this hose are used for ..

    my system is design to be pumped out every three year's if it needs it by me useing a handpumping system or a honey wagon truck company ..

    Most people tend to not to think about some about some of the basic thing's in life intill they are not around anymore and then they freak out about them ..This way you have some of the socalled basic creatures comfort's in one life at the cabin along with keeping the wife and kid's happy in the long run over them not haveing to run out to the outhouse a in the morning in subzero weather//
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Hank, if you've seen one of these lashups yourself, tell me where. I want to see it for myself. So far, all we have is your description, and from that, I see lots of problems and nothing that would not be better done with a "traditional" system. I'd also like to see a link to the technical discussions by credible sources. On the other hand, build one and let us know how well it works.

    (Yeah, I know how those incinerator toilets stink, I've been thru the high country in Oregon where they are pretty common.)
  14. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    The hand pump is the standard bilge pump set up with large opening to allow the solid waste to be pumped out as it need..

    the bilge pump is basically reworked with fitting that allows the hose unit's to be screwed into the unit by the way of some basic jimmy rigging them to have them work with the a long 7ft long plastic hose that goes down into the septic tank and another fitting that been screwed into the one pipe that goes out into the field

    We did a basic test of the system and it worked as it was need and it was not pretty but it worked ..

    Here is something that i want to address and you have to see it this statement as one of the basic knowage of my area and what we work here ..

    The biggest problem with the socalled design of the survival shelter or home or cabin toliet system is the person is not looking at what is out there for them to use in the building of the toliet system

    All my system basically is doing is one the holding tank is full it beening flushed out and grinded down into smaller lump waste to allow the liquid waste to be pumped up and out of the place when it need saight into a septic tank of small design set up ..

    If the septic tank is damage or destoryed i can bypass the septic tank all togerther and put the waste directly into the septic leach field in it liquid form to allow me time to put a new tank system in place and switch over to the new tank in the end ..

    The problem out there in this area the septic system are beening over design and not really the most simple basic system that they where used to be ..

    The books out there on green waste treatment are number is the 100's it seams and alot of them talk about makeing the waste more of liquid type waste to deal with it or removeing the liquid from the waste to get some use out of it ..

    Plus my grew water from the laundry goes into it own grey water drainage system away from the septic tank unit for it design to be drained into a custom pit unit that has 2-7.ft deep -x-2.ft round PVC pipe's lined with diff sized peagravel rock's and sand as a filtering system to allow the once a week laundry washing maching discharge of the grey water into the pit and it goes from here back into the ground
  15. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    You seen a saliboat or rv toliet then you see my toliet set up ..there is no difference in them and my set up but with a outside line to the septic system ..
  16. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    Go to the website called /Construct-a-small-septic-system and see the set up there the only basic difference in my set up and there is i used a larger 300.gallon septic tank and small 55.gallon sized tank and a longer pipe out to the leach field and diff style of leaching chamber set up for the leach field something like this unit inside of the more tradition set of rock's and pipe's with the pipe running the length of the unit with opening in the pipe to allow the waste water overflow to leach into the soil and then it asborbed back into the soil over time as all thing's are ..if the link does not work go to wikihow and put in the seach engine the phase hw to contruct a small septic system and it should come up
  17. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    I built my house in 1985 and installed the septic system myself. 1,000 gal concrete tank from local concrete plant, and put in 300' feet of 2' wide trench with 4" plastic pipe and 2" stone, backfilling the trench with 12-15" of dirt.

    In 2006, I had a pump truck down the road pumping a tank that was on a rental house I built ( tank was already in the ground from a previous house trailer, and I was unsure of the condition.....was adding all new field lines, and just wanted to be sure I was starting with an empty tank ), SO I had the guy come pump ours at the same time, since the lid had never been off of it.

    What was in the tank was less than a foot of dirt/sand looking material in the very bottom of a 6' tall tank...after he got all the water and current "floaters" out.....almost not enough to bother with.....and I'll probably never have the tank pumped again, seeing that.

    That's with 2 people in the house, and all drainage water ( gray and black ) going into the tank.
    hank2222 likes this.
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